00:00.80 kinkella Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 121 I'm your host Dr Andrew King Kella and we have been reviewing Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny I had gone over act one in the previous segment and I thought we would just. Keep on keeping on here with act 2 and onwards to act 3 in the end so when we last left our intrepid explorer Indiana Jones he was off to tangiers and so he gets there. We're into act 2 right? he's. Going to get the antitic hit their device and he gets to the um, the meeting and um, of course there's there's kind of a yeah, what's going to be a big chas scene. It starts with with him crashing the party. Of the antiquities meeting. We have a flashback with Indiana Jones talking to basil um like like 15 years before or this kind of thing because it turns out that. Basil Helen his dad has gone crazy with the antikythera device right? He's just too focused on it and he's just sort of gone over the top and off the deep end so we have this flashback which I think which I think works overall um, we are introduced to Teddy this little kid kind of a short round part 2. 01:34.45 kinkella Um, teddy is like learning to fly from 1 of the pilots in the bar there just and Teddy has just sort of a fake pilot. Um cockpit set up in front of him and this is like the world's worst foreshadowing. Like all right, when's he going to fly a plane I think this was a terrible choice I think they should just cut it and just later like it could we could just be like oh teddy knows how to fly. Ah, it could be 1 line. Well my dad taught me okay, don't show us this terrible weird bar scene thing. So then we have. 02:11.69 kinkella Um, as we're as we're grabbing for the antikither device. We then have a very long ah Tuck Tuck Chase which are these little almost go cart the little vehicles that you'll find in in other areas of the world. You know these very small like 3 hree-w wheeleled vehicles kind of like golf carts. And ah this chase is long this it's not nearly as good as the horses and it's just it goes on and there's one point where it like kind of stops and there's kind of descending action for a minute and then they do more of it and you're like oh no, okay, we get it. Okay there's a chase. Um and of course finally and it it resolves itself at which point there's ah, there's a helicopter scene where the cia is in the helicopter with the bad guy I haven't even talked to the about the bad guy. The main villain right? and he's. Um, who's it I think it's Mads Michelson or whoever Mr bad guy who was also a bad guy in James Bond he was the bad guy in casino royale I believe who bled from his eye but he's a great villain I thought he did a great job I thought he was a great Indiana Jones villain and of course he's a he's like a nazi in disguise. You know he the idea he's like a vernner von braun kind of character. He's brought in by the United States to help with the space program and but underneath it all. He secretly wants to bring back the third reich right? It's good villain. Um. 03:47.97 kinkella He's ah he is even torn in terms of working for Hitler and all this kind of stuff even though he wants to bring the reich back he he really is super focused on the archeology too. It's it's good job of of making a bad guy with some. 04:06.67 kinkella It's more than just one sided. You know a little bit more complexity to him. Um, so we we are then learned that ah we need to go get the other. Not the other piece of the antigather device we need to get this other thing that is basically the directions to the antikitther a device and they're still on the boat this is where they pull the real antikythra story in terms of sponge divers spin to get and everything but they have to so they have to go back to Greece we see that Antonio Banderas is actually this diver guy who can help them out. They ah do this dive scene which I actually thought was really good ah being a diver myself I thought that they got the feeling of diving um on film. Quite well good for them. You know, ah in terms of once you watch it all you hear is the breathing which is what happens when you're scuba diving and they go down to the ship and of course it's really really deep you know and there's a bunch of eels and they have to try and get this. Like thing to decode the antikither device and of course while they're down. There. The bad guys get to the boat and they start cutting the air hoses. You know it's um, it's a very typical Indiana Jones ah 05:40.59 kinkella Exciting scene I thought it worked I thought the diving thing worked man. It was fantastical. It was a little bit over the top but it was cool. I mean why not man and this is also possibly the first time where you see Helena. Phoebe Wallerbridge right helping Indiana Jones actually comes back to help him 1 real downer with the Helena character is she's really harsh on Indiana Jones and tells a thousand and one like old people jokes and I think it's a real low point for the movie. Um. It makes her very unlikable and I'll talk a bit about about that later but we finally thank god see her trying to help them. They do end up having to rocket to the surface and me as a diagram'm like oh my god everyone just got the bends and is dying. But they needed to do that for the movie. Um, they are able to turn the tide on the villains and escape on the villain's own little boat and they are now off to Sicily our is it Sicily. Ah, could be wrong. It might be Syracuse or no is C Sicily on Syracuse I don't know geography where they're going though is the cave the the cave of the ear where where basically you go in there. Yeah, it's in Syracuse where it's ah. 07:12.28 kinkella Wherever it's loudest. This is basically where they're going to dig. They