00:00.00 archpodnet Welcome back to segment 3 of episode two fifty the herem archeology podcast and we're talking about winter work winter finances winter archeology if that's a thing for you and and what you can do to plan for the winter so over the break Doug was bringing up a good point about you know. Not not blowing up your current position in in case, you might get it back in the next in the spring go ahead. Doug. 00:24.92 Doug Yeah, it was just to say is um, you know it's great if companies can keep you on over the winter but sometimes like that is just not possible and that's not just like they decide not to it is. There's just no work. They're laying off people and this could happen during the summer 00:38.45 archpodnet It's just not there. Yeah. 00:40.12 Doug Yeah, this could happen in the summer as well or spring know anytime. Um, is to ah it's a good time like around here around when it gets wintertime and and jobs get scarce is where you sort of find out relationships and who's good to work for or who's good to work for you. Um, whatever you do don't. Like send angry ranty emails if you get laid off or angry ranty facebook page posts or Angry Ranty Twitter threads or anything angry ranty. Um do she assholy I don't know you pick your word. Um, don't do it. 01:06.41 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 01:18.40 archpodnet Yeah. 01:18.68 Doug Um, like that's that's just the thing is like um, you're you're going to burn bridges and there's not a lot of bridges. Um ah, existing in Crm and people will talk and you'll get a reputation. Um, and so yeah, just like. 01:31.46 archpodnet Yeah. 01:36.20 Doug Just realize that this is sort of sometimes is how it goes Um, but conversely Also it might you might find out that like ah a employer You don't want to work with in the future. When like say you've found a different job during the winter or you just need a break. And if if the employer gets really angry and ranty and sends you angry ranty emails or makes angry Ranty Facebook posts about the horrible work is Yada Yada Um, then you also know that's someone you don't want to work with um in the future I guess it works both ways. But yeah, guys, Um, don't don't just like this is. 02:04.75 archpodnet But right. 02:12.51 Doug Things happen. Um, don't don't blow stuff. Um, just just because you you can and you're angry. Take a deep breath get a cup of coffee or tea chill and then like think about before you send that tweet post email. 02:13.15 archpodnet Oh. 02:30.54 Doug And their text message. 02:32.13 archpodnet Yeah, well, along along with same lines. You know, unless unless the person you have a beef with is the actual owner of the company. Keep in mind that pretty much everyone else is probably going to cycle out of there at some point. So if you've got ah if you got an issue with somebody and maybe they're the ones that. Badm mouthed you and and and got you laid off. You know you might still work for that company at some point later. But if you do like Doug says and you and you ah you know you send angry emails or something. Everyone's going to remember that not just the person who was kind of the douchebag right? So just just note that. Everyone cycles out in crm none of these jobs are permanent I don't care how long they've been there none of these jobs are permanent except for the company owner and even that might not be permanent if they get purchased or decided just give it all up. But yeah, don't don't burn that bridge if you don't if you don't have to or like Doug's last point I agree with that too. Some bridges you just don't ever want to cross again. So you know, blown up if you don't ever want to go there. You know that might be okay, no know what you're doing. Yeah, that's true. It's true. Yeah yeah. 03:28.48 Bill White You? Well, ah yeah, but yeah, but you you never know what the radioactivity from that's going to be so just go ghost out and just do nothing right? like you know, hey bill want to come back? Well you guys were basically human sewage. No I don't want to work for you again. Don't say that but definitely just don't respond to the email and just let them go well, you know I emailed you like 9 times. Oh yeah, you know I've been really busy and plus like I found another job and. 03:45.43 archpodnet Um, right right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. 03:54.84 archpodnet Ah, right? right? All right? So moving on a little bit here to money and I mentioned this at the beginning of the show you know throughout the year trying to plan you know you really have to sit down look at your finances and say well. How. How much do I need to live for x number of months over the winter if you if you either want to plan to take that time off or if you want to ah plan to maybe have to take that time off if you don't find anything right? So it's good to prepare ahead for it and I think Andrew's got some advice for that. 04:25.54 Andrew Yeah I was just thinking about the money thing and actually I think that's so important that I'd like to do a full podcast on that in the future. You know, just money savings in Crm Um, in my experience you know I think this time of year. 04:31.50 archpodnet Absolutely. 