00:00.00 archpodnet Welcome back to episode 2 36 of the cm archeology podcast and this is the third and final segment and Neil I just got to ask you and maybe not just Neil but Andrew and Heather as well because I to be honest I've worked in. 00:01.14 Heather What back you? so. 00:15.45 archpodnet I mean I've worked in various parts of California technically Southern California but really more ah, really more southeastern California I've never really worked in like the Los Angeles or San Diego area or anything like that I have I had never even heard of night monitoring until Andrew put the card together for our notes like i. 00:31.81 Heather I interesting I I didn't even know that Alber. So thank yeah, to be honest I haven't audited that much of my. 00:34.97 archpodnet I didn't even I didn't even know night monitoring was a thing and to be honest I haven't monitored that much in my career Anyway, I've done a lot of survey a lot of data recovery. But I've just I just haven't been in that many areas where we had to monitor pretty consistently. It's just not something that I've been exposed to so. 00:41.17 Heather Ah, surnail I recover but I just I just attempted at the area before we had to. 00:48.35 Heather Something that I exposed to so know and the money hearings Health well is this commonly like happening is it's it is um I would say of all the projects that we have I mean it's a small percentage. Um, but it. 00:50.93 archpodnet You guys know and and I know a lot of your experiences California as well is this a common thing in California is this like it happens occasionally or you know what's the deal there. 01:02.34 archpodnet E. 01:05.37 Heather It depends you have. There's usually 2 reasons either. You have nighttime anytime you're driving around you see night kind of nighttime construction. Why is that usually it's usually because you're trying to minimize the impact right on traffic and then the other is how quickly. 01:12.75 archpodnet Yeah traffic. Yeah. 01:22.58 Heather Jobs need to get done so there's projects that for grant purposes or for lots of different. You know, just cost efficiencies that they're trying to get just blaze through all the tasks and so a lot of times the night monitoring is for that reason. But. 01:22.87 archpodnet Check. 01:34.10 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 01:39.98 archpodnet Okay. 01:41.95 Heather And you know there's a lot of projects that we bid on that you know I I have assumptions in all of our proposals that had that assumption where it does not. It does not um, count or does not include night monitorering. However, we can adjust the scope bright and cost because so a lot of times these projects will. 01:55.52 archpodnet No. 02:01.84 Heather Transition into night monitoring but they don't start that way. So a lot of the nighttime monitoring. You know you're told oh no, there's I can be a nighttime monitoring and then they start getting to the end where it's crunch time they got to get stuff done and so but um, yeah, go there. 02:14.42 archpodnet Yeah now well now relate it to that Heather there's ah yeah I know a lot of times in other industries when there is a night shift situation and again like Neil mentioned the words night shift have different definitions like you have to work past a certain time or whatever the case may be but. 02:21.59 Heather Think the other industries vulnerabilit like and again. 02:29.00 Heather Um, right. 02:34.90 archpodnet Does your company or does anybody want to volunteer if there's ah like a shift bonus. Yeah, do you get paid more for and monitoring. 02:36.18 Heather Get paid more. Um, you know it. It's it depends um typically not in in this. It's typically not ah you don't get paid more. 02:43.44 archpodnet Yeah. Okay. 02:51.37 Heather Um, the 1 thing that you really have to be careful for and I would say for the listeners if they're considering night monitoring. You know some people unfortunately look at it as something to supplement their other work and so. 03:00.85 archpodnet Um, you know. 03:04.28 Heather We you know they we actually had somebody who was working as needed and was working for another company and had not disclosed to us that they had done a day shift and then they went straight to a night shift. They were driving our truck and they and they wrecked the truck at the end of their night shift because they fell asleep at the wheel and so. 03:12.53 archpodnet Oh man, she's. 03:13.58 Andrew Kinkella Um, chap no. 03:22.30 Heather You know that is 1 thing that people just have to have to understand night work is night work and um, it's never good to have you know, do it on the tail end of a day shift or to go straight into a day shift after a night shift and um, those are the temptations there are times where you do you know it it just 03:25.20 archpodnet Yeah. 03:33.78 archpodnet 1 03:40.87 archpodnet Um, yeah. 03:41.38 Heather It depends I mean a lot of it is is budget might we don't charge more for night monitoring. Ah typically but um and construction workers. Don't get more money typically for night monitoring. It is considered a shift. It's a it's a shift and some people really like it and some people hate it. 03:51.50 archpodnet Um, ah okay. 03:58.81 Andrew Kinkella Right. 