00:01.76 archpodnet Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 100 with your host Dr Andrew King Kella and tonight we expose Dr Andrew Kingkella as the archeological fraud. That he is. 00:24.36 archpodnet So what's going on here on our special one Hundredth episode why this unmasking at this time. Well I'll tell you why because the world needs to know this. They need to know who Andrew King Keller really is. Underneath the smiles and the jokes and all of that who is this person. He's a fraud that's who he is I have gotten together 6 different charges against him that he's going to have to answer to. By the end of this podcast I'm going to go through these and by the end of this I think you'll agree with me that he is an absolute 100% fraud. So what do I mean by fraud I mean. That this person has willfully acted to make archeology seem fun. Oh he has. He's willfully used cliches like Indiana Jones oh he sure has he has willfully. Bragged about his own experiences in the jungle and in other exotic places around the world I know I know I know you want to cover your ears about now but keep them open friends here. We go. 01:59.73 archpodnet Down the list and I've put these in order of earliest to most recent so we can talk about his fraudulent attitudes early on and then go forward in time to his most recent horrific choices First. Dr. Kinkela is an archeological fraud just in the discipline of archaeology itself. You know what he has never been to Egypt. Yeah, let that 1 sink in. So. No firsthand about king tut or any of that you know what he teaches a class called egyptology where of course he makes it exciting by bringing up Howard Carter Giovanni Bell Zony ah and so on. 02:52.85 archpodnet He's never been there. Fraud. He has been to the ancient my world again that much he has worked in local California archeology I will give him that in a penchin you know what? he even spent a summer in Germany but you know what. Never even been to the southern hemisphere dude is never even crossed never even crossed the equator it's wrong with him so his actual experiences. Are limited. Yeah, he knows the maya stuff pretty good sure Belize. Yeah, you know California and the southwestern area of the United States ok he has worked in Mexico some and in Guatemala and yes, that's summer in Germany but that's it man. Kenning believe you listen to him you know what else on top of this. Don't don't get me started on the second thing where he's a total fraud. It's in his teaching you know he teaches about the maya which he can you know he vaguely knows about but he has a class that he's titled mysteries. Of the ancient maya. How dare he use the word mysteries come on. He just play into the cliches. You don't want that you want a well reasoned excel spreadsheet that lists. 04:22.89 archpodnet The obsidian blades found in the maya area of the classic period I know that's what you want, you don't want someone pushing the interesting parts and the fun parts and dare I say the frivolous parts that are just fun to learn about oh he does that. God at the same time. How many jungle stories does he have do I have to hear another one of those. Oh so there I was in Belize. Oh good lord self-serving you think I'm almost done. Oh I'm just getting started along with the teaching. And he teaches a bunch of different classes. So he teach you like mysteries angel my teach egyptology intro to archeology a ton like you want this person to intro you into the archeology world. He's teach cultural anthropology and biological anthropology has 4 saturday classes. He teaches in excavation and mapping and lab work and. Archeology and the law. Oh god there's some other ones in there too I just it's it's just really sad that the youth of today have to be exposed to this person related to his teaching the third charge against him his public speaking. Sure he has a loud voice. You can't get away from it. But it's much like his teaching. He just pushes his swash buckling and his jungle stories again. Oh yeah, let me hear again. Oh so there was in Belize. Oh yeah, let me get in line for that. 05:57.91 archpodnet Bunch of maps of places where he's been bunch of funny photos. Oh look at you yes, I see look at you acting funny oh look, you're really sweaty in the jungle. Yeah I see oh you're real archeologist I know I know you believe that's only 3 3 out of 6 on I'm not even to the meat of it. Let's go to number four in print. You know this guy hasn't done enough articles. You know he hasn't I mean yes, he's done. Some. Yes, he has but been published in the cambridge archeological journal I'll have you know, but he'll tell you that you know just a brag look at me in the cambridge archeological journal. Yes, he's done that yeah he has a couple other publications I would call his publications vaguely light in terms of how long he's been in the industry. But he has he does have some scientific publications out there but every good has a bad. He has written a textbook here. Yeah, what kind of academic does that writes a textbook. Well he did it. Course because he's not a real academic because he cares about bringing archeology to the public. Ah how dirty he has a oh and check this out. Check this out. You know it is is textbooks called and I quote archeology is awesome. 