Documenting Fragmented Remains and Data in the Cloud - Ep 106

Paul and Chris discuss an article from SAAs Advances in Archaeological Practice about using a database designed in FileMaker for documenting large skeletal collections. We also talk about your data in the cloud and what that means.


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Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick Two - Ep 105

Today Chris and Paul talk about a fairly well-known concept in technology circles called, “Good, Fast, Cheap, Pick 2.” What it means is that often you don’t get all three in something you’re using. One of those is always sacrificed to make the other two work. Well, is that true? Are things that violate this principle? Let’s talk about it.

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Reconstructing a Lost Town with Edward Gonzalez-Tennant - Ep 104

Edward Gonzalez-Tennant is a GIS and open source digital archaeology expert. We brought him on to talk about GIS but the conversation quickly turned to his work at historic Rosewood - a predominantly African-American town in Florida that was destroyed by riots and the Rosewood Massacre over 100 years ago. EGT is using digital archaeology and traditional methods to reconstruct this town so visitors and descendants can know what it was like to live in that area at in the early 1900s.



Integrating Aerial and Underwater Data for Archaeology - Ep 103

In a recent book chapter, linked below, the integration of underwater and terrestrial archaeology was discussed. It got Chris and Paul thinking about those two spaces and how they are linked in the archaeological record. When seas fluctuate sites are buried and revealed and thinking about them together can help archaeologists interpret the past.


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Digital Site Management with Michiel Kappers of InTerris Registries - Ep 102

Chris interviews Michiel Kappers at the 2019 Society for California Archaeology meetings in Sacramento last March. Michiel runs InTerris Registries, a digital site management software with a lot of power. Learn more about it and how you can use it on your next project.

