00:01.71 kinkella All right? So um, Rachel and Chris you probably heard from the previous record of the produce recording. Ate it as well. So I'm just going to continue so recording one stop that a unfortunate spot I'm just going to backtrack a tiny bit and make it sort of I think an easy edit. On to um, ah somewhere where where it'll vaguely make sense onto ah from recording one straight into recording three so here we go. 00:34.67 kinkella So the microphone that I use is the sure mv 5 and what's funny which you guys may have heard right before I talked about this um or it might have been smooth I actually had a technical difficulty while recording this I moved my mic. And it ah unplugged itself for like a nanosecond which stopped the recording and I had to backtrack a little so in the podcasting world technical difficulties like that will happen. So and in terms of my audio. It's. My mike is not that great I've been looking for a better one I even have like sort of ah the little spit cut like a fly cover on it too but doesn't seem to help I find when I listen to myself a lot of times I'll have this like like I'll hear my peas or or like like little clicks and my like. Like those. Um and I try and control those and that's something if you're getting into the podcast world that you really want to listen for to try and clean up your speech as much as possible and and sometimes my but those those are the hard things that are for me to. Not do you'll hear it sometimes I think I probably did that if you listen back it it just it's one of those things I think I need to mess with my levels and mess with my Mike because ah it I I can hear it if I if I listen with a really critical ear. 02:04.68 kinkella And that's what you guys have to start doing too is listening to these things with critically you're watching things with the critical eye critical mindset. You know. so so I do have a separate mic that goes into my computer again. It all goes through the Zencastr program and then I have separate earphones too. These are. Um, sennheiser dt 7 70 pros I think they're about one hundred and twenty bucks or something like that I definitely recommend a set of earphones like this in that in that range they they I've been really happy with them. So my earphones I'm really happy with my mike. I should probably get something else in time I'll try out some some other things so in terms of this world barring the the technical parts that I just talked about right? Of course you need a mic of course you need earbuds or earphones um like. Before like with the Youtube channel you need an idea of what to say how long is your show going to be how many breaks on this show. We have 3 breaks right? and I try and go for about 12 minutes apiece definitely call it by 15 right? That's and I find that's okay and I find if anything I try and have maybe like a 35 minute show in total you know and and the there's the sections some will be longer. Some will be shorter as you guys have experienced right. 03:37.50 kinkella Even now if you're into this world. This podcast world. You can go back and listen to a handful of some of my old shows to see and you can listen with that critical eye. Oh hey, his third segment was only 7 minutes long oh his middle part though man that was 15 minutes long did that work did you like it did you not listen with that critical eye for yourself. Right? If you want to show think about its construction. This is what so many people don't do they just think I have a great idea I'm gonna do a show about gardening but how what's the setup. What's your angle. Why should I listen to you you know who are you right? It's okay, if you're no one. But. You're really on it. You're really serious. You're really work. Ah, how many people have we seen start to do this stuff and then just drop away. It does get to be work. You do have to work on it and those technical aspects dude are what you really want to think about. Length of show. What's it about could I do 30 shows about this who's my audience I haven't even talked about that who's your audience who are you talking to? who do you hope listens to you you know I always try and go as broad as possible. Any of us are going to say that but also with an angle of like in terms of archeology professionalism or um I try and push it to be as technical as I can be but still be inclusive of everybody you know I'm not going to start just to start to use jargon or something. Um, but I try and talk about. 05:13.82 kinkella Fairly high ideals because those are fun. That's what people care about. So think about that who's your audience who are you talking to? Um, that's that's super important in in any of these worlds so podcasting there you go. That's that's my experience and then and then how often. How often are you putting these things out I do a show every other week right? My Youtube channel I'm really much more happy. Go lucky slash lacka dayssical and sometimes when I have ideas of little more sometimes I do less I wish I could put up a Youtube show every other week I tend to not to I tend to have so much to do. But. If. It's been a month I start to freak out I'm like oh my god I got put some content up. Ah so that's my experience with podcasting yours may differ finally publishing so you want to write for the world. You want the world to listen to your finely scripted tones. 