00:00.00 archpodnet Welcome back to the serum art podcast two 47 and I feel like the None segment was just kind of useless because well Andrew wasn't there. Welcome Andrew are. 00:09.59 Heather Ah cheese please do not feed the monster Chris she with. Ah. 00:09.96 Andrew Kinkella Everyone and and I I know I concur concur I mean hopefully people can fast forward to to now you know. 00:17.54 succinctbill Ah, ah, ah, ah her. 00:19.17 Heather Oh my goodness. 00:19.62 archpodnet Right? right? We'll put a we'll put a note I'll put a note in the intro that says just skip to like minute 20 because that's when Andrew shows up. So yeah for the for the right for the for the and kellites out there all the ah. 00:25.87 Andrew Kinkella Please please do if you could agents and managers are telling you to do that right now who that's right, That's right? Yeah, but. 00:26.80 succinctbill Are her. 00:27.84 Heather Oh Faith. Just. 00:38.38 archpodnet Yeah I don't know what your fan club is called. But anyway so for this way. Well, it's a slipper slope. 00:38.52 succinctbill Ah, ah. 00:42.17 Heather Fan Cluber Cult It's more like a C that's anyway. Ah. 00:44.60 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, yeah, yeah, that that is a harsh term heather that is a hard term. 00:49.55 Heather Ah, yeah, it's you know if the shoe fits Andrew. 00:53.91 succinctbill Ah. 00:55.80 archpodnet That's right, that's right? Well Heather ah, he's only here because you were like you know his his head of his fan club and that's why he's here. So. 00:59.58 Heather I Know I know I know I'm definitely seeing the error of my ways I'm a slow learner. But. 01:01.93 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, let's that's right, That's right, Ah good. All too late. 01:08.71 succinctbill Um. 01:10.92 archpodnet Oh man, all right? So on this segment I think we're going to focus on ah on like recipes and what you can actually cook and and part of that reason is for anybody listening to this and I and I mentioned it in the intro but we do have a ah completely different None segment so stick around for that. It's an interview with. 01:18.78 succinctbill Um. 01:29.81 archpodnet Current register, professional archeologist president Trish Fernandez about the new rpa safety corner I interviewed her just myself just ah, a couple of weeks ago and we're slotting that in right here because it's a it's a good time to put that in so stick around for that. But in the meantime, let's talk about recipes because we we have in our show notes. Bill and ah Heather's put some things in there too. But there's a lot of good stuff that you can look at lot of gear you can look at to go by but all that gear is completely useless if you don't know what to cook with it right? So you can have all the fancy gadgets you want but you're like how the hell do I use all this to make something delicious and nutritious and and also the other big problem is. 01:57.41 succinctbill Um. 01:59.17 Heather Yep. 02:07.59 archpodnet You just got done doing ah you know twelve miles of of hard survey in the desert and you got home and you're staring at all this equipment going shit. There's a Mcdonald's across the street I do not want to do this right now. So how do you? How do you mitigate that right? How do you? How do you handle that? Um, so take it away. 02:16.40 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah, yeah. 02:16.80 Heather And yeah. 02:18.33 succinctbill Ah, ah yeah, yeah, yeah I mean I can I can start with the easiest breakfast right? And here's the breakfast conundrum Sometimes you're leaving the hotel before they put out the free breakfast I mean that's just all, there is to it like. 02:27.17 archpodnet Whoever Wants to start? yeah. Oh yeah, yep. 02:35.82 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 02:37.42 Heather Yep. 02:38.80 succinctbill If you're leaving if you're in Arizona I know you're in that truck at like None if you're not then you're whoever's running that thing is crazy because why would you be waiting in the summertime for the sun to come up. That's the opposite of what you want to do and at you know four 45 they probably don't have the full spread of you know, whatever they've got right. 02:39.88 Heather Ah, here. Yeah. 02:44.17 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 02:48.30 Heather Yeah. 02:49.49 archpodnet Ah. 02:57.72 succinctbill So if you can negotiate and have them put out the breakfast sooner. That's great, but that 4 am to None a m shift probably only has None person at the hotel work in the front desk and that's a lot of work to put all that food out so you got to figure out what you're going to do for breakfast and the easiest one that I used to do was just get ah. Tupperware of oatmeal that already has the like whatever you know, whatever fixings like I'd put cinnamon and nuts and like you know, raisins and other dried fruit and then also if you you know if you're interested put in ah like powdered milk and just have it in this. Tupperware that you can shake up and get all the stuff shookn up peanut powder and everything and then just scoop a certain amount of it in your ceramic bowl and boil water and then just heat it up and cover the bowl with you know, either the lid of the pot or some other kind of lid or something like that so that the steam stays in there and makes the oatmeal. 