04:39.91 Andrew You're looking at the calendar and you're hoping you're like okay is this job going to last until November third is it going to go to November sixteenth and you know that they're going to tell you more than it really is you know? ah we have until the twenty second but then they're going to tell you oh guess what you're laid off. So. 04:45.36 archpodnet Um. 04:52.86 archpodnet Yeah, right. 04:57.72 Andrew That My first thing is just be ready for that. It's coming sooner than you think and then have your money ready and by that you know take a deep dive into what that means long term like do you have a roth Ira does your company. 05:10.65 archpodnet M. 05:13.59 Andrew Do 4 oh one k's or four zero 3 b's or whatever it is. It's like get knowledge about that at ah, at this time you know and set yourself up I always do this at the end of the year for the next year right are you ready with your taxes. You know are you are you ready? Are you going to? Oh is that going to be like really hardcore get a checkup on your car right? It's a great time to be like oh I need an oil change. Oh I need windshill wipers you know since you're kind of having this downtime you can get your car hooked up for the next year um 05:35.15 archpodnet Um, yeah. 05:47.11 archpodnet Um, yeah. 05:48.51 Andrew I would also make sure to ah ah hook up your yearly memberships. At this point you know because we tend to forget that stuff or whatever. It's like oh my god I haven't like updated my California archeology membership in 2 years you know and also your um. 06:05.00 archpodnet Um. 06:05.98 Andrew Your auto membership I I always prettle on about that one you know the triple a The American Automobile Association such a good thing. Um, so I would just say take stock of all that stuff because you'll lose it if you don't and it's a good time to just be like hey you know what in december. I'm going to hook up all this stuff for the new year and make sure my taxes are hooked up I'm going make sure my savings is hooked up. Um I'm going to start a roth if I haven't before and just think about that stuff consciously because it can help you so much in the future. 06:40.43 archpodnet That's it's a good point about memberships and stuff too and and keeping up on that stuff in the winter I know I don't know if this is by design or or just because it's the first of the year or whatever but most of my like society memberships like I think essays a SHAS a those kinds of things they all come do in January and I think they just structure it that way. It's not. 06:51.68 Andrew Um, yeah. 06:58.30 archpodnet Like when you signed up I think they're just all due in January and um and that might just be because you know this was all set up by archaeologists and they know that you know over the summer and over the field season. It's just chaotic and you're not going to remember to do it so you know it's a good time in the winter to catch up with that stuff. 06:59.00 Andrew Yeah. 07:12.21 Andrew Um, definitely it can be kind of expensive too depending on you know, which ones you're a part of so to set that money aside and be ready for that in this otherwise lean time you know. 07:18.96 archpodnet Um, yeah for sure. 07:23.53 Bill White You know? yeah I think when it comes to those memberships and stuff though they kind of like I I feel like they fall down low on the you know scope of importance though I hear what you're saying though and and if there was any 1 you're going to keep up with you really should keep up with your regional and your local one because those are where. 07:33.90 archpodnet Yeah. 07:40.92 archpodnet Sure. 07:43.62 Bill White Actual people in your region. Ah you know that's where they're hiring so wherever you decide to winter because that's another thing too like thinking about where you actually want to winter including you know your parents' house including you know, having. Ah, you know other roommates trying to diversify who is actually paying for your bills and stuff like that if you're actually if you've been spending the whole year living in your vehicle. Are you going to migrate to a place where you can make it all winter in your vehicle I mean these are all things that folks can think about and ah, um. 08:03.86 archpodnet Ah. 08:16.71 Bill White You know, going back to the paying for extraneous stuff. Yeah, you need Ale a to stay alive but you kind of don't need any of these archeology organizations when you're a field tech and that's one of the biggest problems with the organizations themselves that they're not actually relevant to most of the archeologists. 