00:00.54 kinkella Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 122 and tonight we are looking back to a year I like to call 1989 and the release of Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Okay, so guess what I had a good time talking about Indiana Jones 5 the other day and I got to be in my bonnet about talking about Indiana Jones movies and not just. Movies in general because I know it's weird that I'm doing like 2 movies in a row and it's not like this channel is you know the movie review channel but thinking about Indiana Jones in the last crusade really jogged my memory. And not about the movie so much. Although I rewatched it recently to take notes to work for you. People. So I give you quality product. You're welcome. Ah I was thinking about specifically when the movie came out the movie came out. 01:16.72 kinkella Indiana Jones in the last crusade when I was 17 so this is the summer of 1989 and for me, it's the summer between eleventh and twelfth grade and I actually it's funny man I remember. Watching that movie in the theater and I remember it pretty well and it was because of like a ah life epiphany I had while I was watching it and really at the end of the movie and it was so important to me I actually wrote about it in my textbook. So. Ah, wrote a textbook like a year and a half ago called archeology is awesome and it uses the Indiana Jones font on the front and the setup for my textbook is every chapter I would write a little um vignette. 02:11.87 kinkella Of my life in archeology right? Just a little like short story and so for one of the chapters I actually wrote down my experience from the theater and I'm going to read it to you so here it goes Indiana Jones and the possibilities of things to come. Indiana Jones and the last crusade came out when I was a junior in high school during the time when students are beginning to take college seriously and think of potential schools where they might apply even though I was in an overcrowded theater sitting. Ah way too close to the scream man I remember that. The third installment of the Indiana Jones Trilogy was providing me with one of the most enjoyable cinematic experiences of my life. Although the movie delivered excitement adventure and levity as Indiana Jones raced around the world searching for the holy grail it was the final scene at the amazing archeological site of. Petra that put it over the top for me with the carved stone facade of Petra in the background India and his friends jumped on their horses and raced away into the setting sun leaving the holy grail for another day as the theme song blared and the credits rolled. Ah, possible. Career choice was added to the list in my brain in the same moment as I watched the other movie goers leave the theater I realized that I was ready to leave home and go to college. So there you go and that's. 03:47.19 kinkella True. Um I you guys I totally remember that it was almost like this out of- bodydy experience where I just I remember at the end of the movie and I was just you know I'm in my hometown and I'm looking I went to go see the movie with just a. Friend of mine like a good friend of mine I didn't have a girlfriend or anything like that at the time and I remember looking around and just thinking you know I need to get out of here and I was just I've always been excited. To go to college just to go. You know to experience something new, but that moment I was like ready you know so that time for me was really important and I remember that summer of eighty nine and to bring it. Back towards the movie a bit we have to remember that you know, um, last crusade came out like what is it since it's eighty nine. It's 5 years after temple led down and so this is like 8 years after the original. Indiana Jones movie so at the time Indiana Jones was kind of passe. It really was like it and also the ah temple of doom hadn't been that great like. 05:21.46 kinkella Te doom kind of tarnished Indiana Jones a little bit people don't remember this and even for me as like a 17 year old in 1989 I think I kind of had to play it off with my friends a little like hey I'm going to go see Indiana Jones and they were like ah that's a lame loser you know so you. Have to think of this movie in its cultural moment Indiana Jones is eight years old and he's kind of passe and this movie had to make up some serious lost ground from temple of doom. It did like I remember after temple of doom came out it really. Temple of doom felt like Indiana Jones sells out. It did right for audiences of 1984 I remember that what's one of the nice parts I find as you get a little older. It's like oh yeah, I actually experience that I can tell you guys about that I can tell you like. The setup really mattered it mattered that as a teenager it was a little lame to still like Indiana Jones right we of course have this ah callback now if everyone loves Indiana Jones but at the time little shaky. So with that in our in our heads. Let's go through the last crusade right? Let's go through Indiana Jones and the last crusade and I'll do my thing. We'll talk through the the 3 acts of the movie. 