00:00.29 kinkella Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 130 can you believe it and tonight the life and times of Charles Etien breastseer de bo bo with a name like that. There are limited options besides pseudo archeology. Ok so what's going on tonight. Well tonight my friends we are dealing with the one and only charles at the end braser de bobo but. Before we get to him a little health note to all of you out there. Your humble narrator here. Dr Professor Andrew Cankea you know what I did you know what? I did recently for my own health I had a colonoscopy. Oh yeah I did. So what I'm here to tell you is you guys. It's not that bad. So the worst part of it is the setup um like where you can't eat for a day and you have to take these funky pills and drink a bunch of water or drink like weird stuff that. Like the 48 hours before it. That's the part that's a bummer and it's really just uncomfortable because you can't eat anything. You know what? I mean it's just that. But once you get yourself to the place where you're going to have the procedure once you get there like. 01:34.84 kinkella It's gravy after that. It's a piece of cake. No problem they will put you out and then you actually have a very restful nap I have to say that my colonoscopy nap was like super restful. And then you wake up and it's all over. So just I'm 51 and it was like past time and I had it done and everything was fine and they say you don't have to come back for a decade. So I'm just here to say it's like if you have health insurance you know and you're like. A little weirded out by it or you just feel like embarrassed by it because did it's embarrassing and weird but dude here's here's what you got to do just laugh it off make jokes about it like I do um but just do it. Don't be chicken. It's really It's really not that bad and it's so worth it. I feel so much better. You guys that I know you know what I mean I'm like everything's cool I don't have Colon Cancer so that's my little health update for the day because I care about my listeners man I care I but I care a lot more. Then Charles Etienne bresur de bo bor would care about you mainly because he's very dead Charles Etien brasure de bo bor was born in 1814 and he's gonna die in 1874 so what we care about here. 03:06.88 kinkella Is that he's doing work in yeah no in the eighteen. Oh the old 40 s 5060 s right? That's what he's doing and why are we focusing on this guy in the first place if you guys remember a couple episodes ago. I did a thing on Ignatius Donnelly remember ignatius loyal a donelly and he wrote um the atlantis book um atlantis the ah ah what is it. 03:43.95 kinkella Atlantis the Aniluvian world remember that came out in 1881 I think and we made great fun of ignatius loyal a donelly saying that a name like ignatius loyal a donnelly did you know that's a difficult middle school situation I think. Charles Etien brossir de bor borg has the same middle school situation. So why I'm focusing on him is because with donelly's atlantas book from 1881 I'm like who was he building off of right who were the. Earlier pseudoareology people. So I've been doing this deep diveling backwards in time and I saw that ignatius donnly ah took some of his ideas from Charles Etienne bresster to Bor Borg and when I saw that I'm what I'm like wait that nameir de bo borg like. That that reminds I've heard this before man I've heard this name and then it quite quickly to myself I was like I was like wait he yeah I talk about him in the maya class. Oh my god right? Bresta bor borg actually. Did some research that we'll talk about in a little bit like real research in the 1860 s that was really important in ancient maya studies right? I'd heard his name and so I was like oh right that guy. Oh my god how is how is he. 05:14.52 kinkella Ah, pseudo archeologist and I I knew I knew I didn't know the whole story you know and I knew that there was something weird about him I knew that he was really hot and cold like he had some discoveries that were really neat and then there were these other like shaky baky parts to him. Yeah know so. I had a good time just learning about charles at the end brother to but um, and I thought I was just kind of go through through it with you guys and and kind of share what I learned now first. Ah Charles at the brother de Bob. 05:52.24 kinkella Is french he's a french guy. It's good I'm here. It's good I'm here with my ph d to translate that for you and tell you that and um, you know where he was born he was born in Bor Borg france yeah so his name is really charles at the end bresseur who's from Bor Borg you know you know how they used to do that I think maybe I I was born in San Leanandro California so I think I'm going to go from now on by Dr Andrew cankea dis and leanro I think you know I think it sounds kind of cool. So from now on just remember that. Okay I'll go I'll go with Kinkela Diss Sand lean ro fort for short. But so this guy he he did a lot of stuff I got he started. He seems to me like a very um, academic kind of person as we explore. Ah bor bore we'll we'll we'll see that he focuses on writing um and history a lot of this stuff although he does a lot of other kind of um, related things things that are all. Quite academic takes a lot of brains right? He although he's born in a smaller town in France he of course makes his way to Paris as a young man he's in he's in Paris in his twenty s where he's like writing papers and he's writing books he is accused of plagiarism and. 07:26.93 kinkella Isn't it interesting haven't we heard that on this show like a lot of times you know what? I mean like you're like yeah I've kind of heard the plagiarism thing almost every time. It's basically just because each of these guys just. Deals with the previous guy did and just kind of puts their name on it. You know the the citations in pseudo archeology are terrible but you know this was in his early days hey I will say that later on he did some real stuff. You know we want to take the good with the bad. So as he as he spends his twenty s in Paris writing his books and writing his papers. He changes course a little bit and by the time he's 30 he's ordained a priest. It's like okay and then and then he goes from France and moves to Canada. And he's a professor for a while. He's a professor teaching basically religious history in Quebec. So for whatever reason that doesn't work out then he moves back to Europe and by this time he's in his 30 s. So that's gonna be like what maybe 1850 or so give or take for us. You know, give us a feel this is still pre-civil war times right for us. It's a long time ago but he gets back to Europe and in those times he's in his a is in his early mid 30 s and and he's like you know what. 08:59.98 kinkella I'm into this history stuff I'm on a plan a trip to central America right? He's gonna plan a trip. He's gonna go to the ancient Maya world and um, he gets he actually gets sent. 09:16.16 kinkella Originally as a missionary and I believe his first year there is 1848 so he's going to be around 34 years old and what's interesting there is that's only about a decade after stevenson catherwood went to the my world and Stevens and Catherwood are kind of the famous early explorers to the Maya world right? Stevens is the New York lawyer who's also a really gifted writer and cather wood is the amazing artist who just draws like photorealistic images. You guys have probably seen. Some of cather woods lithographs they are just spectacular right? Ah and so steves and kather would come back it this you know 1830 s I think their first. Oh don't quote me I think their first book is published maybe eighteen forty one I could be off by a year or two but it's it's right in there. 10:10.65 kinkella Um, ah of their adventures in in the Yucatan and it's basically a travel log and it's huge, right? So only 10 years after that still early early days. Um, Bor Borg decides to do a version of the same thing and when we come back. What did he find and what did he write about.