00:00.00 archpodnet All right? Welcome back to the final segment of the architect podcast episode one seventy three and Paul has been basically crowdsourcing a lot of great information through our member services through past guests that have been talking which is how you really should do this nobody has the answers themselves. But we also got some really cool information from a listener to the show that has done some of his own stuff and I think Paul's going to introduce that right now it's a very detailed email with some diagrams and stuff I think we'll try to include. Some of his links in this in these show notes as well because he's got some pretty good explanations for what he did go ahead. Paul. 00:35.97 Paul Yeah, so this came Kav out of the blue I wasn't expecting it but it was it really brought me great joy to get this email from ah from listener in Marcus. Basically he's a hobbyist a technologist an amateur genealogist and it brought me joy because it was it wasn't. Directly anything that we're doing but it was somebody expressing their own creative process and scientific process and cultural historical process and bringing all these together into a space. That's very much adjacent to what we like on this podcast. Um, so basically his his problem his his project his. 01:08.17 archpodnet Yeah. 01:14.82 Paul The issue that he was dealing with was he was trying to do genealogical research on his family and and a lot of his family is buried in rural graves that are otherwise unmarked and so he wanted to map these um with a drone but also he wanted to get precise rtk. Ah. 01:31.38 archpodnet Yeah. 01:33.44 Paul Positions on on these these graves and as an avocational researcher as somebody that was doing this on the side. Not not writing grants not doing the stuff like we do. He was doing this strictly as a hobbyist and decided that he. You know from what he'd read online. He could roll his own rtk system and I had never even considered this as a possibility but he sent me a bunch of links and sent me down a rabbit hole for a few days of ah of yeah while I had a million other things to do. Thank you very much. Um. 01:53.25 archpodnet Yeah, nobody go. 02:10.24 Paul Of trying to learn about how this all worked and basically he was using a couple ublocks development boards and ublos makes a bunch of different Gps chips for hobbyists and for other projects you know they they usually sell their chips to other companies to roll into products. 02:26.46 archpodnet E. 02:29.83 Paul Ah, so with these couple of ah Ubox Ub blocks developer boards and software and external antennas and a laptop and a cell phone and such he rolled his own rtk that he used on this project and. 02:45.42 archpodnet Um, yeah. 02:48.18 Paul Again I had no idea that this is something even possible. So for under a thousand dollars. He had a system that he had the pride of of developing himself of putting together himself. But then of course the generosity to share the ideas which was really really cool. Um. 03:04.69 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 03:06.20 Paul Yeah I shared that email with you because he sent it to me initially and and we were both just kind of floored by the the detail of it. But also that Wow this is this is stuff that Sparks people's interests that you know I've seen a lot of because I am. Kind of adjacent to the the maker space World I've seen a lot of different projects but I haven't seen many that just go full in on something that is cultural historical like this and technical and roll your own. Um, so I just wanted to share that I'm going to put links. 03:30.16 archpodnet Oh. 03:38.99 Paul To a couple of the different articles that he shared with us. So in case, any of our listeners want to give this a go. Um, you know he deserves credit for bringing this to our attention. It did also kind of throw me like I said it threw me down a rabbit hole. So I decided to do something kind of funny and this isn't rtk at all. But I took. I've got a bunch of raspberry pis around I took one and I got the simple little sub $20 Usb Gps Receiver and and a little bit of Python scripting and a good capacity battery pack with a with a built-in. 04:01.75 archpodnet M. 04:13.28 Paul Um, solar charger solar panels and I've decided that I'm going to when I get to lagosh I'm going to which will be next month I don't even think I'm going to be on another recording before I leave. Um, yeah, we're going have to work around that um I'm just going to mount this on on a tripod over the site benchmark. 04:22.50 archpodnet Oh Wow yeah. 04:31.49 Paul And just let it run for two days and collect data and and then do a weighted average of all the points based off of their ah the dilution precision I mean I realize this is extremely naive the way that I'm going about it. But um I'm just curious what two days of data collection with the Gps is going to look like and how accurately I can I can find our. 04:44.55 archpodnet Yeah. 04:50.85 Paul Site benchmark I mean in in my experimenting at home after even half an hour it zeros in very very accurately at least in the horizontal on where I've left it as compared to you know Google earth images so you know again, thanks to Marcus not just for sharing this thing but then for sparking this other idea. 05:04.25 archpodnet That's. Yeah, that's really cool I love when we get interaction from listeners like that and we'll definitely include some of the links that Marcus sent over to us. He had some inspiration from a paper he read and he also sent us some diagrams of his setup which is just really really cool and well thought out. 05:25.86 Paul Yeah I mean really I'm I wish I had his level of of tech ingenuity and expertise. But um, but what else can I say I was floored. It's It's really cool. 05:26.70 archpodnet Very awesome. 