I Agree with Graham Hancock!? -Modern Myth Moment - I

Ok, before you type your strongly worded tweet or you decide to #cancel me please give me a moment to explain. As has been highlighted recently, archaeology has a problem with impact with getting the information out there. Perhaps there’s nothing wrong with the food, its just the service isn’t what you want.

With his new book released graham hancock appeared on the Joe Rogan show and obviously talked at length about his book, he made some salient points and importantly he tied himself to those ideas and that’s where I think we can learn something about outreach.




Music provided by Danny Boyle

Episode 2 : The Modern Myth of Nuclear Power with Martin Pfeiffer

Quick, Marty, we gotta save the world! From what!? From nuclear annihilation.

Perhaps not so grand, but in this Modern Myth episode we get to grips with the ideas behind nuclear weapons and the boogeyman of radiation, Martin Pfeiffer is a PhD student researching nuclear anthropology and loves going into musems to #LickTheBomb, (he tells us how their casings taste) and what it means to be an activist for denuclearisation of the modern world.

Resources for this episode:

  • Carol Cohn - “Sex and Death in the World of Defense Intellectuals.”


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Music provided by Danny Boyle

Episode 1 : The Modern Myth of Brexit with Kenny Brophy

Brexit, it's a word we hear all too often, no doubt we are fatigued by it. But in the cusp of its realization perhaps we should look how we got here. What helped create the narrative and  what information was drawn upon in order to make it seem that leaving the EU was the decision to vote for, at least for three majority of people.

I speak to Kenny Brophy from the University of Glasgow about his paper Brexit And Prehistory about the ways in which narratives were created and how people use symbols of the past to create their own narratives, and in some cases their own cairns.

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The Brexit Hypothesis and Prehistory - Kenny Brophy

Response to ‘Brexit, Archaeology and Heritage: Reflections and Agendas’ - Lorna Richardson & Thomas Booth



Music - Danny Boyle

Modern Myth

Alone at a Bar at 3am



ArchWorld I : Virtualistation For the Masses - Episode 49

Bring yourself online..... 

The HBO drama Westworld has entered its second season, dealing with a robot revolt and what it means to be Artificial Intelligence and by extension, human. All against a backdrop of America's favourite cultural setting, the Wild West. Tristan uses Westworld to introduce his multi episode series on virtual archaeology and the importance of thinking about representation of archaeology; do we want a fun and engaging history that allows people to explore or should we let people "peek behind the curtain" in order to be more honest.


Music - Danny Boyle

Holographic Overture

Alone at a Bar at 3am




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Archaeology News With an Edge.jpg

Supremacist Cheeseboard - Episode 48

Content Warning - Racism, Far Right Wing

Cheddar Man was only meant to be one data point within a wider data-set about prehistoric migrations into Britain. Instead the representation of Cheddar Man with dark skin sent the right wing blog-o-sphere into a media furore claiming conspiracy and bad science. And although its fun to laugh at white supremacists who make such a huge point of having direct lineage have to come to terms with a "black ancestor" - is this really the conversation we need to have? Surely there must be more to talk about when it comes to race, genetics and the representation of the past. 



Richardson, L-J. (2014). Understanding Archaeological Authority in a Digital Context, Internet Archaeology 38. 





Kevin Logan - (Voice) Person 1 + Customer


Michael Rowlands - (Voice) Narrator 



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Farewell Persephone - Episode 47

Archaeology News With an Edge

Today Tristan discusses and ruminates on death, funerary practices, and where archaeology fits into all of it.

Tristan’s views do necessarily reflect the views of the network or his friends.

Tweet at your own risk @anarchaeologist or email tristan@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com

Music Credit: All music in this episode was created by Danny Boyle
“Rědna Łužyca” and “Alone at bar at 3am” are both copyright to Danny Boyle – contact @OhDannyBoyle for more information.

Jason Lau


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We Are The Decay - Episode 46

Anarch-1 2017.jpg

Launching what he calls “The Archaeologist’s Manifesto” Tristan is back again (after another hiatus) and will be bringing a propaganda fuelled monthly podcast to your ears. Todays episode focuses on Decay and what that means in modern society – looking at how histories are treated and whether forgetting a history is as bad as damaging it for other ideological reasons. 
Tristan’s views do necessarily reflect the views of the network or his friends

Tweet at your own risk @anarchaeologist or email tristan@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com

Music Credit: All music in this episode was created by Danny Boyle
“Corpse Song” and “Alone at bar at 3am” are both copyright to Danny Boyle – contact @OhDannyBoyle for more information.

