00:00.14 kinkella Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 127 I'm your host Dr Andrew Kingkella and tonight you people are forcing me to deal with the mexican. Alien. Okay so what am I doing here talking about the mexican alien well everyone asked me about this when you guys like people online sent me an email or 2 my students asked about it just every so often. There's an alien. It's like an alien of the week and it kind of takes over the narrative for a handful of days now. It's already being forgotten. Thank god. But I thought I'd take it up just by by popular demand you you're gonna get what you ask for my friends now before I delve into the foolishness I do have to say you guys I have a headache right now. I do like I'm up tired I'm burned out. It's like it's like 1136 at night. Um I'm trying a new microphone just for laughs I think it will be worse. But. 01:35.15 kinkella But deal with it yo I'm doing the alien episode. So don't care if my microphone sucks and I just want I want to say how this sounds ultimately I will say I tested it. It didn't seem horrible. So ah, yeah, it might it might be fine, but. I've just ah um ah I'm tired of burned out. Ah, it's just another another unprofessional moment amongst many but ah, let's let's suck it up and and start start the story. Ah, so oh man. So so I think you guys have probably seen this I'm laughing already. It's it's those like little tiny aliens you've seen them on like social media and it's just sort of been listed as this alien. From Mexico right? And they're physically really small and you guys I believe there's 2 of them. They look It's like it can't be any more cliche I mean it's laughable like. It just shouts hey this is a fake alien right? and I mean when you look at it. You just go? Oh yeah, that not only is that a fake alien but it's like a crappy fake like I don't even I know this is nothing. 03:09.70 kinkella Right? But as we'll talk about later the whole unfortunate aspect of this alien of the week is that the media just talks it up and talks it up and it's just pure bs it's so lame. That's why that's why a portion of me I have extreme love hate for these alien stories. Um, yeah I love them of course because they're so outlandish and silly but I hate them because there's this media push to you know, kind of they. Don't laugh at it when they need to. But um, one thing I'm always a little reticent to talk about pure alien stories on this because this is the pseudo archeology channel right? So I don't want to just like. Go all the way in on aliens all the time I just I feel like it would be disingenuous I want to make sure it connects to archeology even though it's pseudo but you know what I will say that this alien example the setup is that they were found not in. Mexico but in Peru so the backstory is that these were excavated in Peru in 2017 so with that backstory I think it can just creep in to pseudo archeology right? It's not just. 04:44.38 kinkella Pure alien we do have a excavated aspect of it and the idea is that the fraudulent backstory is that these aliens are actually 1000 years old right? They have they crash landed here or whatever a thousand years ago and we're just. Recently uncovered now. Um that date of 2017 is true for 1 thing. Of course it has nothing to do when these aliens were found but it has everything to do with when this fraud started. Because see the setup. This is so interesting. The most interesting part of the story is the the real nuts and bolts of the fraud. Um, when I first saw it I just thought okay somebody put this together as like a joke and it just got way out of hand because sometimes that kind of stuff actually happens. Um, but but here now it was it was planned. It looks like there was so there was a thing called the alien project right quote the alien project in 172 a crowdfunded the alien project. And it would it was this guy I believe you say his name Terry Jaine it might might also be Terry ya mean this kind of thing but he's a guy who purports to be an archeologist of course and he's not I mean. 06:19.63 kinkella I really have to say that it's so funny these guys you know they hate archeology and archeologists. But then they always say their one. You know it's just it's uncanny and as we go through this you will see the same themes. That we see whether it be Graham Hancock whether it be Eric Vo Dinah and it's just it's really It's like the same song. It's like they use the same stanzas and it's in the same key and the song is the same length. They just change a couple words. So when we come back? How did this crowdfunded alien project move forward. All right? Just gonna talk to you Chris for a minute just deal with her Chris can't believe you make me do this but I'm laying here my head hurts just. Have you no shame have you no shame Chris. 