08:23.38 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 08:30.59 Andrew Right. 08:32.57 Bill White So it's only people like me and us on the show that are the only ones who are in a secure enough space to pay for these these organizations but definitely working on your connections through Linkedin and making sure that you have emails like saving all those old job applications that you've sent in before. 08:44.79 archpodnet And. 08:50.46 Bill White So that you can look it back at those places that you emailed and see if they've got winter work if you're going to stay with archaeology or remember who they are so that you can you know connect with them in the spring like that's a good way to inventory that kind of stuff right. 09:01.76 archpodnet Right? Good points, all good points all right? Well, let's let's move on and to wrap up this podcast and talk about some of the other jobs you can do that are not in archeology for the winter and. Want to talk about some I mean we'll talk about some gig work and stuff like that. But I'm thinking of some other seasonal stuff that I've known I've actually known people that did and 1 of the ones that always comes to mind is ski instructor. So if you're ah if you're good at snow skiing. Well, it's an obvious seasonal job that's opposite of archeology and it's actually a really good thing if you can get into it. I don't know how well they pay it probably depends on where you're at um, but if you like that sort of lifestyle then ski instructor is actually a really good thing to do over the winter I've known at least 2 people early on in my career I don't know anybody lately we're living in Reno with so many world class ski resorts up like tahoe. But anyway. 09:54.44 archpodnet There's there's definitely work there and I actually knew somebody who was an accountant too and the only thing they did from an accounting standpoint over the year was you know a lot of accounting firms will hire extra people just like you know Amazon hires extra people which is another thing you can consider in like November December for the for the holiday rush. But like accountants hire people starting in say December January working in through tax season which leads right into your field season and they'll hire people who are specialists in in doing taxes and stuff like that and if that's a skill you have if you like math then ah you know good. Go ahead and get get some sort of accounting license I don't know what you need, but. It could be something you could do just for a few months out of every year without doing it all year long. So those are a couple of things and I don't know if you guys can think of some other seasonal jobs like that. But then there's also as bill's mentioning in our chat here that I said we're going to mention. There's always gig work if you have a decent enough car. You can do. Uber or lyft or something like that because they do check out your vehicle. They don't want people you know, running around in a dirty archeology. You know, beater car. But but if you do have a dirty archaeology beater car. You can do doordash they don't check your car out. They just want to make sure you get it. There. So and again these things are are tough. They don't pay super well. But. It's your schedule and you decide when you want to do it so I don't know. Can you guys think of any other I guess seasonal winter jobs that would be good for people. Ah that they could do. Oh yeah, yeah well I mentioned like the Amazon warehouse type 1. 11:19.80 Bill White Well, all the Christmas jobs right? So I mean we used. Yeah I mean I guess they've been replaced by Amazon warehouse. But back in the day it was you know the mall and all these other places target costco they were all hiring in the winter to have people and it's just pure. 11:22.11 Andrew Ah, yeah. 11:31.20 archpodnet Sure. 11:38.75 Bill White Seasonal stuff. It's known you're going to get laid off after the first of the year because it's just for the season so that used to be the mainstay but now of course with uber and lyft and all those other ones you know you have another pathway to make money but I don't know how lucrative that is. But. 11:41.38 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 11:54.44 archpodnet Might just be sustaining. 11:55.93 Andrew Yeah, it's it's better. Yeah, exactly it's better than nothing. Um I had that experience I mean I worked at a historic home that would open for the holidays you know So I I served like ah dinners and stuff I was almost basically a waiter. 12:06.94 archpodnet Um, ah. 12:11.64 archpodnet Yeah. 12:12.48 Andrew Ah, but it was still. It was in the historic world. It was this cool huge historic home that they would give tours and stuff so that but that would take you over the winter and then it's a it's a good time to yeah. 12:23.10 archpodnet Andrew all on I can I can picture you in like a 1920 s or thirty s like suit kind of thing with like a handlebar mustache you know, serving dinners in this historic home with a ah yes. 12:35.80 Andrew And call what a monocle. Um, yeah, we that? Um, unfortunately we didn't have to dress up like that. But the place totally looked like that it was the Duns mirror house if anyone cares. 