06:10.41 kinkella Um, we did a show on the crm podcast about publishing which I'll link to down below and that's a more in-depth discussion of the different types of publishing but I'll say this the same ideas apply now what are you gonna write your book about. Or your blog post or your article 1 thing you could do if you're trying to get out to the world and you're like but I'll never get an agent like I don't really have a literary agent. You know, even at this point I don't um, but you know how do you get out to the world. A blog but start a blog if you're serious about a blog. You want to buy your domain name if what I've just said you're like what is that it's it's basically buying the rights to something like Andrew Canculla Dot Com you know which I've already done. A few of those and how do you do it? You do it through places like Godaddy. There's a bunch of named sort of domain handlers and um, honestly, forget which one I go through I think it's godaddy but I may be mistaken. There are um. 07:26.27 kinkella When you go online you can. Also there's these little online programs where they'll tell you what the site's domain is which is cool. So look up a couple that you like that influenced you and and put them all. You do is type in the address and then it'll be like this site is registered under Godaddy or whatever it may be. So um, see what else is out there know that you're small potatoes but you're serious small potatoes. Okay, you could be a really enjoyable small potatoes ah and take it take it seriously so you don't you're not looking for the same. Domain handlers are the same agent is like a bunch of famous. Oh I just need Brad Pitt's agent then I'm good. No, it's not for you right? and you build over time so just write and then and then you just start a blog I have 1 which I've kind of relabeled and stuff and I haven't written on it in years because this other stuff has taken my sort of free time you know of ah doing this kind of stuff. Ah which is fine I'm not against. Doing other blogs and I have a couple blogs that I wrote up that have been really useful for my students like I wrote a blog post on. Um, what to put in your backpack if you're going on an archeological project specifically to Belize but the ideas are good for anywhere. Um. 08:54.22 kinkella Kela's backpack checklist is I think what it was called and that really works for people and I'm really happy about that right? So I I recommend having a blog somewhere out there. You know that you can add on as needed. But if anything in my media empire my blog was a failure right? because i. Didn't I haven't spent the time upkeeping it I rarely put stuff on there. So it's really on the back burner and that's okay, right? I don't go to sleep going look I'm such a loser should have done more of my blog post. You know, no, it's just just how it is. Again, you will try stuff and then certain stuff won't work out. It's okay, try some of those other things too. Um, in terms of the pay I've got no pay for the blog ever. You know it's just way too small and then in terms of writing a book. That's very varied. And there's a lot there but I will say the short answer is never pay to have your book published. Never do that? Um, if you work through some sort of any reputable publisher. You should get a 10 % cut that's how classic book book publishing pretty much works. You can also self-publish through Amazon or this kind of thing I haven't done it. But I've had friends who who have um, it can be good to it. It depends ultimately on thinking about things like your audience. What will really work for you being realistic. Oh my audience is the world. 10:30.51 kinkella Yeah, but nobody's going to read your gardening tips from my backyard. You know like you got to be honest, you got to think about that. What's your market be have a business mindset but go for it and in the publishing world the key to writing. Is writing right write right? You have a computer you're you're going to need a computer if you don't have 1 you write write it down write more write the worst crap you ever wrote who cares right? write right? right? and then the more you do it. You might see certain things where you're like ooh I could really expand this into a book or an article for some place. And other areas you're like this didn't really go too far but I could just make it a blog post to move on. It's about remember I always say this content is king just make content and keep going when we return. My final thoughts on building your own media empire. 11:36.74 kinkella Okay, hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 126 I'm your host Andrew King Kella and we have just been talking about how to build your own media empire no big deal just building your own media empire. Yeah, with this final segment I just thought I'd talk about some basic tips and tricks that help everything you know wherever you're trying to make your Mark in the public domain I mean of course the better you are at. Tying all this stuff to social media outlets to be your own self promoter. That's great I'm classically pretty terrible at that because things like Facebook and Instagram just bring me no joy. So I just don't like doing it where I like making Youtube videos I like making podcasts you know, um. Once you start working on stuff realize that like nothing will happen for a while and those you I always say this you'll you'll feel like you're just in a cave and you have no idea if it's good or bad. Whatever you keep going content content content is king right. Um, tweak your show or written thing as you go as other people read it as other people watch it as you make other episodes watch your own stuff with a critical eye I always joke. 13:02.54 kinkella That the most narcissistic thing I do is listen to my own podcast. Ah ah or or watch my own Youtube video but I'm not doing it to hear my joyous too loud voice I'm watching it. With a critical eye to see if everything's worked or I'll listen to my own voice