06:54.25 kinkella And we remember that act one is kind of the setup and we see who the hero is and then he gets a call to adventure and he kind of refuses it and then when he finally goes on it. He kind of begins the adventure then we're into act 2 there's all these trials and tribulations act 2 is really long then there's this crisis this. The terrible part in the movie where you're like oh my god the hero is not going to make it and then they start to crawl back out. They go into act 3 you have the climax and then the falling action or the den you ma and then it's over and I think what we'll see is the. Last crusade really follows this template just like just like so many movies do so parting the clouds and going backwards in our way back machine to 1989 there I am sitting in the theater and the movie starts right. And it does the paramount pictures have the paramount pictures has the hill right? The mountain it fades into a mountain or ah, a hill that we know is from the american southwest so immediately. We're set. In the american southwest and we're told that it's Utah in 1912 and there's a boy scout troop right? And so ah, we see that oh this is young Indiana Jones played by River Phoenix man 08:27.12 kinkella River Phoenix did such a good job in this and um, there was an interview with him where he had actually been in a movie with Harrison Ford before he was in mosquito coast filmed in Belize by the way and since he had worked with Harrison Ford already he'd studied him. Studied the guy for like months so he knew Harrison Ford's little personal isms. You know how he moved and I had critiqued um dial of destiny the the first part. You know that's all computer generated that the physicality was all wrong and weird right? and that kind of made that part suck. This is the opposite. You have an actor mimicking Harrison Ford in the best possible sense rewatch that you guys rewatch that first bit with River Phoenix River Phoenix does a. Fantastic job of sort of doing Harrison Ford again in the best possible sense. He just ah, he nails it. You know the look the sort of vibe the feel and so the the setup is that Indiana and his friend. Go off and try and get the cross of coronado which these other kind of luder guys are getting and you see this this grownup man who is sort of in the same Indiana Jones kind of cut from the same cloth right? And ah this is where Indiana Jones get some of his ideas on how to be him. So. 10:01.65 kinkella Of course it doesn't work out. There's a chase on a train huh kind of like in a dial of destiny chase on a train in the beginning part. But ah, they they ah chase across the. Train cars right? and this train is like a circus train so each car has like different animals and different hijinks and we see how Indiana Jones become scared of snakes. He falls into a box full of snakes. We see how he gets his. Um. Scar on his chin because he uses his whip for the first time he gets a whip of course in the one of the circus cars and he accidentally cuts his cuts his chin so we kind of get these little fun little. Bits and bobs of like oh that's how in this origin story. Oh that's how this this happened for the first time right? So they finally get out of there. Um Indiana Jones goes home. We we meet the father but we don't see him. We just hear his voice who is of course going to be the great Sean Connery and Sean Connery is totally not excited about what Indiana is bringing in. You know the the cross of coronado and all this. So basically. Ah. 11:20.48 kinkella While indie's dad is busy, not caring the authorities show up. They take the crossback and they give it to the luder guys right? and the luder guy is looks at Indiana is basically like a better look next time kid and gives him the hat right? and so we see in this. What's called like a match on. Um, it's a match match on action. Um, where the hand goes down on and puts the hat on and then and then we um, see a indie's head come back up and it's. modern indiana jones right? It's harrison ford and now he's on the portuguese coast in 1938 and he's on a boat and the same guy who actually was paying for the cross of coronado dig in 1912 is there again, you know and of course though this time indiana jones is triumphant then we cut back to the teaching scene got to have your indianogens teaching scene. What's great. You guys if you look close on the um chalkboard behind indiana jones he wrote ah canalino and moskeleton island that's chew mash stuff. But that's stuff from santa barbara that's um david banks rogers to get into the archeology of it 1926 so this is actual stuff. Basically what you get if you're a super nerd like me is that. 12:49.16 kinkella Indiana Jones was teaching his students. The section on California archeology. Ah, it's just kind of kind of fun just squint and you'll see I'll say canallineial muscaligen island that's those that's the name of a large chemash village site and then canallineia was a name that they used to use for the culture. At the ah the temporal culture of the time. So anyway, of course in he's doing this teaching thing Marcus comes in Marcus Brody right who's gonna have a a bigger role here kind of a more fun role in this one little more lighthearted than before they talk about the cross. Um, and ah hey he has the. Cross finally and that's great, but then Indiana Jones goes to like a dinner party and this part I laugh at a little in ah in a fun way as an adult archeologist because. Sometimes when you have a job like this. You do get invited to like rich people dinner parties sometimes like that can be a thing and ah but I've I've had those kind of experiences where you almost feel a little bit out of ah. Fish out of water you know, but because archaeology as a job has that x-factor that interesting aspect to it that a lot of times people with means want you around so anyway Indiana Jones is in this. 14:25.33 kinkella Like yeah at this dinner party hosted by this guy named Walter Donovan and Walter Donovan is of course a rich benefactor who's really into history and shows Indiana Jones this stone that has a bunch of carvings on it and um. Indian joness kind of translates it and it's like oh hey I think this is about the Holy Grail and they talk. Oh yes, the cup of Christ and of course indian jones is like as bunch of b as you know there's no such thing and ah Walter Donovan offers Indiana. A spot basically on his project to look for this and indian jones like nah refusal of the call rights like now I don't need to do that. You have the wrong Dr Jones and then they're like well we had the right? Dr Jones we were working with your father but your father's missing. And then of course Indiana Jones is like okay and right at that point you're like we're done with act one and now we're on to act 2 and when we return. That's exactly what we're going to talk about.