03:59.87 Heather So you just you know thank goodness it doesn't come around that often. 03:59.93 archpodnet We yeah other other industries I've worked in they or I've that I've heard about anyway, they only gave a shift bonus because I couldn't get anybody to do it like nobody wanted to work from Eleven o'clock at night to seven o'clock in the morning right? So they had to pay more and said hey your base salary is this but we'll give you an extra two fifty you know to work this shift. So. 04:08.22 Heather But yeah, right morning right? So right had a ball said hey your base all two fifty you know to work this so that's all negotiable too. Yeah, yeah for sure life little Paul and yet possibly. 04:09.15 Andrew Kinkella And. 04:19.73 archpodnet Um, hey along these lines too. Yeah, yeah for sure. Um, along these lines and other follow up and and again possibly for you heather as a principal investigator. Ah when you're finding something at three o'clock in the morning who do you call like is somebody. So yeah. 04:28.45 Heather When you're finding something on call me ah me ah, that's you know those are the things that happen I'm I've had probably 1 call it was for human remains which ended up not not being that. 04:30.88 Andrew Kinkella Um, yes, that was yeah. 04:34.51 neil thompsett Yeah P Pos e. 04:42.91 archpodnet Okay, it's just part of the job. Ah, yeah. 04:47.30 Heather But um, yeah I mean it's when yeah, it's just part of the job and mean we have it. You know at least I'm not the one out there the whole time. But I've only added couple times where yeah I think that the monitors are a little bit more careful about reaching out. 05:04.31 archpodnet I bet. 05:06.42 Heather Um, you know, ah there are some like we we always had this policy reach out any time you have any question whatsoever that makes them think a little bit harder before they ah send out a text at 2 am in the morning. but yeah but sure 05:12.25 archpodnet E. 05:15.99 Andrew Kinkella Right? You know and. 05:18.51 archpodnet But you got ah you got to make sure that they're the kind of people that don't get scared about waking somebody up at two a M like if they need to they need to you know what? I mean? Yeah, yeah, right. 05:24.63 Heather Scared right? Yes I mean this is we. We've talked about this on the show. A lot monitors should not be green ah should not be green archeologists but to me even night monitoring should be even a step above that. 05:33.80 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 05:40.26 Andrew Kinkella Right. 05:40.62 archpodnet For sure. 05:42.40 Heather Because it is difficult for all the reasons that you guys are discussing. It's it's difficult to do this. It's difficult to see I mean I think it's were awesome. A really good point that Andrew made is that everything kind of just ends up looking the same you have to adjust your eyes and you know monitoring is about being able to see the irregular. 06:00.50 archpodnet Um, me you. 06:02.10 Heather In the Baseline and the Baseline isn't every project is the same right? Ah, you have to go in there. You have to assess okay where what's my baseline of soil. What's my baseline of disturbed. What's my baseline of you know, um, kind of debris and then fit that. 06:03.40 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 06:21.49 Heather Had that baseline in your head so that you know when something pops out the irregularity because you're not going have a certain like if it's historic where you have just you know the whole bottle just pops out I mean you're going to have the corner of a bottle right? So you have to be able to see these things outside of the context of the full artifact. 06:33.65 archpodnet Um, yeah. 06:35.74 Andrew Kinkella Yep. 06:40.71 Heather And that takes some training and it takes not only training actually more than that it takes experience of having done this over and over and over again. So for for yes, it's difficult to find people to do that work. Although there are some people that really like night work. But um, yeah, it's. 06:45.96 archpodnet Right. 06:55.51 archpodnet Yeah I feel like I would yeah. 07:00.72 Heather It's difficult to find somebody but at the same time like when when we're putting somebody out there. A lot of it is and this could be the case for Neil's company is that a lot of times these night work is just it's required and there's not even any sensitivity at all. Um, and so. 07:15.58 archpodnet Me. 07:19.20 Heather Then you're a little bit more free with who you put out there. We have some projects that there's no reason why I mean everything is disturbed in ported Phil. It's not even like it's disturbed and it's Phil from the area and they still want monitoring then I'm okay with putting somebody out there. 07:21.64 archpodnet Sure. 07:28.16 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, ah. 07:33.86 archpodnet Sure. 07:38.18 Andrew Kinkella Right? Yeah, you know I want to make sure that people listening like Heather your so your situation in terms of that that people can call you anytime. That's like the golden situation. 07:38.39 Heather To give them experience and just understanding a construction site and everything. But yeah. 07:42.21 archpodnet Now. 07:53.24 Heather You know experience when that went was just like I was great. 