05:38.28 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's neat. This leads to what we were mentioning at the beginning of the show and we mentioned on a couple of past shows and I've actually posted this on a few social media sites for the for the apn we want people to come in and. You know, tell us what their tech challenges coming up on a project are or maybe if you know what your solution is or you think you know what your solution is for an upcoming project come on to the show you know bear all to the ah to the audience and to Paul and I and say hey this is what we are doing on this project. This is what we're trying to accomplish and this is what we're using to do that or if you. Don't really know fully what you're using to do that. Maybe there's some holes in in your process. Maybe we can help fill those out with just our knowledge or we can have a listener help out because our listeners have a lot of knowledge about this stuff. Yeah. 06:27.76 Paul No absolutely. They are far smarter than than me and probably you two. Ah. 06:33.56 archpodnet Me too. Yeah, definitely yeah, so all right? you know I wonder if ah man I wonder if starlink works over in Iraq because it'd be a good thing to have over there for that like high-speed internet right there but you said internet wasn't too much of an issue for you guys like at least where you were staying. 06:47.59 Paul Yeah, absolutely yeah, we had internet at the house and we've got decent cell coverage. So you know mobile internet on our phones works. It's not great and the power isn't great. So the house internet. 06:53.15 archpodnet Right. 06:59.76 archpodnet Sure sure. 07:06.63 archpodnet Yeah. 07:06.71 Paul Drops out whenever the power drops out but you know it's much better than it than I would have expected and that's good because a lot of what I'm going to be doing is dependent at least some extent on having you know internet at for at least part of the day. 07:19.49 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, indeed all right? Well I think that about wraps up these topics for this podcast again. Let us know and hey it sounds like I need to do some interviews for the next month so if you do anything cool contact me. Ah, since Paul's going to be in Iraq I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about when he gets back from there but contact me Chris at http://archaeologypodcastnetwork.com and let's just chat about the the fun things that you're doing. You may not even think that it's a ah heavy. You know tech. Project or something like that. But every project these days has a pretty heavy tech element. It would be fun just to talk about the process. You know what you're doing and you may think you're not doing anything special but you might inspire somebody else to do something based on what you're doing because maybe they didn't think about it because we can't all think of everything and as we've been. Shown time and time by our time and time again by our listeners and and other people commenting on the show. You know we don't have all the options you don't have all the options all the all the ideas all the ways that you could do something and and it's nice to just hear about that and get it out there. So. But a lot of projects starting up here in the spring and people starting to plan for that. Let's have that discussion chris at Http://archaeologypodcastnetwork.com and happy to tell anybody about my starlink experiences in more detail if you want more information gives us a little black box from starlink so all right. Well Paul any final thoughts on all this stuff. 08:46.76 Paul Ah, not at the moment but I'm sure I will because again this has been a lot of fun getting this feedback. Um, yeah, we do get feedback but this was just a ah good like bolus injection of of different great ideas that that. 08:52.77 archpodnet Yeah. 09:00.91 archpodnet Yeah. 09:02.77 Paul You know bounce around in different directions and have kept me distracted from all the things I need to be doing but joyfully. So so so it's great. 09:06.56 archpodnet Indeed Yeah, all right? Well thanks and if we don't hear from you on the podcast again before you get back from my rack have a good time there and as I said I'm sure we'll be able to talk about all the successes and. Hopefully not too many failures but there's always a few you know some things work Some things don't and it's always a little bit of an experiment but I'm sure it's going to be an interesting experience. Either Way. So Thanks everybody and we'll see you next time. 09:24.28 Paul M. 09:34.40 Paul Take care bye.