00:00.00 kinkella Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 133 and I'm your host Dr Andrew King Kellan we're just wrapping up kind of the year in reveal. You know what's what's gone on with this show. Um, and what are my you know plans for the. This next year in terms of this podcast. What stories am I going to tell what? what am I going to what do I have in store for myself personally, um, there's there's a handful of of interesting different stuff. You know what I thought was interesting is I did hear from Chris the ah apn head honcho and big Mr. Guru men and we did break a million downloads for 2023 and I find that fascinating you know that that a million and these are of course not all just the pseudo archeology podcast I mean we accounted for I'm sure about 995000 of them. No, we didn't but even so it it. Is wild to me that thousands of people up to you know this apn group that I work with and you know we're not that many shows. It's not like there's 50 shows or something like that I mean you know separate separate shows. It's not like it's that many but that we have that many dead loads I think that's great and I'm really proud of. 01:38.00 kinkella Chris and Rachel and like the rest of the guys. Ah my fellow co-hosts I think it's just amazing because I'm telling you I think most the other hosts are like me. They just kind of do this because I think it's interesting and the kind of do it out of the goodness of their heart. We don't even get paid anything. We just. Go for it. You know, um, and that's why that's why Chris drives a rolls Royce I never really figure that out until right now I just I thought he liked cars. Ah but I don't know I'm I'm i'm. Proud of the network and I think it's great. That's a real positive sign when you think of that versus the ancient apocalypse terribleness you know so good for us. Um for myself. 02:29.57 kinkella I'll obviously keep doing the show I don't have any plans on stopping I know I know all the Graham Hancock acolytes out there like no no oh yes, oh I'm just going to keep going. Um. 02:46.64 kinkella And I think I'll just I mean I'll I'll keep going with the same themes. There's there's a couple more kind of historic figures kind of like the Ignatius Donnelly types that I think I'll probably do pretty soon. There's a there's a method to my madness with some of that because. I'm just beginning to be in the process of writing a book on pseudo archeology. So I do kill 2 birds with 1 stone when I do the um history when I do the deep dive into kind of the history of pseudo archeology like the ignatius donnelly thing helped me a ton you know. Um, the brasir de bo borg one help that kind of stuff so I can do that research and then I can bring it to you guys and then at the same time I can put it together into into a book on pseudo archeology. It's just going to be called pseudo archeology the basics at least that's what it's its working title at this point. Sometimes that stuff changes that that's 1 thing I've learned in this biz. Whether it be books or um Tv shows or any of that kind stuff they they morph over time. You know there's there's real stipulations in. Each of those worlds where it makes it narrow and sometimes you just have to go with whatever works and it's completely understandable. So that's something I'm working on. Um I'm working on. Ah I'm lucky enough this was man this was. 04:19.83 kinkella Like easily one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me in archeology where I got asked to be a a third author on the Brian Fagan book in the beginning which is his. Classic textbook that is that we're working on another fifteenth edition. So that's what the year kind of has in store for me. That's what I've been doing a lot. Um, kind of week by week over the Christmas break and that kind of stuff is um is editing that textbook for its newest edition that takes a lot of time It's really rewarding and interesting though for me especially because Brian Facon was my first professor in archeology and I had his books as a freshman in college and now I'm I'm all grown up and I'm an archeologist and I'm editing. Like the the newest edition damn dude that makes me feel good. Um I'm also shooting another um little vignette thing for another Tv series pretty soon I think I think there there'll be like a day. Long shoot in January and I think I've talked about this before but those things that that's not a huge part of my life I really like doing it but that is you know, 2 or 3 or 4 days a year. you know, kind of thing maybe maybe six days you know but that's ah. 05:50.88 kinkella Don't quit your day job is what I would tell myself but that I have that coming up soon and it's funny I I had forgotten I actually have an I am d b account and ah 1 the in terms of New Year's resolutions. Gotta update that thing I got it I got to stay on that a little more so that's sort of note to myself and maybe we can all think of stuff you know in the new year and not not in a cliche like oh these are my resolutions I got to do but just in general like what you know? maybe. Maybe we should all make like a top 5 list of just like stuff I got to get done soonish not resolutions just stuff I got to do soonish so I'm doing that I um I my day job is. As a commuta college professor at Moore Park College but I also will be teaching a handful of classes at seesun at the local state university and that's exciting for me. It's something a little different. You know that's just that's ah, a part-time job I wouldn't be leaving my main job. But. Every so often. Those come up. Ah a different school will they'll need a professor to fill in so I'm I'm helping them this semester. They're archeology professors this happens in in the college world like they'll go on sabbatical or something or somebody will retire. You know there's. 07:24.92 kinkella All departments kind of have their ah ebbs and flows and it just happens that this semester coming up there in need of archeology types. So Um, I'm going to help them out and I'm again I'm looking forward to that I think that that's gonna be really interesting teaching somewhere else I Haven I haven't done that in a really long Time. Um. 07:46.91 kinkella You know I I also find that for my Youtube channel that's something I still you know I've been doing that thing for like four and a half years and I still haven't gotten a handle on timing out episodes like these I got to do these every two weeks you know. And so I've been pretty good at doing these although the editors of this are like ah defined pretty good if by pretty good you mean brutally last minute then yeah, but I do get them in but for Youtube for the Youtube stuff I'm still kind of. 08:24.96 kinkella I have I have times of feast and famine. You know where I'll make I'll make several episodes and then I'll be like oh I have like a month and a half where I can't think of anything so it just it it. It has ups and down I would love in the new year to get that a little more consistent. Um, and then. 08:43.75 kinkella I do think it's important for us to try and be healthy. You know and I don't mean that like a cliche way of course. Yeah I want to eat healthy and you know but in terms of hobbies. You know I'm I'm just like the hugest fan of hobbies and I hope you guys like maintain your hobbies try new hobbies dude I'm just like I'm just a hobby nut I love I love hearing about other people's hobbies I can listen to that. All day and the weirder the more unique like the better you know over covered I used to do a lot of online office hours just on Zoom and my students we would talk about hobbies and that was some of the funnest things for me. You know, just to learn like oh my oh you do that? You know what? whatever it is the most outlandish I find it just interesting. So I'm looking forward to um I like just I like fixing old electric guitars by old I mean crappy not expensive, not classic. I don't own classic guitars I own shitty old guitars that are broken. Um, but I get a lot of joy doing that. So um, in the new year I'll be fixing guitars to make myself happy in hobbies and I also I really like um. 10:18.10 kinkella Auto mechanics and so I might be working on my various junkie cars and or motorcycles in the in the new Year I just I like that I like it's funny. They both go together of just there's a thing that doesn't work and then you make it work and that I don't know it's really satisfying for me. So that's what I would do in the new year so that's you know if if there's 1 thing I could leave you with for for this next year um and by 1 thing I mean several things I'll still keep doing the show I love doing the show you guys I dig it I love doing this thing. So I hope that does come through I think it does. You know that I I just I like doing this um, please send me any possible show ideas that you want to hear me talk about that that just makes my life easier when I hear from people I go oh yeah, like when my students told me about but like oh King Kelly could you do Khan Tiki I was like oh yeah, sure dude that's a great idea. Um. So I like to riff off of what you guys say you know that's how I do it and then um I hope you keep up with your hobbies like I dare you to reignite an old hobby that you used to do. Do it again and with that I'll see you guys next time.