12:35.91 Bill White Ah, oh my gosh. 12:46.92 Andrew Was the dunsme house in Oakland which actually looks like a tiny mini version of the white house. Ah, and it's in its own valley like by it. So it's very very cool. 12:50.60 archpodnet Nice. 12:54.50 Bill White Ah, ah, ah oh my gosh and like who's showing up for this too. Is it just people who are lost. They're like hey what's this right here and it's like that house on stranger things season 4 and you're like right right? This way my friends like no way I've already seen this place I'm not going in here. 13:05.33 Andrew It tell you it's yeah welcome to the upside down world. Ah it actually it was super nice and. 13:06.44 archpodnet Um. 13:10.98 archpodnet And yeah, it's probably just people who are in traffic. 13:12.60 Bill White And I'm not eating anything in this place. 13:17.66 Andrew It was actually super nice and super awesome. So I can't I can't jump too much but dude a ton of people would show up like I didn't realize but a ton of people were into this holidays at the dunsmere house and and you might experience that wherever you live that there's certain places where the community goes. 13:18.67 Bill White Better. 13:35.78 Andrew Just during the holidays you know and they need a ton of people to work there between Thanksgiving and New Year's yeah. 13:38.38 archpodnet Um, well, we'll get a report on it from bill because he's not too far from Oakland compared the rest of us. 13:43.60 Bill White No I'm not going to the upside down come on. How am I going to make it to episode 53 if I go to Andrew's upside downhouse I won't make it back. 13:52.45 Andrew Come on bill. Everyone's doing it. Well. 13:54.60 archpodnet Ah, indeed that's right, That's right? Ah, yeah, yeah. 13:58.62 Bill White I'm the guy that would just make it to the upside down and be like well it looks like I'm done like come on you know Demagorggans tear me apart I'm I'm not yeah yeah I might get in the fetal position as they eat me up but I wouldn't even fight back I'd be like come on seriously like I never thought this was going to happen I'm done. 14:02.23 Andrew You You're just going to lay down just going to lay down. 14:12.67 archpodnet Brett Brett well you know, just keep. 14:16.13 Bill White The well the thing I used to always you know we mentioned it earlier I always just pushed to try to find the permanent job and stay with the place because you know I felt like that was the way I could further my career the best and. 14:27.57 Andrew Yeah I did too. 14:29.40 Bill White You know, whatever it was doing maps making tables washing artifacts you know, doing all those different kinds of things that was what I was always trying my best to do and then you know following all the things that we were just saying being polite connecting with people making sure that I'm paying attention to what job is coming up next and trying to. 14:39.57 archpodnet Ah. 14:47.14 Bill White Maneuver into that just as I could stay employed that was that was what I did and you know fortunately I had a graduate degree by the time I started to hit the glass ceiling and you know I was able to actually shift over to permanent employee but that was always the strategy for me. So. 15:00.29 Andrew Yeah I did the exact same thing honestly and then I would just fill in the holes with my part time Lifeguard Gig at at local pools and. 15:00.69 archpodnet Right. 15:11.21 archpodnet That's that's cool too. Especially if you're someplace. That's you know the weather is decent like California over the winter. Yeah lifeguard is ah is a really great one. So I'm trying to think of stuff too that you can do with your your anthropology or archeology degree that might lead into a new career and. You know, certain things like I mean like this dunsmear house thing right? but also like museums and stuff like that that might have special exhibits and and special winter activities to to lure people in because you know ah summertime I don't I don't know winter seems like the time of museums except for places that are maybe. 