have to go through some bugs. We do see that Helena doesn't like bugs which thank god we finally see something that she doesn't like or isn't perfect at we needed more of that earlier. Um, but ultimately we. Do get to the tomb of archimedes and that's great. This is where the other piece of the antikythra device is um, we also see that archimedes has a wristwatch on and we're like oh my god. This is a time travel device. Ah we also find that teddy the kid gets kidnapped but he is ultimately able to escape um and of course right as they're about to put the antikyther device together. The bad guys show up. At the tomb. They ah get the antihithera device and they put it together for themselves and Indiana Jones is also shot so this is the crisis moment right? This is where everything is going terrible. For our heroes and we as an audience were like oh my god the bad guys having antikither device India Jones is shot the this is looking pretty bad. You know and luckily we also have helen that kind of going oh my god we can't leave him. We can't leave Indiana Jones you know. 08:48.27 kinkella But now we have to get to the Airfield right now we're going to basically follow the bad guys and try and get the Antikythera device. And try and make things right? So we're climbing out of the terribleness of indie getting shot and the bad guys having me antikither a device we get to the Airfield hele on it. Um, gets on a motorcycle and actually drives it up towards a plane that's starting to take off which I actually thought was okay. 09:26.55 kinkella Um, it obviously strains credibility riding a motorcycle to catch a plane that's on takeoff and she gets in the wheel. Well and all that kind of goes up but I do think that was in keeping with the vibe of Indiana Jones I was cool with it. You know why? not. So and of course the bad guys have taken Indiana Jones along on the plane. This is also of course where teddy the kid flies another plane to catch catch up. He's never flown a plane before. Why do we have to do this. Why did they do this. Why not just say the kid knew how to fly a plane his dad taught him I'd go with that the whole scene this is this is one of those times man where it's like the world of a thousand rewrites I'm like who thought I don't know this must have been some half idea. 14 versions ago that stayed in the script or something I'm ah because watching it. You're like what a terrible choice. This could have been so much better. So the little plane follows the big plane. All our characters are going into this time vortex and. The idea with the villain is he's going back to like 1938 in order to kill Hitler actually and take over and make all the right choices. So the third right because he finds that the um, the weak link in the chain is hitler right? You get rid of Hitler and then. 10:59.74 kinkella And then the nazis can take over. He can do everything right? but we find out that it's all messed up and the time travel takes them back to the battle of Syracuse in 142 bc now I'm usually not a fan of this kind of thing time travel I think sucks almost every time in movies like this but I swear to god you guys I think it worked I think it was okay I was like I was like oh my god I think this is working. It seemed Indiana Jonesy I don't know like for Indiana Jones for I was so against the whole aliens thing. Maybe it's because I well run this podcast but even with that I just thought it was so high concept I was like dude this is lame but. Shockingly I was cool with the time travel. So they're in 2 14 bc um basically ah Helena shoots. The bad guy. Ah Indiana Jones and her jump out of the airplane with the parachute as the. Playing with the bad guy and it crashes and I would like to write a little note of thanks to the writers of Indiana Jones 5 and say that when the plane crashed The bad guy was indeed dead. We didn't have that stupid like. 12:34.10 kinkella I'm still alive in the wreckage I'm coming to get you right? that would just suck so bad I was totally waiting for that. It didn't happen. Thank god um so the bad guy is vanquished and then we meet ah archimedes. And that's really awesome and I think that um, what's really nice. There is. There's a real deep scene with Indiana Jones and Helena just about Indiana Jones says he wants to stay there. And he Helen is like no, you can't a really deep dramatic scene which I thought worked and they also had a deep dramatic scene back in act 2 um on the dive boat when Indiana Jones talks about the death of his son really really nice and both actors I thought did a great job on both of those and not every Indiana Jones Movie has that indian jones 4 didn't have any deep scenes like that. But this one does and and those scenes are gold. You know, nice human real. They're sad. They're poignant. Good for them. You know I really liked those so Helena like indie you can't stay. You're going to ruin history. He's like I'm tired I got nothing to live for I want to stay and she's like sorry man and she punches him out. We wake up. He's back in his. 14:08.86 kinkella Apartment in 1969 and um Helen is there and of course in walks Marion right? and marion and. Indiana Jones end up having a really nice. This is the third one. Nice poignant human scene sort of a flip from the scene of the original Indiana Jones scene where. When Marion asks you know is there a place it doesn't hurt and Indiana Jones points to his elbow. There's ah, there's a flip of that and you know these 2 people end up kissing right? and and sort of. Making up and that's the end of the movie a very nice end and of course they fade to black and then play the raiders of the lost star march and hey good for them. When we return my final thoughts and some tips and tricks on Indiana Jones 5