07:30.27 archpodnet Embarrassing? Yeah oh god and again cover your ears the font on the front cover of archeology is awesome is an obvious rip off of the raiders of the lost arc font and that was his idea. No other people didn't tell him to do that. He went into the publisher and said hey I have this idea why don't we use the Indiana Jones font on this book and more importantly, the entire book looks like it fell off the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. And that's what he wanted. He told them that oh I know oh I've heard him say it archeology is awesome. Once you open the book. You know what you see. Every chapter starts with one a his stories. Oh god what? a narcissist. Oh so there it was in the desert. Whatever and then onward if this guy wasn't enough of a narcissist. In his textbook. He wrote for his classes you open it up in every couple pages. There's a qr code that brings you to you guessed it his Youtube channel where you watch him talk about archeology. 08:57.22 archpodnet How far into himself is he I don't think he can go any further in terms of the exploring of his own narcissistic soul to you I don't oh but there's more so that was number 4 yeah. Dr. Andrew Kinkela in print shameful number 5 his podcasting career as you listen to him right now this is where the fraud just goes off the meter. You know what he did he wiggled himself. Into the Crm archeological podcast because one of his old students was on it right? So he wiggles in any new he knew Chris who runs all this a little bit here and there from before so he uses that thin connection. To get into the pseudo archeology pi or sorry to get into see he even messes stuff up. You can't even talk right and he's got 2 podcasts my god so it goes on the cm podcast how much crm work has he really done. Yes, he's done. Some. Yes, you could say for there is about 2 years in his life where he was a full time cm archeologist. He's got some but you know what I know people with more but no, let's listen to Dr Andrew Kingkella spew about CR m 10:27.99 archpodnet About cultural resource management about something that's very specific for a very specific audience. No oh please tell me oh professor all about Crm. So yeah, he does that but you know what his need of the spotlight. Knows no boundary. So being part of 1 podcast wasn't enough for him. No so he goes and he suggests that he I know shocking he suggests that he himself should be the lone podcaster. On the pseudo archeology podcast which you're listening to right now. Thank god you're hearing me unveil who this criminal really is and in that podcast you know I mean he does his research. Is. He a little late with his upload sometimes maybe I think he is. But I guess he tries I guess you know he does his best whatever that is but finally and you know I saved the most brutal charge for last Dr Andrew Cankella is on television. Oh. 11:49.24 archpodnet I Know what kind of real archaeologist goes on television and oh he's not on some documentary on his own work. No. He goes On. He goes on shows that are usually on the Science Channel which I guess gives him a little if he thinks that. Television media is somehow a reasonable place for an academic to go. We All know it's not.. He's been on three shows which I'm sure he would want me to tell you all about Well I'll tell you a little just because you need to know First He's been on a show called what on Earth. Bereas what on Earth The setup there is where they find something with a satellite and they zoom in on this image on Earth and they go What is that and they usually come up with some silly reasoning as to what it is sure at the end. They tell you the true story of what it is but they do take time talking about what Ifs before they get to the real science behind it. I know you and I both would prefer just a spreadsheet but no, they make a story out of it wasting our time then he was on. Another show called Ancient Unexplained Files look at those words ancient unexplained where they asked him all kinds of things about just about every archeological site on Earth for hours and hours. They asked him and he dutifully. 13:20.42 archpodnet Applied because he wants to be on tv doesn't he so he answers their questions about archeology. You know what? and I know this they asked him about stuff sometimes that he didn't know a whole hell of a lot about he didn't know a lot about it. No, he didn't know a whole hell of a lot. And you know what he did. He gave his best answer. He even tried to look up some of the stuff before but he was mostly right? mostly? Oh but that's not that's not enough. You know what he is now on a show. Called mysteries in the jungle. Oh my god I know you don't want to tune in I know because oh yes, yes, yes there I was in the jungles of Belize now for a television audience. Yeah, he's on that now. But she's on every Sunday at 7 p m pacific see Narcissist telling you when it is just so you'll tune in and you'll never guess what's in mysteries of the jungle. Oh sorry see he even gets it wrong. He's so. Out of it. It's called secrets in the jungle not mysteries in the jungle secrets in the jungle pathetic so secrets in the jungle and they expose certain. Ah. 14:52.23 archpodnet New digs that have been done new excavations. They talk about them. They talk about lidar and this kind of thing. No spreadsheet at all just on television I for one won't watch that show. But you know what? because I'm I'm someone who cares about my audience. Let's allow him we will allow him to retort when we come Back. Let's listen to this sniveling. Pseudo Professors defense on his choices in his archeological life.