03:34.30 archpodnet M. 03:52.39 archpodnet Yeah. 03:52.42 succinctbill And then just eat that like that was the easiest way while you're you know, make your lunch while you're waiting. That's like the easiest meal that you'll get burned out on oatmeal if that's all you ever do, but it's It's one that you can I mean when you get home if you didn't eat all the oatmeal. You still have delicious oatmeal and you can put in the cocoa powder like Swiss mist for. 03:53.62 Heather And. 03:53.73 Andrew Kinkella Right. 04:11.99 succinctbill Sweetening and flavoring and then you've got this oatmeal that's ready to go when you're at your house too. 04:12.11 archpodnet Ah, real quick on the ah breakfast vein My wife found this really good recipe. We were making this just at home and we do it R ving now too. Ah, it's ah the overnight omeal recipes where you you put the you use like the. 04:29.74 Heather A skier and. 04:31.55 archpodnet Um, she did it in the little single serving like yeah like mason jars and God she made this one that had like ah it had oatmeal. It had like peanut butter and I think we put a little bit of like cocoa powder or something in it at least in mind I Really like the the peanut butter chocolate kind of thing it really just adds something to it and then I think there's like. 04:33.73 succinctbill Move. 04:40.85 succinctbill Um, yeah. 04:51.50 archpodnet I Don't know some kind of milk or something in there too and then it just sits overnight and it's good for a few nights too so you could make it like a bunch of those and just bring them with you and you eat it cold. There's no heating up. There's no anything you just literally pull it out of the fridge and eat it in the morning and it's freaking delicious. So yeah. 04:52.87 Heather No. 05:03.73 succinctbill Yeah, that grave for where it's hot. 05:04.52 Heather There there are people that yet my mom my mom used to do that. Ah even eating at home because she was a health nut or I shouldn't say what she still is and she would put Keferr and kefer has it's the enzymes. So it's it's actually good for your system too. 05:06.61 Andrew Kinkella Right. 05:08.49 archpodnet Yeah. Yeah. 05:15.13 succinctbill Um, her. 05:22.44 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 05:24.70 Heather So you know you're eating something that's helping you I'm I'm not I'm I'm sure people are listening that know the word but I can't think of it but you know when you have those enzymes that are helping your gut work the way that it should and so you know, um, she would do that with oatmeal all the time I didn't first. Yes, thank you. 05:34.96 archpodnet Sure Yeah is that probiotic. Yeah I just thought of it. Yeah. 05:34.97 succinctbill Um. 05:36.45 Andrew Kinkella Right. 05:41.72 succinctbill Yeah, yeah. 05:43.86 Heather Thank you I was blinking I never was crazy about the flavor but some people love it. So I think another um option or another thing that you know this is all about preparedness and I'm like the worst one when it comes to this kind of stuff like I do not prepare like I should. 05:48.70 succinctbill Um, yeah. 05:52.42 archpodnet It. 06:03.15 Heather At all I'm getting better as my body's getting less forgiving. But um I think knowing ahead of time where you're going and what's going to be available is key. Um and then taking advantage of what that local area has so if you're on the coast I mean a lot of times we're not but. 06:04.31 archpodnet Me. 06:10.49 succinctbill Um, yeah. 06:22.80 Heather If you are on the coast or you're in you know in an area that has fishing you know, getting fresh fish and using acidic fruits to cook those fresh fishes. You don't even need heat to cook the fish so you have things like saviche or poisan crew which is a Tahiian version with coconut milk and everything. Um. And so you know using natural ways of cooking also smoked and canned mas dried food fruits and um, that sort of thing are those are really good ways of getting nutrients in without having to cook if you're really limited but I am personally I I love cvj so. 06:45.68 archpodnet Oh. 07:00.59 archpodnet Yeah. 07:02.80 Heather Um, and it's really great people eat se each and they don't realize that that fish is not cooked at all. It's cooked I mean it is cooked but it's cooked by the acids in the fruit right. 