07:53.28 Andrew Kinkella You know in my experience way back when it was just like oh it's three thirty in the morning and you found something well you better deal with it. You know because there's no office. There's nobody there. You don't have a phone number. You're just out there. So you know I just want to make sure that that people know it's not always so nice like that that sometimes you do have to be like. 07:59.17 Heather Deal You know, yeah increase. No. 08:04.46 archpodnet Yeah. 08:09.66 Heather Like something you do like well deal with this. You know. 08:12.19 Andrew Kinkella Well I'll deal with this, you know on the fly in the moment or worst case I'll call the office at like eight thirty in the morning when they open you know. 08:16.79 Heather Eight thirty right here. Well when you so when you start a monitoring project at least for us. We typically you know there's a it's becoming more and more common now you have that what we call weep where workers environmental awareness ah program training. So it's like a cultural awareness if it's just. 08:34.38 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 08:34.98 Heather Cultural or bio they call it weep um makes you weep ah but and and along with that I we always create a pamphlet and so that pamphlet goes with every construction worker that's been trained and ah in that pamphlet are all the context names. 08:35.32 archpodnet Weep nice that don't think in. Yeah. 08:54.57 Heather Um, and the P I for the project is on there along with the human osteologist for the project is on there and their phone numbers to contact them so you know once your neighbor your name is on one of those pamphlets. Um, yeah, you can expect you know to get those kind of phone calls. So. 09:02.44 Andrew Kinkella Oh it's cool. 09:10.32 Andrew Kinkella Right? right? Yeah yeah of course, um, honest on a slightly different topic that you brought up a momentarily a while back Heather I was you brought up the cold. 09:14.35 Heather And and that should be the way it is on a really I mean that's why they're paying us to to be out there right up. 09:29.40 Andrew Kinkella Of ah working in the you know as a night monitor and you said oh that's what kept you awake? Um I always found that dealing with the cold was was a little bit difficult even though you know it's coming um and just to circle back to Neil Neil I'm wondering if if you have any things. 09:44.74 Heather Thank you for the cold you know this like place fit there. 09:45.30 Andrew Kinkella Anything that you do for the cold you know because when you when you sit there and it's like 3 in the morning you have that dip where it gets colder than you even think it's going to get you know and you know do you have things that keep you warm. 09:56.44 neil thompsett Ah, yeah I actually have a trusty code I have that I either put on or take off depending on how hot or cold it gets because we are in California and it does shift especially in the night I also wear neck gators I don't know if you guys know what that is there. 10:06.70 Andrew Kinkella Um, yes, now well sort of. 10:10.66 archpodnet Oh yeah I do yes. 10:13.65 neil thompsett They're they're kind of like they're kind of like round they they look like someone cut the turtleneck off of ah of a shirt. So it's like a it's like a stocking for your neck that it can also wrap around your head and your face. So the idea is that they're you be protected. They're about like 7 7 seven bucks for like 3 and ah. 10:16.91 Andrew Kinkella Ah. 10:17.35 archpodnet Even. A yeah. 10:31.57 neil thompsett They they come in handy because like I can wrap. Basically I had no idea that your nose and ears would get super cold at night and get very uncomfortable with with these type of gaiters I Just pull it over my head and then put my helmet back on. 10:36.32 Andrew Kinkella Oh. 10:36.68 archpodnet Um, yeah. 10:43.91 neil thompsett And and generally just just breathing into the gatorer itself keeps keeps my face warm and it it kind of makes it more comfortable. So it's primarily just layers and gators. 10:49.55 Andrew Kinkella Right. 10:49.91 archpodnet E. 10:51.91 Heather I think um, the 1 thing that I've noticed over time is that you know we're not out there in these elements all the time as archeologists right? Sometimes people monitor sometimes you do surveys sometimes whatever you know field work and so you know the the. Um, tools of the trade are generally going to be better known by construction workers that are in that environment all the time and I think some of the the tips and tricks um that I've seen to just bear the elements in general cold hot. Whatever. Have always come from the construction workers. They have so such great. Um, you know they're in it all the time and so I would say for for our listeners if you're ever kind of curious in you're on a construction site look around. Be aware see see what people are wearing it used to be archeologists never used to have those like um, you know neck. 11:47.59 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, yeah. 11:48.24 Heather Protectors off the back of their um, hard hat now everybody does it because it started