00:00.00 ALEX Hey everyone welcome to another episode of archaeo animals the podcast all about zooaraeology I'm your host Alex Fitzpatrick and with me as always and this is part 2 of a bit of a. 00:12.87 S_ Granarius Simmon of harlanga. 00:19.88 ALEX Teeny tiny minieries we we were doing and then we took a little break because you know holidays and whatnot. But we're back and we are going to look at the zoo archeology of myth and legends but more specifically we'll be focusing on. Greek Mythology technically probably Greco -roman ecause simmona is here. But you know we'll see what happens. 00:45.70 S_ Granarius Ah yes I guess this is the Zoooe with the podcast about the archaeology of animal bones except for when it isn't which which which is a lot and um, but yeah I guess it says Greek mythology this month um 00:54.20 ALEX Which is most times but. 01:03.20 S_ Granarius Guess we heavily hinted at on our previous mythology episode because it's something that will clearly apparently I really love. But it's something that Alex actually studied. 01:14.60 ALEX Yeah, well you know I mean studied is a big word but we figured you know last episode. We did norse pathology and this episode we would tackle another pretty well-known pantheon of mythical creatures and who knows if you like these episodes let us know on Twitter or whatever and we'll do another one because. A lot of mythologies out. There isn't it and realistically we could probably do a whole podcast about them but hey we will run out of podcast episode ideas at some point so you know we'll go back to the well for that one. 02:00.42 S_ Granarius But a please absolutely just send your suggestions to that. Even the ones that we already covered covered like norse and Greek we're probably gonna leave out so much stuff. Because of course it's it's a 1 hour format there's only so much a greek mythology you can cram into it. But. 02:17.83 ALEX Oh yeah, for sure and this kind of episode I'm trying to draw from back in the old days when I was a classical archaeologist for you know, four short years and then decided that I hate pottery so much. But. Did a lot did a lot of Greek mythology. That said I am going to mispronounce every single name in this episode. So my apologies my apologies I I'm just bad at pronouncing things. We're all just going to have to get used to that anyway. 02:44.98 S_ Granarius So same. 02:57.38 ALEX Might as well do a very brief review of Greek Mythology again like Norse Mythology I think a lot of people know it. Even if you're not necessarily culturally close to greek culture. You kind of get it through osmosis. You know it's one of those pantheons that. Is kind of just picked up by pop culture realistically so oh yeah. 03:17.30 S_ Granarius Because like yeah, there's so many references in literature and pop culture anything from books Films Anime Just you know. 03:26.20 ALEX Oh yeah, exactly video games which we won't go down that path because we spent basically a whole year last year doing almost exclusively video game episodes. We're we're coming back. We're going back to antiquity baby. So yeah, ah. Brief review of Greek Mythology like norse mythology you have a pantheon of gods and goddesses as well as your demigods your demi-goddesses your moral beings, etc, Etc, Etc ah 03:57.21 S_ Granarius Yes, look again I think that that the list will be endless just this year just various various immortal beings of many short term forms. 04:00.16 ALEX What there's a lot. 04:05.62 ALEX Various yes and literally in many shapes and forms so you're ruled by Zeus the god of thunder and also the god of being the worst the manchild trend continues you know other notable but. 04:21.40 S_ Granarius Look you know we but we had we had odin in the previous one again is also like King of King of the Manchildren So his seriously makes yeah makes a very interesting parallel there. 04:25.30 ALEX But yeah. 04:29.35 ALEX Yeah, very common. Yeah, although I would argue Zeice is probably the worst like for ills we won't get too much into it. Ah. 04:40.60 S_ Granarius Um, I mean du yeah. 04:48.90 ALEX But other notable deities you have aries the God of War Hermes The Messenger God Hades God of the Underworld Poseidon God of the sea aphrodite goddess of Beauty Athena Goddess of wisdom Yeah, you know those are like. 05:05.27 S_ Granarius It goes on of course then you have like all of the roman equivalents to those oh should I ah ah um ah Zeus would be jupiter aesis mars hermes mercury hades. 05:06.19 ALEX The big ones right. Oh go go for it. go for it Simona let's go yes yes yes pluto 05:23.39 S_ Granarius O pluder. That's the one and Poseidon is now blanking that you ok that there is a fountain in my hometown called the fountain of Neptune and it's literally a direction of poseidon. Ah. 05:30.22 ALEX Neptune. 05:35.31 ALEX These are they're all planets too Simona they're all planets. 05:41.28 S_ Granarius Ahronitus is Venus and Athena again, it's Artemis. No no. 05:43.92 ALEX What is a minerva hard. No Artemis is another Greek goddess isn't is it minerva and an artemis is Greek but her equivalent is Diana. 