07:07.86 archpodnet Um, it's acid cooked. Yeah, yeah, that's crazy Andrew. 07:16.34 Andrew Kinkella Okay, yeah, well None I think that heather brings up a great point of um, using what's there wherever you may be going ah and my system that I used to have kind of works on that and I'll just tell you guys a little about about my system it rotates on having a cooler. 07:31.10 archpodnet Ah. 07:34.86 Andrew Kinkella And a bunch of tough work containers you know and so what I would do is I would cook something big like right before I left because usually you're you're going to a job that's not that far away like you were staying in a hotel. It's like 3 hours away right? It's not like two days away usually right and so you get there and. 07:50.71 archpodnet Right? rent. 07:54.26 Andrew Kinkella And you cook like something big that you leave in the cooler and for me, it'd be something like rice and beans and I just do like a ton of it. You know and then I'd leave leave it in the cooler and then transport it and then hopefully there's a a refrigerator of some kind in the hotel room If there's not you can still have it in the cooler for a little while with ice. Um. 08:11.10 archpodnet Um. 08:13.29 Andrew Kinkella But the stuff I would make would be really basic things and there's this book called good and cheap eat. Well on four dollars a day. Um by Leann Brown yeah and it's it's a pdf so we could you know I could find the link and we can put the Pdf. 08:19.90 archpodnet Um, nice. 08:21.50 succinctbill Oh My God I Love that. Awesome! so. 08:30.10 Andrew Kinkella And I love it because it's just it's making simple foods like it. It shows you how to cook even just like a chicken sometimes you can like a basic baked chicken you can make that before and then put it in the cooler and divvy it out in the tupperware containers you know over the over the next few days um other 08:37.64 archpodnet Who. 08:44.78 archpodnet Um, yeah. 08:48.50 Andrew Kinkella Tips and tricks to augment that I used to do like the fruit trick you know bananas I ice eat bananas all the time you just bring bananas you can keep bananas there apples oranges and grapes. You know you can keep those there. Those are always better than a donut or a hamburger. Um, the other thing. 08:56.56 archpodnet Ah. 09:03.32 succinctbill Yeah, ah depends on the plays. 09:04.10 archpodnet Um I don't know better but they're healthier. Um. 09:07.56 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, but exactly the other thing I would say that we we brought up we brought up Mcdonald's Earlier and when you're there you you can eat kind of not horrific at Mcdonald's I mean they have oatmeal you know? um. 09:08.53 Heather Name. 09:13.84 archpodnet Yeah. 09:19.65 succinctbill Um, yeah, yeah. 09:21.73 archpodnet Fit. 09:24.56 Andrew Kinkella And Egg Mc muffin is not horrible like an egg Mcmuffffin is not nearly as bad as you know like a ah big Mac with extra cheese so you can you can watch your health at a um fast food restaurant. 09:30.85 archpodnet Red. 09:31.82 Heather True and here. 09:31.88 succinctbill Her. 09:37.98 Heather You know I think oh go ahead Chris I was just I was just gonna say you know you made a really good point Chris in the last segment about um people getting in this mindset of being in a hotel and being on vacation and you know when you're out there and you're working hard that coupled with. 09:38.70 archpodnet Um, yeah and I go ahead other no go ahead. 09:57.72 Heather Now you have this kind of vacation type mindset you want to treat yourself. That's 1 thing you want to do like I've been working hard I want to treat myself so one way of doing that is to to do it with little bits. Don't do it with eating out every day go to the local artisans you know good and and support the local ah bakeries. 10:02.66 archpodnet Um, yeah. 10:15.51 archpodnet Yeah. 10:17.59 Heather And buy little things from them so you get that treat you get to enjoy something. That's really home cooked but then had that as a supplement don't have that as everything that you eat and that will save you money. Plus it'll keep you healthy. No. 10:27.64 archpodnet Right? Yeah, indeed go ahead Bill. 10:28.64 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, yeah. 10:33.31 succinctbill So then the next question is what about lunch because that a lot of times lunch ends up being the most problematic when when you have breakfast or dinner you're there at the hotel room with your stuff. But when you're in the field. You don't So what are I mean. 10:36.59 archpodnet Um, yes. 10:41.30 Heather Lanet. 