and be like oh I can hear too much clicking or oh I was too quiet or oh I went away from the mic and I couldn't it didn't sound right? or oh I'm standing not right? or or my camera on my Youtube video. Oh it's too high I need to angle it down. Oh it's too dark. You know I look like I got like really bad bags under my eyes or yeah, whatever it is oh that shirt. That's a terrible shirt. Remember don't wear that in the future so you got to be able to be self-critical like that. That's just massive people who are can't be self-critical will be terrible at this. You have to constantly. It's not about being sad or down on yourself. It's about just taking it in and going. Okay, okay that that worked and you also talk about the high. It's like oh that what made that show good. Okay, it was Energe. You know I really spoke off the cuff that was really energgetic and. Had an up swing energy to it like that's what made that show bad I was kind of and I sound a little tired I wasn't sure what I was saying I didn't have I didn't have security in myself. You know so watch your own stuff with that editor's eye. 14:31.83 kinkella Start looking critically to at um, not necessarily Youtube or podcast sensations look critically at shows that are just ahead of you. You know there's um, they're like Youtube channels that all that I watch fairly regularly and they have nothing to do with archeology. But they're they're often about like electric guitars or other hobbies I have and they I started watching them. There's 2 in particular, there's 1 called Steve from Boston who he does a lot of like 1980 S like shredder guitars and there's another guy called Marty 101 a lot of the same stuff. These guys are both. Like guys of my generation give or take and they're just sort of churning out Youtube videos. Um, every god they're doing them like every week every two weeks and I'd look at them with a critical eye because. I remember I watched them when they had under 10000 subscribers one of them now has like I think Steve has like fifty thousand or eighty thousand something like he's got it is a lot right? and Marty's up to 20000 or something like that and and again there are other ones too I'll watch other archeology ones or whatever just to check in. When you watch those especially in their early days you're like oh I could do that right? Those are key. You'll see them with their own screw ups on audio or editing or whatever and you're like okay, um, watch how long are their videos. What are their videos about stuff. You'd like to watch anyway, right? what. 16:01.88 kinkella How often are they putting them out. Um, what is their overall like their Youtube Page what does it look like what's their channel look like um, what's the what's the podcast like but the um, the tile for the podcast itself is really important you want something that looks good. You don't want something that looks like boring. You know I like the tile for the pseudo archeology podcast I think it's great. My brother did that it's bright. It's funny. My theme music right? I didn't even talk about that. My brother did it I think it's fantastic. Have a brother who knows a lot about audio. You need one of those. So. All that stuff to make your media outlet. Whatever it may be to look more professional little more specific to you. You know of your style. My style is always kind of lighthearted. You know so I'm really happy with those with that kind of stuff for me. Um, even watch because we all have either podcasts we listen to or Youtube shows we watch have like millions of viewers or listeners watch those with a critical eye too. How long are they how many? um. 17:15.96 kinkella Commercial breaks are there when are they the commercial breaks are the commercial breaks annoying are they or are they just kind of par for the course you know, um as you move on in this start to network as best you can in any of it. You know if it's in publishing listen talk to other authors. Um. God talk to agents or editors if you can you know go to if you're in any kind of professional meetings and whatever you do ask other people what they do other people in your world. You know, ah critically honestly openly. Learn that stuff. It's fascinating. Um, as you move forward to a trick you can do is interview a guest who they have a podcast too and you enter you know you go back and forth and so you kind of help each other's podcast by talking together. Yeah, a Youtube video you they you can do that too in the Youtube world right? So um, and you just let let the ball keep rolling listen to your audience you know, um, see what you can do you want to keep your standards or keep the essence of your show. But notice when things don't work notice what on Youtube when you get like no views versus what gets a ton of views. Um notice um same thing on podcasts. You know what do people like what do people constantly ask you have your radar out. Ah you could do this. You know it's but it is a you. 18:52.24 kinkella It is a job.. It's a little you have to think of it as like a side hustle that you go in you know, ah to do on a regular basis that and some days you might not have much some days you might be a little low. Those are the days where you got to you got a man up and do it you know and it's worth it. It's all and once you're in it too, especially when you you know you enjoy it once you're in it like oh yeah I remember this This is Great. So um. 19:24.67 kinkella Think about all those all those things as as you go through? do not think of it as this is what I'm doing for money if the money comes. It's a little icing on the cake right? Definitely have a day job. And with that I'll see you guys next time.