07:38.85 kinkella And we are back with the pseudo archeology channel's episode 127 good god and we are looking at the mexican alien by popular demand. So when we left off. Um I was saying that this. This fraud was actually a crowdfunded fraud called the alien project from 17 and so you have this guy Terry Gaim who gets this all together. But then to kind of add to it. He brings this other guy in. Ah, Jamie Mossan who is a mexican journalist and a self ah self- labelbeled ufo enthusiast and it's so funny too. How come? How come so many of these people are like journalists. You know Graham Hancock is a journalist too like what is that? Ah, there's these themes that we start to see just again and again anyway, these 2 guys get together and it seems like like Terry Yamine is like in the background kind of they kind of set everything up. And then Jamie Masan is the the face um he's the older guy you see if you see any of the interviews about the aliens right? and he gives the backstory. Ah, it's found in Peru. Oh yes, it's been radiocarbonated to a thousand years old. Um. 09:11.68 kinkella Of these 2 aliens one's a male and one's a female and the female has eggs inside right? I mean just just play into the the cliche right? and I have to say. Ah I know and I don't know at the same time. Why these cliches continue to work I don't know because when you look at the actual alien it's like so sad right? It's so obviously fake. It's so obviously just like a joke. But. Okay, why does this work then because what I would call the show still works capital t capital s the show. Well but what do I mean by that it's all in the presentation right? Talk to every fraudster. Who's ever lived. It's it's not about the thing. It's how you sell it and so when you watch these? um like media shows on news articles. Whatever on the mexican alien. Presentation so they're in these like sealed glass boxes right? and when you look closely at the glass boxes. There's a temperature gauge in there. You know as if it needs to be kept at a perfect temperature. Ah and and just that right just that setup. 10:49.19 kinkella It. It's a perfect dodge. You know I find that that even in even in ah archeology real archeology when somebody has a an idea that is not going over. Well. 11:08.12 kinkella They double down on ancillary stuff that you already that that isn't really doesn't really matter but they they say and what what I mean by that is they'll like um, there's a lot of very early archeology sites in the new world that. Are not for sure right? like like the um you can pick sirruy mastodon site we should. We've done the show before you can do white sands which I think we've touched on on this show before um cirrudy mastodon site is one hundred and thirty thousand years old um white sands I believe is 21000 years old now white sands is and has much better evidence than cirrudi but they both suffer from the same problem which is the evidence for actual humans having been there. Is not that great right? It's pretty It's pretty weak but instead of talking about their actual evidence for humans. They will keep putting out like new articles about how their dating is good. Right? like like I think one just came out for whites sands. It's like no it is indeed 21000 years old and for me I'm like that's not my point I believe it's 21000 years old Sirrudi Mastodon site I believe you I know it's one hundred and thirty thousand years old sure my argument is. 12:41.53 kinkella I don't see any human stuff there right? You see what I mean that they do this dodge where they where they just they talk about something else you know and this is exactly the sealed glass boxes with the temperature. Gauge is the same thing. It's like. No look. We're we're keeping it very secure and under perfect temperature. It's like no no, no, that's not what I'm asking what I'm asking is that is obviously fake now you have a fake alien in a temperature control glass box. And and then not only that the show continues where where they get they get the media and um just other entities involved in it. It's always the same I see it. It's like it's like a snowball rolling downhill day. They um, will do testing right? but they'll say they'll say they've done testing right? like they've say they'll done like carbon 14 or something but then other entities will be like well the testing should be made available even real academic entities. You know they'll be like they should really. Make their testing available. It's like no don't engage who gives a shit if they test it or not It's obviously fake have you seen it. So just the testing conversation adds credence. 14:16.26 kinkella To this foolish idiotic thing. Oh the the proving government lodged a criminal complaint against I believe like Mussan and jamin because the proving government is saying well look you stole. Archeological antiquities from our country now I get why they would do that I've seen other countries do this but do I think that's a good idea. Ah, it's a double edged sword. It's good to show that you will prosecute people who steal artifacts but. Just the idea that that is an actual artifact is it just lends credence to this stupid stupid thing right? Ah, it's just you guys see what I mean it's like should you should you really do that I I think if I was the proving government I would just laugh it off. You know and just point and laugh and then get back to my my real work and then you have since it's in Mexico you have the mexican congress having a hearing on the alien just adding credence to this stupid stupid thing right? So they have a hearing. They talk about the quote unquote lab tests. Um I mean look how much energy and focus is going into this idiotic thing think about how many great things you could do with that energy that kind of focus. 