10:47.50 archpodnet Um, yeah, let's let's. 10:49.94 succinctbill My my favorite of all that's like doesn't require any refrigeration is peanut butter and jelly like you can't go wrong with that and then you know ah fruit If you've got it but also a lot of times I bring like chips or nuts or something like that for the salt. Just. 10:53.33 Heather Okay. 10:53.81 archpodnet Um, yeah. 11:01.57 Heather Yeah I might tuna fish. Yeah. 11:02.88 archpodnet Yeah. 11:05.63 succinctbill Crave salt and sugar and so sometimes I will even bring candy and stuff out there like sour patch kids because I want candy or I mean gatorade if people if if they're crazy enough to leave me with the gatorade mix I'll make it so thick that it's almost like syrup just for the sugar like I don't feel like I'm getting really. 11:18.50 Andrew Kinkella Oh that is that is what the joys of life does. Yeah. 11:22.70 archpodnet Nothing. 11:23.20 succinctbill It It makes you it makes you thirs or I think you get thirstier when you drink gatorade That's just me So if I'm going to drink it then I'm going to make it like super sugary and of course I have coffee like I just drink coffee all days until I can you know until I run out of coffee. 11:27.90 archpodnet Um, that. 11:27.13 Heather And. 11:34.68 Andrew Kinkella Um, right. 11:36.90 Heather Um, I feel ah a parse ringing. Yeah. 11:36.11 archpodnet Um, yeah. 11:39.59 succinctbill So yeah, my lunches a lot of times are are those really simple things, sandwiches and stuff ah keep the tomatoes separate because it always gets like soggy right? Your bread just gets soggy and nasty. But they're good to eat out there sometimes I'll just eat a tomato. 11:45.23 archpodnet Yeah, soy. Um. 11:46.31 Andrew Kinkella Um, right right? up? yeah. 11:52.11 Heather Right? I I bring things separate and then put them together or I'm not a big eater in the fields because for some reason I Just it doesn't my tummy doesn't work well with it. So when I whatever I eat I like I stare away from anything Dairy I'm not lact to. 12:03.89 archpodnet Yeah. 12:09.42 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 12:09.81 archpodnet Sure. 12:12.13 Heather Tolerant but I just for some reason it doesn't sit well with me and then I eat I Love the tuna fish in a bag but you do have to be careful about that. You don't want to eat that all the time but you know canned canned. You should be canned and now we've gotten smart as a society. 12:18.35 archpodnet Oh yeah, that's good stuff. Yeah. 12:30.36 Heather And you know we put things in you know containers that are not as you know that are more environmentally conscious but are also easier like you know you know just rip the pouch and eat it. But ah to me I separate things and either eat them separate. 12:37.48 archpodnet Um. 12:47.25 Heather Or I put them together if I actually want a sandwich but I usually bring it out separate and put it together in the field. 12:48.27 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, nice. 12:51.49 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, ah, Bill Bill basically eats exactly like I do like Bill what you describe that's like exactly what I do and I do find that over time though. Um, the 1 thing I kind of crave is like a salad and I'm not even a huge vegetable guy. 12:55.62 Heather I. 13:06.16 Heather May I. 13:10.57 Andrew Kinkella You know, but but over the days I'm like I just need oh my god I can tell my body's telling me I need like some spinach or something and and I've I've found that those like vauns salads like grocery store salads you you get those in the little in the little plastic bowl. You know, um you buy him like 3 for ten bucks 13:18.42 Heather Ruffage. 13:24.96 archpodnet Um, yeah, um. 13:28.33 Heather Buy those long time. 13:29.70 succinctbill Um, yeah. 13:30.14 Andrew Kinkella So those are really good to take because you know you don't have to make a salad in the morning. It's pre-made and you just take it and they'll store. Okay, especially if you have your cooler with ice. You know in your hotel room those will store for you know they're not going to go bad Super super fast. So. 13:40.67 succinctbill Um, yeah. 13:44.99 archpodnet Yeah, well I I'll give you 2 but go ahead. No well. Yeah I will yes. 13:46.93 Andrew Kinkella Those I found really make me feel better if I bring 1 13:48.50 Heather Here. 13:49.60 succinctbill Yeah, and another critical thing. Oh go ahead? Well, another critical thing is is the containers you bring your stuff in those like tupper wares and stuff because for the longest time you just bring a tupperware with a rubber band around it. But then liquidy stuff. 14:05.50 archpodnet No, no yeah. 14:08.17 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 14:08.18 succinctbill Can get out in your backpack or whatever if you don't have a cooler but now there's these awesome ceiling. Yeah, there's these ceiling ones with a rubber gasket around it that are like waterproof. They're pretty sweet. 14:09.78 Heather Not if it's real tupperware. Yeah, hey well the actual tuppware the actual tupperware does not do that if you get real tupper. Yeah. 14:15.99 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, and before we move on to ah quick or quick dinner suggestions I got 2 kind of out of the box lunch ones real quick. 