with the construction workers. So um, another thing that if you don't use in Neil that I think is a real good but this comes back for my hockey days and that is the um, those little hand warmers where you can. 11:48.43 Andrew Kinkella Gap. 12:02.59 neil thompsett Oh yeah. 12:05.64 Heather Um, just put them in your pockets and they stay for 5 or six um hours and they're even they're really hot in the beginning. But then they're they're at least warm at the end of your shift and you just put your hands in there that warms up your hands or they also have these vests now that are that have the coils in them. 12:24.34 archpodnet Um, oh yeah. 12:25.22 Andrew Kinkella M. 12:25.41 Heather That will keep you warm and so it kind of keeps your core body heat in and those are like they're huge. They helps so much. Yeah, yeah. 12:31.88 archpodnet Heated jackets. Yeah, what this is Southern California though it doesn't get cold. So. 12:33.17 neil thompsett Okay, how thank you? You know. 12:36.39 Heather I can get pretty cold at night it can. Yeah yeah, especially if you're standing in it for hours and hours ensure. 12:37.41 Andrew Kinkella Ah, yeah, yep. 12:41.50 archpodnet Yeah I'm sure I'm sure all right? What we are are coming perilously close to the end of this podcast I'm just wondering if anybody has any final tips and tricks or or anything else that we haven't Mentioned. It's kind of a. Kind of a free for all for those of you that have done this since I have literally no experience doing this. 13:01.93 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, Neil any any last last things for you stuff. You've been wanting to yeah, talk about about about this. 13:07.79 neil thompsett No I think I think I pretty much covered it and incriminated myself. Um, you know there was record now. But no everything I've mentioned is good I mean my my experience in in night shift wasn't as bad just because I trusted the people I was working with and you know I got. Eventually I got used to looking at the corners and edges when we're using humongous lights and and ah it It was basically a learning experience of like how much you can handle and how to communicate because what you guys were saying was you are alone out there and you really you really have to just trust yourself and then also just. 13:29.86 archpodnet E. 13:30.30 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, yeah. 13:38.90 archpodnet Yeah. 13:45.33 neil thompsett You know when you make the final call understand. It's like 3 am in the morning and no one's going to be awake and and you know and you are going to be that person that calls them. So. 13:47.77 Andrew Kinkella Right? m. 13:52.17 archpodnet You know Neil I'm wondering as well with this being ah a second career for you which is not super uncommon in in archeology in crm what? Ah, where do you want to go with this where do you want to? It's a very different question when you ask this of like a 22 year old but you know like where do you. 13:59.37 neil thompsett 1 1 14:06.18 Heather Oh. 14:10.36 archpodnet Where do you want to take your crm and or archeological career staying in Crm going into academic the academic sphere you know what? what are your goals. 14:15.40 neil thompsett Ah, that's a very good question and the older I get it becomes harder to answer because I mean let's put it this way if you ask me that question about eleven years ago I would have told you I want to become the next James Cameron yeah and and then now that didn't happen I'm here and ah. 14:20.99 archpodnet Ah, bread. 14:28.23 archpodnet Right? right. 14:34.56 neil thompsett Question is who do I who? what? what do I want to do I'm I'm kind of playing it now like 5 year intervals but I'm probably gonna stay in it and maybe maybe if I get the academic but I'll go back but the problem is I academic. It's you have to believe in the faith if that makes any sense you know. 14:40.27 archpodnet You. 14:50.70 archpodnet Yeah. 14:50.65 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 14:53.26 neil thompsett Yeah, you have to believe in the faith and you have to understand that that it's it's It's a choice for your life. You know? and ah yeah. 14:58.43 archpodnet Yeah, well the the nice thing about being an archeology. Yeah, like I you know I've mentioned lots of times on this show and and other shows that I do you know I I don't do a lot of field work anymore right? But that's by choice because I'm trying to do things in my. 15:00.82 Andrew Kinkella Yep. 15:17.89 archpodnet Non-areological life that helped me fund the things I really want to do in my archeology life that aren't really making any money and probably never will make a lot of money like this podcast and the entire archaeological but you know archaeology podcast network you know it's very difficult to monetize that kind of thing but I'm very. Incredibly passionate about making sure that it succeeds I mean we're on pace to get one point two million downloads this year and that is an incredible amount of yeah, it's anc incredible. That's across the whole network. Definitely not this show. You know you've got to be a psychopath to just listen to this show if you're not a cm um archeologist. But ah. 15:39.14 neil thompsett Oh wow, That's a credible. 