00:00.00 archpodnet Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 1 o two the sirruy Mastodon site. So what to do with this. You guys. This is a tough one because. When we're looking at more classically pseudo archeology stuff. It's easy. We can go like dude you just throw that out. You don't believe it. It's falls. This is a much more nuanced situation because. Again at the top of this I said I hate myself for doing this podcast and I still kind of do because I I want you guys to know that I don't I don't hold ill will or disrespect for people. The people involved in this project I don't hold ill will or disrespect for Richard Sarudi I know people like him. You know and they they only want what's best for the archeological record they're out there. They're dedicated people. You know? Um, so I'm not here to like point and laugh. You know at Richard Cruy like I would point at laugh at like Eric Vo dinkin you know there's a different there's a difference here. And and again the other researchers who worked on that these are real archeologists who who are trying to split the differencefer now is there a 2% chance that the saruy mased on site is real sure I'll give them 2 % sure but there's 98% that it's not you know and. 01:32.58 archpodnet So if if I had my druthers I would just first say hey, let's stop the madness like let's stop pushing the sirudy mastodon site as a human involved site. Let's enjoy the mastodon part of it. Mastodons are cool, right? hundred and thirty Thousand year old Mastodon. You don't think a bunch of seven year olds Want to see that at the San Diego Natural History Museum I do right? It's awesome. We talk about the ice age and these different creatures here. But let's just not add the human component to it. It's okay and and they could go gently into that good night you know, just don't talk about it in that manner anymore. Just kind of angle it more towards the awesome parts that you did find now notice throughout this I haven't. Blasted them for their dates or anything because dating methods have gotten really really good. So I don't doubt that the mastodon itself is one hundred and thirty thousand years old it's just I doubt that any humans were there whatsoever because it really looks like they weren't um so let's just take. A group exhale ah, just little group hug and just be like hey man you called this one wrong. It's okay, we learned as we went through it. You know. 03:08.85 archpodnet Oh yeah I see yeah these cobbles. Yeah, these hammerstones. Yeah, well you know they can also be naturally formed in this manner. You know, um, let's just let's just be relaxed about it right? I'm not here to be like oh look at them with theiruty mastodon and they. Hobbles. You know I'm I'm not ah archeology is a small enough world man. We got to stick together you know, but the reason why I took this up in the first place. Not only was because it kind of oddly fell into my lap because like the guys that. At the ah life in ruins podcast here. Wait I might have messed that up I think the recording messed up the guys at the life and ruins podcast did it I also. Worry though that we might be doing a bit of a disservice to the public if we don't call this one out because I really have seen this being used for nefarious purposes and what I mean is every. Pseudo archeologist out there has picked this up because it's super easy to use this to bash archaeology and how it's done is oh look at those archaeologists over there. They don't believe this one hundred and thirty thousand years ago and it's one of them and they don't believe their own people. 04:42.12 archpodnet They can't get anything straight and you see these guys are trying to tell the truth with their hundred and thirty thousand years I've always said there've been people here forever I've always said there've been people here for millions of years and here's our first bit of real evidence that I'm right you see? That's what's hurting us. So it's It's hurtful to to the discipline to keep this in a serious manner now I know the media does not help because they're going to regurgitate this one forever. You know what about the one hundred and thirty thousand years so it's a it's a bummer. It's a bomber that it can be used to refute solid science. You know so it allows fringe groups to take more of a hold than they otherwise would have which none of us want unless you're the host of the pseudo archeology podcast in you. Need new material I mean that you know things that you make lemonade you know make a little lemonade for you? Um, so you know again where to go with this Ah. 05:56.44 archpodnet I think you have it there you know to to treat it with a kind yet firm a trust but verify I and um, add it into the history of Southern California in the pleistocene. But. 06:16.40 archpodnet Not with people in it. You know, um I always root for these early sites. You know you guys. But and ah and again I feel for them because it is a difficult world. We really do demand unequivocal proof you know because we have to. We we need to see that for something that wild like if it was real I don't need a human remains realize that I don't need human bones not at all but I need an obvious tool made by a person and that is not hard to see. Like if you're an archeologist. This is another thing that happens if you haven't found anything forever and you're starting to think a little weird and you're starting to see stuff that isn't really there when you finally do find something real. You snap out of it instantaneously. They're like oh yeah, okay, this is what reality looks like you know this. This happens and it and it and it sets you back on the right path. Oh good. Okay I found a real stone tool made out of obsidian. It's obviously flaked and this is a 100 % artifact that's what I want to see ah from a place like the sirrudi mastodon site and you guys I just don't see it. So I wish them well but let's be sure to not use this ruy mastodon site when we talk about the peopleling of the new world and so with that I guess. 07:49.33 archpodnet All you can really say is the courts outcrop that I recorded in 2004 has never gotten the respect it deserves and they'll See. They'll see when I'm proven right? I'll talk to you guys next time.