14:22.21 succinctbill No. 14:33.36 archpodnet 1 of them is pretty easy and I don't really do this anymore because again I think you know as your body changes. It doesn't like suit you too well to eat certain things during the day for heavy survey, especially without bathrooms nearby. Everybody knows what I'm talking about but ah. 14:42.97 Heather A a. 14:47.90 archpodnet Anyway, a quick thing you can make at home before you even go out into the field is like a really quick pasta salad you know with either you know, spaghetti or macaroni or something like that you could literally put that and like ah like you make the pasta you cool it you so you rinse it and you cool it put it into a gallon ziploc bag. And then toss in whatever else you want with it. You can put in some other veggies. You can put in like ah even like a salad dressing like some sort of a sauce or something like that and you eat it cold right? But you just use the bag to like mix it up and then leave it in the bag and then you could transport that you could you know put that into smaller containers to obviously take out into the field if you want to and you can literally just take a spoon. 15:21.60 Heather Ah, here. 15:21.57 archpodnet And eat it out of the bag and then and then there's like no waste. There's no container to to carry back. You can reuse that ziploc bag you can get the silicone resealable bags. That's what we have here. Um in the Rv to kind of reduce our zipploc bag usage. Yeah oh yeah. 15:31.97 Heather Add add smoked meats Add Gerbonso beans protein. Yep. 15:40.32 archpodnet Yeah, whatever you want? Yeah and and it's a really good quick and easy thing to make you can literally make this thing like 15 minutes right as long as it takes to boil pasta and mix stuff together. You're done and then there's little prep in the morning as far as you know transferring it to like a smaller container to to bring out of the field. And then one other really out of the box thing and I've only done this once or twice when we were working down in like toapot Nevada in like the winner and it was just sideways moving snow and we're out there in the survey and we're we're taking lunch down in a prospect pit just to try to get out of the weather and I had my jet boil with me and. Did 2 things None on like break I had the french press attachment for the jet boil. So I'd make like a hot coffee on my jet boil at break like sitting in a prospect pit and that really went over well and then also soup right? if you take those. Remember I told you the frozen soups you can just toss that down into the jet boil put a little water in there if you if you don't want to um, get your jet boil dirty and you just want to eat it out of the bag. It'll just cook in the bag or if you can rinse it or something or just clean. It later to be honest with you when you get back to the room just do that but having something hot during the day is amazing. Of course you got to. Be careful where you're at because you might not be able to have like open flames or something like that. But there was literally snow on the ground and snow coming around when not snow on the ground. It was like blowing snow that kind that doesn't really stick and just annoying and you know like ° so that was really handy. We're nearing the end of this segment I want a quick. Dinner item from everybody like a recipe something you can either make in your hotel room or prema and bring with you. So let's let's go around the horn and do that go ahead? Heather you're on the spot none? What's your what's your dinner choice that you brought with here or you made in the hotel room. 17:15.64 Heather Oh cheese you have to come? Ah well um, for me I I think having canned foods that you've. 17:30.53 archpodnet Me. 17:32.88 Heather Taken like I Love gardening so in the offseason canning some of the vegetables he've used and then just a good marininara sauce which is actually very easy to make ahead of time or you can even can it and having that over Pasta or some kind of protein. 17:50.55 archpodnet Yeah. 17:52.50 Heather To me is homey and it it just it tastes good and so that would be my suggestion. Yep. 17:54.90 archpodnet Sure not, that's good. That's good. What about you? Andrew. 18:01.00 Andrew Kinkella Well for me dinner would be the one that I didn't want to spend any energy on because that's the one where you get back to the hotel room and honestly, that's the one that I would go out. You know if there's any every so often I would treat myself to a dinner but on the flip side when you're just like. 18:08.99 archpodnet Ah, you wiped out. 18:17.13 archpodnet Theilla. 