00:00.40 archpodnet And welcome back to the psudo archeology podcast episode 100 the unmasking of Dr Andrew King Kella archeological fraud now what to do with him. We've heard both sides. We've heard the charges levied against him from his career in archeology to his teaching to his public speaking to what he's written in print to his podcast career and even television. So. What to do with him should he be canceled should he be escorted to a cave never to return or should we allow him to continue unleashed on the unsuspecting world. Well I would gingerly vote to keep him around and why is this? it's because I will tell you guys that walking that line has been hard. It has been enjoyable but there are times when you really feel like you are just in darkness you know because there's not too many people to follow I'm a huge fan of the Neil Degrasse Tysons of the world. 01:30.68 archpodnet Of the bill nye the science guys of the world I love those guys we need more more of that if I may be so bold and egotistical and narcissistic more of me, please other archeologists out there be me. And my point there is we are dying for public outreach right? If ancient aliens if the show ancient aliens here's how much of a fraud I am if the show ancient aliens came to me and asked me to be on it I would agree. I would totally do it but I would tell them the same thing that I have told every production company every book publishing firm every public speaking and engagement I've ever had which is look. I'm going to tell the factual truth I am not going to say that maybe it was aliens I'm not going to say it was aliens I'm not going to leave the question mark out there that maybe I'm going to say no, there's not hundred percent 0 chance right. I've told all these places that kind of stuff and sometimes they're little bombed sometimes I don't book the gig just depends. But ah, it's easy I'm at the point in my career where it's very easy for me to be honest, so you know would I would i. 03:02.58 archpodnet Be on an ancient aliens or something like that I I totally would because that's where you can do good. That's where you can do good for the world of science and facts because that's into the lion's den you know and if they. Portray me as like the egghead wrong scientist. So what I get to talk to a different audience for a handful of minutes about something in my factually scientific way and couple people might go with it. You know, even if you see it couched in some ancient alien silliness they might go with my setup even as they say well look at that academic over there isn't now his so close mind oh look at that narrow minded lose are right. Where people watching it might just go hey you know he might be right? You know the pyramids might not be aligned to orion's belt. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense at all, you see what I'm saying and I think that. Idea is so important for the academic realm and I'm not here just to poo poo academic archeology. It's academia in general with all this stuff they they they do I have had this, you know they they look at you like you're a little unclean. 04:31.69 archpodnet And that you're like a little bit of a joke because you're not doing it right? But you know I'm like yeah you know what? I think I am doing it right because I'm getting asses in the seats of intro to Archeology. And you're going to need that because all you teach is advanced classes in Archeology. So you might want a couple students in there from time to time I don't know prove me wrong. So yeah, you know I take I take all this stuff. Really super serious. Another thing that that the academic world they will look down on you writing things like textbooks or writing things like ah, an article for a very general audience and and they'll always they will take the easiest road out they will do what I talked about in the previous segment where they will. They will Poo Poo you because you didn't bring up. The exceptions you know because it's such a time for them to virtue signal and go look at me look how smarty I'm look how much I know you see Kingin Kill. He didn't bring up that you see pre Classicic Pady was a little smoother like yeah I didn't. But I know it you know, but they're so they're so into showing how smart they are that they will Poo Poo you for doing something that's basic. But I swear you guys there is Genius in the basic you know and my other point. 06:01.17 archpodnet Whenever somebody gets down on me for doing something for the public my retort if I may is okay you think I sucked at that you do it, you go on Tv you go on a show. Yeah, get on. There get right up there. My little academic friend get on there turn the cameras on and give me a story tell me about ancient Egypt would you exactly so I mean part of it I swear. But it's just like your mama told you when you were a kid. It's jealousy man. Oh and that's ok, you know that's ok, it's you know if you get an an enemy or 2 in this world good for you. It means you're doing something right. Ah. 07:04.40 archpodnet I'll say one more thing you know when I was a kid what got me into archeology I loved Indiana Jones I loved in search of with Leonard Nimoy I loved that show and even as like a 10 year old knew it was kind of Bs you know I knew in raiders of the lost ark there wasn't really a huge boulder that rolls after you I knew that some of the stuff they would say about like Easter Island on in search of I know that wasn't hundred percent true but so what it was a great story and it hooked me in to then learn the true facts. Of archeology in the future. So I don't get completely down on these shows I do yes you know ancient aliens if it's on the history channel and this kind of thing and purports that it's like factual when it's not and. Ah, there's a lot of just shysters out there who are just selling their wares talking complete nonsense and BS silliness those guys do bring me down a little bit but what I think we have to look at at the end here something that I take seriously. Is the art and science of storytelling I think if you've listened to the Pseudo Archeology Podcast so far you've seen me really break most stories down this one's weird because you know I'm I'm crucifying myself. Yeah, this one's the weird one. 08:26.60 archpodnet But usually there's an intro I have an intro where I kind of talk about how I'm connected to the story then I kind of have a middle part where I go deep into the story itself and tell you the various cast of characters and what happens and at the end we kind of come to our conclusion of oh this is what we think right? and that is very. Ah, that is that is very conscious the art and science of storytelling I Love storytelling whether it be the construction of a story whether it be the construction of a screenplay. Whether it be construction of a television show whether it be a construction of mythology I Love Mythology. Ah Mythology is great, right? that storytelling thing That's so human and that's what that's what we kind of have to remember in the end. Is that when we are talking about Archeology. We must communicate in storytelling form and yes you may see me as a fraud as I Meld. Honestly, the un meldable into a story for your liking but in the end am I a fraud now I act in good faith and I'm just a guy. 09:54.71 archpodnet Trying to make archeology fun for the general public and with that we are going to do some Pseudo archeology next time when I see a goodbye my friends.