Jason Lau

End of Anarchaeologist - Episode 45

Hello Everyone, this has been a long time coming - I have decided to retire for the moment this show. It won't mean the end of my work here at the network, in fact I will be more involved behind the scenes. I have things change in my life which means I don't have the same kind of time to record. 


I will still be on Twitter and be available by email, so don't hesitate to contact me.



Music by D. Boyle

CIfA2017 #PTAC and a better Way - Episode 44

Tristan is talking nonsense again, from a hole smashed through the wall of a normal timely schedule comes another new format episode including your favourite clips of a fictional dystopia. Topics covered in this episode is politics, being at CIFA, future conferences and perhaps touching on a better way of communicating archaeology.



Sessions recorded at CIFA2017

Thanks to Doug Rocks-MacQueen - @Openaccessarch

We strive to achieve standards – to be do better archaeology.

The “manel” and the CIFA response and E&D Group response

You Can Do it - Episode 43 - Anarchaeologist

Today’s episode trials a new format of the Anarchaeologist podcast, now on a monthly release schedule (adhering to anything wouldn't be very anarchistic would it?).  Tristan talks about getting involved with projects and taking part in the world, and more importantly why everyone should feel at least they have some chance to do something worthwhile. A special recording is provided by Dr. Chloe Duckworth a.k.a. ArchaeoDuck. And for the first time on the network we hear from the 5YR Leader and his opinions on archaeology.



Archaeoduck – YoutubeTweeter

Anarchaeologist – Tweeter


I Vouch For Poucher - Episode 42

Back in January, I spoke to the wonderful Cath Poucher, who runs the CPD Hertiage Blog and is part of the CIfA Equality and Diversity committee. In this conversation we discuss Stonehenge, Archaeological Twitter, being visible online and what its like to leave archaeology as a career.

 Recorded in a 'dungeon' In the Bodleian Library







We Will Be the Decay - Episode 41

Today's episode is an attempt to take on the #Archmanifesto "The Archaeologist's Manifesto" - a political slice of archaeology. In this episode, Tristan talks the new Stonehenge tunnel, why the past is important and why the discussion about what we support in history through the allocation of resources. Shout out to Evelyn on twitter who answered the hashtag #archmedia (@dingledodie77) 

Science, Certification and Chris Webster - Episode 37

Joining together in an all too rare occurrence, Tristan and Chris tackle the use of science in CRM archaeology. Since both podcasters arrived to archaeology from science based backgrounds, it was important to establish how that may have influenced how Chris views his field projects and how this became an inspiration for the Professional Certification for Scientists, a new learning website dedicated to bringing knowledge and credibility to those who work in the field or in the lab.



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The world has gone mad! At once decrying the death of heritage in the middle east by terrorist hands and then squeezing in the end of archaeology in the uk as we know it. I, the anarchaeologist, will topple the tyrannical narrative and try show the other side of the argument and why archaeologists over the uk are worried.



UK Petition

Social Media

@Anarchaeologist - Twitter IG


Palmyra Must Fall - Episode 35

"The Echoes of the Past speak louder than any voice I hear right now" - Farewell Mona Lisa, The Dillinger Escape Plan

Words that have much meaning in today's iconophilic traditionalist society where the comical giants of politics saunter around proclaiming that simplybuilding 3D scanned monuments will somehow undo the damage done. Well don't hold out for any sympathies, because what the Palmyra reconstruction shows is that monumental heritage is more important than people.

If there are unjustices and debate in the public sphere concerning the past then let us as archaeologists not shy away, let us challenge the status quo, let's bring humanity back into the centre of archaeology.

He's not Dead, he was only busy - Anarchaeologist - Episode 34

Guess who’s back with a brand new track, Tristan opens his first line of attack; pointing out his inability to hold to his own schedule. In this episode the Anarchaeologists meanders through the last few months including talking about the Hidden Heritage Conference in Dorchester and the CIfA conference in Leicester, mentioning people he’s met and things he has picked up. Sorry about the delay in releases, I will catch up very quickly, there is a lot of people on my pod list right now.



Scarf http://www.scottishheritagehub.com/

ADS http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/

Internet Archaeology http://intarch.ac.uk/


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