18:19.79 Andrew Kinkella I'm in my hotel room and I got did I just need to eat I have to say that like tortillas are magical things and I used to just like take tortillas and put honey on them and roll them up or take tea tortillas and put peanutriter on jelly like Bill was saying earlier but tortilla form those are so easy. 18:32.60 archpodnet Um, yeah. 18:34.43 succinctbill Yeah, yeah. 18:37.93 Andrew Kinkella And so when you have no energy. You can just make those roll them up and you're like there you go. 18:37.99 Heather And hey yep. 18:41.16 archpodnet Yeah, nice. Well I'll I'll give one next and we'll let we'll let bill close it out with his dinner item because it's his topic today. My quick one is is really again for colder environments I think this is really awesome if you do have an instant pot or a crockpot or something like that. 18:42.27 succinctbill Um, yeah, yeah. 18:58.69 archpodnet You can often just like wake up 20 minutes early do some preparation maybe the night before and throw all that stuff in and set the timer and when you get home just to the the smells of something amazing that was cooking. You didn't have to do any effort for and it's really just ready to go when you walk in the door. It's gold. 19:05.76 Heather Yes, amen. Yes. 19:08.83 succinctbill Yeah. Um, yeah, yeah, those those crockpot meals I mean that definitely takes the cake and also what rocks about that one is you can communicate with the other people you work with. 19:14.34 Andrew Kinkella That's a good one. 19:16.90 archpodnet It's good. It takes a little prep but it's worth it. 19:22.44 archpodnet Ah, yeah. 19:29.81 succinctbill And 1 person make the croc one day and then someone else makes it the next day you know what I'm saying so you don't even have to actually cook every day you can come home and someone else in their their room. They have one? Yeah yeah, you know for me I always I was a fan of those you know. 19:32.99 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah, that's a good idea all right. 19:50.14 succinctbill Prepackaged curry packs and so you know if you have ramen or if you have rice you can make that in the hot pot and then when you're when you're getting the water up to boil to cook the noodles or the minute rice or something like that you can heat up the trader Joe's curry pack and then just put that in your bowl and you know you you have. 19:50.58 archpodnet E. 20:03.83 archpodnet Um, yeah. 20:09.67 succinctbill Rice or noodles with curry on top like that was the easiest thing that I I remember making because dinner like you know Andrew Once again that's the meal that I always wanted to go out at. However, when you get there and everybody's taken a shower and it's taken like 30 minutes and now all of a sudden you don't have the energy to even want to go to the restaurant. 20:24.21 Andrew Kinkella Right. 20:26.55 succinctbill That's where now you now you can cook in your room and just make some something simple. 20:26.86 archpodnet Brett. 20:30.24 archpodnet Yeah, nice, nice. all right guys well thanks for all this this has been really great I hope he gives people some good pointers again. Check out the show notes. There's a lot of stuff. We didn't talk about that are in the show notes it might be some good ideas for you guys to pick up and then one of the things I didn't mention. Is how to find recipes. Ah my friend Richie who we do a livestream a lot of weekends. In fact, we're doing None right after this recording? Um, so if you follow apodnet on Facebook you can see us go live on on a lot of Sundays not every Sunday but anyway Richie is a big one for cooking and he says he gets a lot of his tu. Ah his. Recipes off of like Tiktok you know, social media and I see a lot of quick stuff coming across like Instagram and things like that as well if you look for the right hashtags and things you can find some really quick recipes and I I wouldn't say you're going to get the recipe off of that. You know the all the cooking instructions and everything you might you might get a link to it. But it's a quick way to just flip through and say that looks tasty that looks tasty that looks tasty and then find out how to make that and and do it in your hotel room or prep it ahead of time. So with that I think we'll end this segment and again segment 3 is going to be an interview with Trish Fernandez president of the register. Ah, professional archeologists about their new safety corner so stay tuned for that. We back in a minute. Okay so I'm going to leave this rolling for the outro since you know we're not doing an outro for the next one. Let's see here. We where is it at here we go. All right here we go thanks to everyone for joining me this week thanks also to the listeners for tuning in and we'll see you in the field goodbye. 22:02.89 succinctbill Um, goodbye. 22:03.30 Heather Thanks for listening. 22:04.54 Andrew Kinkella See you guys next time.