15:44.79 Andrew Kinkella Um, what. 15:48.83 Heather Um. 15:49.53 neil thompsett Ah, right right. 15:53.41 archpodnet But that being said across the whole network. Yeah, we're on, we're on track for that right now with our current downloads from january and that kind of outreach is just something I'm incredibly passionate about so what I'm telling you is I mean there's so many so many different ways that you could go and keep your you know keep your feet in this space because I'm I'm even thinking. You know why? why? ignore your first career. You know what? I mean um, there's so many avenues where there could be some sort of intersection here I mean I've talked to a lot of people just on the side about you know you see all these reality reality Tv shows out there and there's always talk some some people about some sort of. 16:14.94 neil thompsett Yeah. 16:24.28 neil thompsett Yeah, you know. 16:29.48 archpodnet Crm you know reality show following an excavation or people. There's so many so many legal loopholes that would have to be jumped through to make that actually happen and put some of that on camera but the more the more people we get from other industries that that have backgrounds or or connections into those areas. Yeah, the more that becomes somewhat of a possibility. 16:37.78 Andrew Kinkella In hand. 16:42.97 neil thompsett No. 16:44.92 Heather Um, but I think that I was just gonna say you know just talking to you in this last hour I think there's some really good examples of you know when you do come from no matter what that area is when you come from. 16:47.62 neil thompsett Well I'm I'm o Yep sorry. 16:48.97 archpodnet So. 16:53.88 neil thompsett M. 17:03.80 Heather And you have some life experience troubleshooting is one of the biggest skill sets that you have that comes with just age life experience. Yeah. 17:05.60 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, um, absolutely absolutely. 17:09.80 neil thompsett Yeah, that is true that is true and and yeah I mean I guess yeah I'm always open for new things and you know there is the creative part that is still in there and. 17:09.77 Andrew Kinkella Yeah. 17:23.30 neil thompsett I Don't know. Maybe yeah, maybe we'll do a Tv show of the the anthropology of via visual effects and yeah, it could happen. Yeah well I mean I mean it you know it, you know like I do Alias blogs on other things too. So like you know, yeah. 17:27.13 archpodnet There you go there? Yeah, it could happen. It could happen make sure your Linkedin profile is up to date. 17:32.30 Heather Ah. 17:38.62 archpodnet Um, yeah. 17:41.49 neil thompsett Yeah I'll keep I'll keep an eye out I'll keep an eye I want to keep it easy this time I don't want to commit I don't want to commit and burn out and then end up becoming a you know building sailboats or something you know, yeah nothing wrong. Ah I Just want to sail away I. 17:44.68 archpodnet Ah I hear you that's right? That's right, all right? Neil nothing promise up, but ah, that's right, all right? Well on that note. 17:48.28 Heather Yeah, there's something wrong with sail both now. Ah you can build me 1 18:03.41 archpodnet Let's ah, let's go ahead and end the show Neil. Thanks so much for coming on the show. This was when when Andrew when Andrew proposed the topic I'm like what are we going to talk about for the other 2 segments. You know this is really good but ah. 18:04.83 neil thompsett Thanks, Thanks for having me. 18:13.40 Andrew Kinkella Hey man see I know things. 18:17.55 archpodnet Ah, but that's right, That's right? So I know I didn't say anything I was like well we'll just see how it goes but no, this has been this has been this has been really good at it and it's to be honest in in. 18:17.64 neil thompsett Yeah. 18:18.98 Heather I Know things. 18:22.52 Andrew Kinkella Ah, yeah. 18:24.80 neil thompsett Um, yeah, the Ma of meion in him. 18:28.60 Andrew Kinkella Movement. 18:30.32 archpodnet I know in 236 episodes of doing this show a lot of times we end up coming around to regular topics that we've talked about before only because things change every few years right? and and it's it's worth bringing it up again. But I I think this is we've literally never talked about this before I don't think it's even ever come up and it's fantastic to have a. You know brand new content on this ah on this show. So if you're listening to this listeners. Please share this episode because ah people don't share it enough but share it because it's ah it's an interesting thing and and it's um, you know it's something you might be exposed to especially if you work in areas that do this quite a bit so with that. We will say goodbye and we'll see you guys in a couple weeks all right? So that was my kind of like pre-outro for the segment now that we have an outro that happens during the the actual outro so Neil I'm going to read this Ah, thanks for joining me this week when I say goodbye everybody basically just says goodbye at the same time after that. So here we go thanks to everyone for joining me this week thanks also to the listeners for tuning in and we'll see you in the field goodbye. 19:35.70 Andrew Kinkella See you guys next time. 19:36.47 neil thompsett By. 19:37.28 Heather Bye. Everyone.