00:00.00 kinkella Welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 116 I'm your host Dr Andrew Kingkella and we have been talking about not only the face on Mars but also the 1980 S video game Zach Mccraken and the alien mindbenders and if you haven't figured this out yet I would love if they came out with Zack Mccraken in the alien mindenders 2023 edition right? and they could add even more again. Every single pseudo archeology thing that I have ever gone over man you could put the pery res map in that they don't even touch on Atlantis I don't think you throw atlantis in there I mean let's just go down the list of my shows right? put it all in there. Everything right chock full every single pseudo archeology story um shrouded to rem right on in there right? We can have the comet come down for the younger dryus and all that ah it's just. I mean it writes itself in a way and it just feels like so much fun and I think that gets into the kind of philosophy of this whole thing where I think the best way to combat just the foolishness of pseudor archeology is to have fun and joke with it. 01:32.10 kinkella Right? Because if you come out with a modern Zach Mccraken I mean that's that's the whole thing you do there's there's no defense against getting laughed at you know and I think that. Most archeologists when they're trying to battle Graham Hancock or that kind of thing they're taking the wrong path is they're way too serious. You know they're they're taking him on point by point. Well you know the the ah comet could have never happened and. Yeah, we know the comic would never happen. But that's boring. But if you make it funny. You know if you make a video game where you can hang out in the face on Mars dude I'm all in and I think the general public will be too right? Please please please go with my genius right. Oh I would love to be a part of that. Oh my dream video game producers out there. Can I be a creative consultant. Oh right? Just all that stuff put it all in and you and you could like. Tease it together to make a whole adventure story out of where you can start at a certain place and and then you get more clues as you go and I totally think they should keep the background with the crystals like you got to find some crystals man I mean aren't you guys into that doesn't it just sound like the coolest thing. 02:57.60 kinkella It would heal the wounds of all 1980 S Kids who had to play every terrible video game ever made if you guys have ever heard of famous terrible video games from that time like e t. My friend actually had et for the Atari 2600 I played et and I will say that it was bad. Um, but there were other video games that were equally as bad as e t e t was just famous for being like so bad. That it was like recalled and there's this famous story that it was basically a bunch of copies of it were thrown into a landfill but of like new copies you know because they were taking off the market because it got such terrible reviews I don't know I thought it was equally terrible to a bunch of others. But. We've also changed a bit as a culture you know I think we've lost some our of our ability just to have fun and be funny. You know what? I mean in the 80 s again I was a kid then but we were into this kind of stuff right? We were into lighthearted stuff like. I remember playing with a ouija board and nobody took it seriously nobody took it seriously but it was great. Great fun right? We were just like laughing the whole time. Do people play with ouija boards like that today in a funny way. 04:30.95 kinkella Are they just like serious all the time I don't know you know another thing about lucas arts of course they would have copyright to the Lucas film movies and so I believe the next video game. After Zach Mccrakeen so it goes maniac mansion Zach Mccraken and then Indiana Jones in the last crusade right? So they did a video game version and I don't think it was that great. Um, but that also brings me to another. Moment in time as we talk about sort of the late 1980 s and video games and the technology of that kind of stuff I'm going to leave for college in the fall of 1990 and so by the time the 80 s is closing out so is my interest. In video games and that kind of world right? and my commodore 64 was becoming just a complete joke There was a huge change I would say in technology right around then too when I left for college like I remember my freshman year. Um, some people had like by that time you could have like a Macintosh like the boxy Apple computers you know and have a that was. 05:57.98 kinkella What I would call a real computer where you could actually do word processing where you and you could even play video games and every time you left a room you wouldn't have to be like remember remember remember you know it would it would play in a smooth manner so there really was a sea change there the world of like 1988 computer usage versus the world of like nineteen Ninety. 1 computer usage is huge so man even if Zach Mcracken came out like five years later you know I would think it would have gotten more traction but it's just its lack of computing ability to make real It's really awesome grandiose ideas what it was. It's achilles heel right? That ultimately did it in so it didn't do that good. It's been largely forgotten by history I will link below this podcast called retronauts where they did go over Zach Mccraken and I really appreciate them. They are like serious gaming nerds. Although I think they're younger than me I think they're in their 30 s or something so I don't know if they actually had the experience that I did of being there at the time of buying Zach Mccracken and I think. You still had to buy video games largely at toys r us. There might have been other outlets but I remember doing that so you can see all all this stuff would be coming to a head as I became a junior or senior in high school. It's like dude I don't want to get a toys or us anymore right? I don't want to be a kid. 07:31.37 kinkella You know kids play video games. So. So I went to college I left my commodore 64 behind I left video gaming behind I forgot about Zach Mccraken and the alien mind benders for about like 25 years but then in researching for the face on Mars at first I was like man I can't talk about the face on Mars for like 40 minutes and at the same time I was like wait I remember a video game that had face of Mars. In it and I really dug it. What was that so that is why my friends I've let you enjoy a little bit about Zach Mccraken and the alien mind benders and with that I'll talk to you guys next time.