05:53.74 S_ Granarius Think so. 06:01.71 S_ Granarius Oh because the the goddess of the hunt. Yeah. 06:03.74 ALEX Yes, no yeah, oh okay. 06:04.79 archpodnet I yeah art mrs Diana sorry it's just you yeah I was I was trying to quickly type for the rest of it. So I think I kind of got them here. 06:18.15 ALEX Oh just a disembodied voice spoke is that is this? Um, just as annoying see look at. 06:24.87 archpodnet I Know there's nothing to do with me. 06:29.21 S_ Granarius So I just spaced out there because I was just thinking in my head or how funny would really be that instead of Ariss would say the we said the God of War was Cratos and see how much um of much hate mail again. 06:39.21 ALEX In a ah. 06:42.20 archpodnet And right right? we promised. We wouldn't keep making this a video game podcast right? come on. that that's that 6 minutes come on you could do better than that. 06:52.17 ALEX This is our our new Year's resolution was to not be a video game podcast. Although I'm sure we will be a video game podcast at some point this year 06:59.55 S_ Granarius I have never made any such resolutions. This was made without my prior agreement. 07:04.62 ALEX No okay Simona will make it into a video game podcast I am trying my best folks I am trying my best. 07:15.20 S_ Granarius You know Iss the new Year you've brought in your horizon. So I thought switch from you know, like ah the game where like oh every Timeibvona mentions the Romans he'll be oh every time Simana makes a video game reference. 07:27.90 ALEX Okay, well for folks out there playing bingo you might want to change your your space ah to Simona makes video game reference for those of you playing along. Ah anyway. 07:42.49 S_ Granarius Ah, obviously you know like so the brief it's not even you know the entire Greek pantheon that we just mentioned here because it's a very simplified version of it as well as um, many of the gods are well multi but not multifunctional. But you know they they represented a multitude. 07:59.73 ALEX 1 god many uses. No. 08:04.73 S_ Granarius You know they've represented a multitude of things and embodied various ah values all into 1 um, very petty shell. Um. 08:15.17 ALEX No yeah, same. It's kind of what we've talked about with the norse pantheon as well is that you know we obviously have these very um, distinct things that we associate with the gods but it wasn't necessarily just that clean cut. They were often the gods of various things. Ah, multiple things in fact and of course especially when we get to Greek Mythology you had cults. Ah the mysteries things like that so you had other kind of offset offshot shoot gods. And you had different cults of gods which would look at god slightly differently. It gets very confusing I feel like at some point some gods were subsumed into other gods over time and speaking of time. Ah. 1 of the interesting things about Greek Mythology and this is something we've talked about in our last miniseries when we covered the zoo archaeology of different time periods and ages is that Greek mythology is actually broken up into different mythological mythological ages. Ah, by Hessian ah so you have the golden age whichronis is kind of the original ruler of the universe humans freely mingle with deities that new. Yes. 09:38.86 S_ Granarius I Guess F white I like crois is meant to be a Titan Well whicher of the the Yoton Oh oh Parallels for my good my anyway carry on. 09:47.60 ALEX Ah, yeah, ah you have the silver age kronus falls to Zeus humans are destroyed by Zeus for not worshipping the deities that sounds familiar as well. It doesn't that sometimes to other things. 10:02.93 S_ Granarius Oh. 10:06.56 ALEX The bronze age violent warrior humans are fighting amongst each other Ah then you have the heroic age the period where most of the kind of hero stories occur. So the stories at thebes the stories of Troy all those kind of other mythological. Legends that we know about who aren't necessarily gods their stories take place at this point and then you have the iron age which is kind of the modern age of you know, modern for the time age where these stories are being told and the deities have forsaken humans. So. 10:45.76 S_ Granarius Just like that they're just so done just like oh not Gotnna bother with these guys anymore. 10:46.39 ALEX That's nice. 10:51.32 ALEX Yeah I get it I don't blame him I guest in some ways. Ah but it's interesting I Love that that it's broken down into different time Periods. It's that concept of time period being. Something so old as well. Obviously we still do it to the point that you know we use that kind of terminology like Bronze age and iron age in our own archeological work. 11:17.60 S_ Granarius The unrelated Bay has only just occurred to me that we missed out my favourite God ephestus je which I had to look him up cause said how do you pronounce that in English is her. 11:25.15 ALEX Oh of course I'm actually thinking about that I was like oh we could have done like you. 11:36.29 S_ Granarius Was like okay or that's how you call him. So just that one me, um. 11:36.60 ALEX Has faceus. 11:40.54 archpodnet Wait Heostus or am I seeing it now differently am I saying I thought it was heosus always but Tomato tomato indeed. 11:43.62 ALEX Is that I always heard it has faceus I'm American so you know we all pronounce things differently. 11:53.21 S_ Granarius Addiction. 