15:49.18 kinkella And in many ways. Most importantly, that kind of media attention when we come back. Let's wrap up the Mexican alien. 16:07.71 kinkella So Chris how hows how's how's the adriatic and all that stuff. Yeah, why you're just just sitting there on some boat. What's smiling in the sun. Whatever did. 16:37.22 kinkella And we are back for episode 127 of the pseudor archeology podcast. It's a short but sweet episode my friends but as I said at the top man my head is just it heart. Any migraine suffers out there migraine suffers I do have to say I am one so what I have tonight is not a migraine I would I don't and yeah, but migraine suffers. You know what? I mean like like. I'm not going to take my medicine if that makes sense to migraine sufferers out there right? I'm like it's throbbing and it's right behind my eye. You know, but I I think I'm just going to let it go It's not truly a migraine because if it really was. Like I see like auras and not the mexican alien kind of auras. Um, although they're actually way cooler than the mexican alien but ah, but I get that and I'm sure I'm sure some of you guys know know exactly what I mean. 17:51.12 kinkella But I'm I'm doing this so I'm I'm laying on the couch just again with my different microphone which is really just earbuds and a mic I had noticed that these earbuds and Mike Combo had worked really well for something else I had done. Um. And I was like maybe I'll try some podcast and a b it with my other stuff. But at this point you're like can kill a man. Can you wrap up the mexican alien already all right? So when we left I had just touched on the media and. The media drives me nuts on all this they are the number 1 main culprit in keeping this crap alive right again just because they never end with this and and my big blame is. They do serious coverage of this right when they should just laugh it off laugh it off it is. It's again, idiotic stupid. Um I will say social media. Is much better at it in some ways because they have a ton of jokes. There's one of my favorite ones is I think I saw this I don't know maybe on maybe on Twitter I can't remember but there was a photo of the of the alien and somebody had interspersed a cake like they were cutting a piece of alien off and eating it. 19:23.64 kinkella Because the way that they had faked the alien it totally looks like it has powdered sugar on it. So I thought the like cake image was was really really funny that kind of thing is exactly what should be done with this stupid stupid story. But instead I've seen news show after news show covering this with that serious tone like the bodies appear to be encased in glassed stop that just go like. In idiotic news of the week check this out right? This should be the funny piece at the end of the local news instead of the water skiing squirrel right? Do the the mexican alien because that's where it belongs right. Um, that that serious tone just kills me and again it just adds credences. They interview the guy you know they interview masan and he he just gets to blab about this stupid stupid that oh found in 172 yeah, you made it in 2017 from crowdfunded money like I mean they don't even try and cover that up I just why do we keep doing this. 20:52.33 kinkella I I don't I just I'm not sure I understand that the media is totally like cynical and crass and and they'll just like cover any bullshit story for ratings and since dumb shit like this gets ratings. They'll just cover it like I get. I Get some of that. But I guess I Wonder why does it get ratings I think that's the key because again the image is so laughable and and silly and and weak like if you're going to fake an alien at least give me something. You know why? do we keep on I don't know I mean we all like Aliens I mean there's a reason why the Pseudo Archeology podcast. The reason why I get people listening because you guys like this kind of stuff I like this kind of stuff too. But um. 21:49.63 kinkella I Don't know I'm I'm I'm just Surprised. There is a cynicism to it almost on both sides. There's a cynicism to the people who made this up because it's so weak. They're not even trying you know it's you could make a better one in an afternoon with stuff you find. In your junk drawer I'm I'm not kidding right? Um I guess I would just leave with a plea to the media of stop doing this. You're giving stupid shit legitimacy. Please follow my lead and make fun of it and with that I'll see you guys next time.