15:30.81 Andrew So yeah. 15:46.30 archpodnet Ah, in in touristy areas where there's just a lot of people then they might go into them in the summertime but in the summertime people generally want to be outside and doing things like that. So I'm thinking you know museums over the winter and and that could lead into something else for you too because they also have labs in some cases depending on the museum background. You know, backend collections and stuff like that that need to be worked on that. Maybe you didn't even think about and you might not need like a museum studies certificate or degree to to work with if you're not actually doing exhibits and stuff like that. So I don't know it's just a thought something that could keep your toe in all right Final thoughts guys. 16:18.93 Doug Museums are not going to save you man Museums are not going to save you they are. There are more people interested in doing museums than doing archeology like there are like people with Masters and Ph Ds hoping to go in and like work in the gift shop like. 16:19.14 Bill White Um, yeah, hearing hearing ah ah. 16:28.10 archpodnet Yeah. 16:35.50 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 16:35.83 Doug That's I'm sorry my my wife works in museums and like it's so much tougher to break into that than archeology like it's I I would be amazed if there's anything that museums are going to offer. That's not going to have like 200 people applying. 16:41.41 archpodnet Tough? Yeah right. 16:54.17 archpodnet Sure. 16:54.29 Doug Some of them with like 30 years of experience for minimum work for minimum wage and. 16:59.71 archpodnet Yeah, you you muted early again there go ahead bill. Okay. 17:02.10 Bill White Yeah, ah here here in the Bay area. The the key is finding it work and working in. You know, a lot of folks I know that have anthropology degrees are well suitited to work in user experience. 17:08.24 archpodnet But. 17:15.80 Bill White So trying to figure out the cultural reasons why people use apps and you know how they click on ads and stuff like that and if you if you do have any kind of ah understanding of like different ethnicities or languages or whatever you are absolutely invaluable and these days you know a huge number of those jobs are online. 17:22.86 archpodnet Ah. 17:34.58 Bill White So there's that there's of course ah ghost writing and editing and all that other kind of stuff that's actually producing 90% of the the internet that we're seeing so if you have a strong command of the english language in technical writing and stuff you can get in a job with that and you know these are the kind of jobs actually that you could. 17:42.21 archpodnet Sure. 17:52.19 Bill White If you were you know, um by the project or something like that. You could always continue doing that even throughout the year because it's just on on your laptop and then you can just turn it up during the winter and do more of those projects and do more of those app evaluations. 18:08.22 archpodnet Indeed It's good idea. 18:12.97 Andrew All right? Yeah, my quick quick last bit. Um I would just say make sure that the other job and actually knows you're an archeologist because while I was at the pool. There was a guy who heard I was an archeologist and he was actually a local art preservationist. So I got a job for like two months at his house house helping to preserve art because of my archeology background. So. 18:30.78 archpodnet Nice, well there you go all right? Well guys I think this has been great I'd like to know what people are doing for their winter plans. do you do you have a job. Do you work somewhere. Do you are you are you full time or ah, really want to know what field texts are doing right or seasonal people you know crew cheese field texts that are that are seasonal moving around are you are you planning on going somewhere that that has work and and you've got a plan for that. Are you just going to try to find something are you picking up a seasonal position. Are you. Did you save enough money to where you can just take four months off and and work on yourself. You know, maybe living with family or friends or something like that or I mean I didn't even get to mention this but I know I know a guy who bought a house like this was probably a decade ago. So probably 3 decades ago he bought a small house really a shack to be honest in Costa Rica for almost nothing and spent his winners there so because you could live down there for almost no money and I imagine that a lot of that hasn't changed so could be could be a thought but you know think outside the box when it comes to that stuff. So. Anyway, let us know what you're doing Chris at Archaeology Podcast Network Dot Com or hit us up through the contact info in the show notes or just comment wherever you see this episode with that we will see you guys next week all right keeping it rolling for the outro stand by. 19:52.44 Bill White Yes. 19:57.35 archpodnet Thanks to everyone for joining me this week thanks also to the listeners and Doug for tuning in and we'll see you in the field goodbye. 20:04.95 Andrew See you guys next time. 20:05.52 Bill White Goodbye. 20:10.40 archpodnet Doug. Are you gonna have your kid say goodbye I'm just waiting because you're muted. So. 20:12.72 Bill White Ah, ah. 20:15.40 Doug I'm like over should kill it it Chris you're killing it hold on a second hi by yeah there we go. Ah yeah, and Chris you can just. 20:23.81 archpodnet There it is there. It is. 20:24.30 Bill White All right? all right. 20:25.76 Andrew Ah, there it is.