11:59.79 S_ Granarius I'm a nonnative speaker to me is effo so ba. Yeah, but God a fire lives in a volcano just cool. Yes, how how original. 12:07.66 ALEX Yeah Vulcan I think in the Roman Yes see I got I got something out of my classical archeology degree I remember the mythology stuff and I don't remember anything else. 12:24.34 S_ Granarius Um, how about you know mythology depicted on pottery. 12:28.60 ALEX Oh don't even get me started I don't know if I've ever told the story on the podcast but there was a day where I really realized I didn't want to do classical archeology and I was sat and we were sat in lecture and the professors going on and on about pottery. They just kind of said out loud. Ah, hate Pottery just couldn't take it anymore. My professor was like you know I wrote the book this book that we're really talking about on pottery and I was just like I hate your book that was a fun I was a fun student. 13:02.43 archpodnet Yeah I you know I've actually done this as well. But with like geoareology I was like oh I didn't really think much of geoareology when I started and I still don't at the moment I like literally the lecture of for Ge Archeology is like snaty behind me and I would just Like. Um, it could get better I felt really bad. Yeah, like ah soil stuff. 13:22.21 ALEX You say geo archeology oh oh okay I couldn't understand for a second yes hot hot take ah I also found that boring. Ah. 13:30.27 archpodnet Um, Geo Archeology the archeology of geos. 13:40.95 ALEX Ah, you for some reason most of my friends at my master's program were doing Geo archeology. 13:46.20 archpodnet And it wasn't fascinating. 13:49.62 ALEX Yeah, much love to those people who do that. 13:54.57 S_ Granarius Excuse What would it cover like soul formation processes and all that jazz. 14:01.32 ALEX Yeah, something like that. Ah, so all that physics stuff I don't understand it I don't know anything. 14:13.58 S_ Granarius Hashtag I don't know anything. 14:15.46 ALEX Hashtag on on anything is that it's truly the kind of you know thesis of ah this podcast. But yeah, no, um, like norse mythology your mythology has a lot of. Intermingling with deities deities turning into different things different people people being turned into different things. So there's a lot to talk about with regards to kind of the zo archeology of the Greek Mythologies there's a lot of. Different creatures. But I think the fun thing about these creatures is that for the most part, a lot of them are just hybrids. 14:55.12 S_ Granarius Yeah, for the most part? Yeah well because also you do tend to have a lot of ah you know, sort of a intermingling of a God between God Gods and Mortals gods and various animals waters and various animals and just yeah. 15:08.60 ALEX And people with various trees and yeah, that's a big one. Lots of lots of things turning to different things I believe Zeus once turned into like a like a cloud or something something something. 15:11.36 S_ Granarius O trees as well course. 15:23.44 S_ Granarius For as you do. That's that's a Tuesday afternoon 15:27.92 ALEX Something extremely ridiculous like that. Um there's a lot of that going on there and I think we'll get into it once we get to our next part of the episode. But I think 1 thing that's also really interesting is that a lot of these kind of creatures are probably. You know descriptions of actual animals that people found as they you know obviously the Greek ah the greeks traveled outwards and may have ran into different creatures that are not native to greece so it's interesting to kind of see the mythological creatures that were probably just like. Some person ran into a weird looking snake. 16:09.60 S_ Granarius Next I guess and then also through sort of um, we're not quite gossip and then someone goes somewhere like really far away out in a voyage. They see something and then the tell the tale when they come back and then. 16:20.84 ALEX First yeah. 16:25.70 S_ Granarius That person tells it to someone else and then someone else and then someone else then it turns out being simply this wildly just odd looking monster thing and that it was probably just some animal or like oh I found a weird bone and then just create a whole mythology based on that bone which is what we do. 16:40.81 ALEX Which yeah, yeah, and and to be fair I Believe at some point down the line. We may do a ah full episode on those kind of stories because I think it kind of ties into the zoar archeological. 16:43.69 S_ Granarius I guess. 16:57.78 ALEX Idea of how we find these bones we look at these bones especially creatures are extinct and we kind of think about the way they were when they were living these people of course did it to an extent. That's a bit more mythological and fantastical. But you know. 17:15.53 S_ Granarius Well because think about how like our scientific illustration has changed over the last century so like see like how the dinosaurs were depicted at the turn of the century versus now very much. 17:19.47 ALEX Man. 17:27.39 ALEX Yeah, they're just birds all right? Well I think we will take a break we will ruminate on the things that we just discussed those hard hitting things. 17:34.47 S_ Granarius Um. 17:43.52 ALEX And we'll start looking at some of these classic mythical creatures.