00:00.77 kinkella Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 135 you believe it and we are discussing the scopes monkey trial and by we are discussing I mean. I'm talking into a microphone at 2 in the morning by myself. It's a lonely world in po in a podcasterville my friends and see even right there I messed up I went the pope pod podcast or it's tough man. Tough so we see what that the scopes monkey trial has really set a precedent for the teaching of evolution and I had said that it had kind of set the. Stage for the rest of the twentieth century. But I think we all know that there's kind of always been a push against evolution. There's kind of been an anti-evolution streak in America you know in terms of just ah teaching scientific fact. 01:12.28 kinkella Because of kind of the religiosity of certain aspects of our country but we kind of get saved at the eleventh hour by the first amendment um, in the 1970 s and really into the 1980 s where you feel it. You have the rise of the religious right? yeah. You know I remember um seeing some of this as a little kid right? that that that push that kind of religion comes on tv of televangelists and it so many people in America kind of believe in that like. 01:51.98 kinkella Antievolution antich Charles Darwin you need to teach the bible so you have a rise of a movement that we can call creationism but there's so much more to it. Creationism is just simply the idea that um, all life on earth is created by god if you believe that life on earth is created by god. You're a creationist in the most basic sense now. There have been various people and movements over the times that are constantly trying to push this into schools constantly trying to masquerade. As how somehow creationism is science. They'll call it creation science right? And why this fits into this podcast so well is it's total pseudo scientific crap every time right? other. Ideas that go with creationism you guys might have heard of intelligent design. That's another one you'll heard creationism creationism science intelligent design right? It's the same thing though every time all it is is we believe that god created the world and you need to teach that in biology class. Like that's what this is and they're always taking some other way with they're always trying to get around the first amendment and the first amendment always stops it stops it at the eleventh hour because there is separation between church and state right? You're not supposed to teach 1 religions outlook in terms of their. 03:25.63 kinkella Mythological orients origin story right? And when you're dealing with like and it can this all the same. Um creationism again is the the basic idea. Okay, life's created by god intelligent design. They always go like look man life is just too complicated. It's impossible to make that just from evolution. What do you mean? this came from a single cell now right heard that again and again I have to say that I haven't felt the creationism push so bad in the last handful of years. It used to be much worse like. Ten years ago twenty years ago um I feel like I feel like people who pushed that have kind of gone on to do different things. Will it be back I'm sure never ends you know, but um I haven't had to be on thefensive that much. Like I would say for um I've been teaching full time for like 20 years and almost every semester I'll teach a biological anthropology class and when I first started this would be like 15006 right I was way more. Conscious of um, new earth creationists. That's another is another term that goes with this new earth creation is meaning that you believe the literal translation of the bible in terms of when the earth started ah more on that in a minute. 04:58.62 kinkella I was worried about that in class I could feel it if I talked about evolution how the class and a big portion of the class would get kind of like ah icy you know you can feel that when you're lecturing but again in the last no Decade I haven't really felt that. I'm sure there's people out there who still have these beliefs but it's just not. It's like no big deal. You know which is nice again. You know, let's be honest, it'll be back. What? What is a new earth creationist. Um a new earth creationist is someone who believes what archbishop James Uth usher said how much I screwed that up arch but she because she Bush it's what dashher bush de sha bosha said archbishop James usher right? This guy was the archbishop around oh man it's around sixteen fifty a d ever to I could be a little off there. But it's it's in that it's in that vicinity and he through very meticulous read of the bible was like the earth started on October Twenty third four thousand and four Bc right? And in fact, not just October Twenty third 4004 Bc but October Twenty third four thousand and four bc at 9 a M right? and so that is according to that according to an extremely literal read of the bible. The earth is just over how old are we this year see 4004 Bc. 06:33.25 kinkella So we're um, 6028 years old good for us just a quick 6 that six thousand and twenty eight years since the beginning of time since the beginning of the earth now you can see just by the huge amount of scientific data. That's ludicrous, right? That would mean the dinosaurs all of that happened in the last six thousand years which is just it's laughable. We can have a laugh at that because it's it's idiotic. It's the doiest you know, like 1 nice thing about being a human. Is we record things and we learn things and we can learn things to teach the next generation and we're at a point in this human drama. Well we know the earth is millions billions of years old we know it we can prove it like all kinds of different. All kinds of different ways you know and it's easy and it's just no big deal and we can move on to even more difficult questions right? So in terms of the age of the earth newer of creationism is is a cartoonish joke right? It's it's so far beyond. So the arguments though that that constantly come up. You know is that? Ah first they try and get this into schools by going hey look. 08:04.73 kinkella We're just one idea of many so we just want to be in there with everyone else. You know why are you so close minded how often have we heard this my friends on the pseudo archeology podcast right? That's the classic like ah well you need to look. I'm not saying that aliens necessarily built the pyramids but it's it's one good possibility along with the other possibilities. Why can't we teach that you see that's how you get in stuff that has no basis in anything. It's the same old idea same old arguments I've heard these so many times. Or that um the the intelligent design thing right? We're we're just too complex. It's impossible. You hear stuff like how do you make a seven forty seven from nothing. You know that that kind of thing. It's like all this stuff is just an ignorance. Of how evolution works you know evolution is so once you learn it and look at look at it. It's so elegant in how straightforward it is that it's it's simply like look this is how life on earth grew and changed over time. It was a reaction to its environment. The babies that could deal with the environment lived the babies that couldn't deal with the environment died and then the babies that lived had babies of their own slowly slowly slowly changing what creatures were like because the good traits made it and the bad traits didn't there. You go right. 09:37.38 kinkella You'll hear arguments like ah hey where are the intermediate fossils we have meaning where are the fossils between you know 1 when one creature evolves towards the next revolves to a new version of itself. We have intermediate fossils. All. Over the place but with these people as soon as you tell them that and show them that they just flatly refuse to consider facts right? remind you of anything sure every Graham Hancock argument we've ever had. It's exactly the same my friends. But so funny, starting this podcast. All I had to do is rev up my same old antireism batteries. You know it's the same. It's just I've heard the stuff my entire career. Um, if you want places to go in terms of What are some great examples of things like intermediate fossils. What's a great way to explain how how evolution works I recommend a book called why evolution is true. You'll never guess what why evolution is true is about it's a by this. Author named Jerry Coyne he's great I love this book. It came out in 2009 I require it. It is the required book from my biological anthropology class. It's he's so good on because because I'm sure Jerry is. 11:09.49 kinkella Had to deal with this stuff his entire career just like the rest of us. So he's ready with the rebuttals to all this some of my favorite examples in the book is he does whales. He looks at the evolution of whales how they were land mammals at first. And then slowly over time evolved into wail something so far away from what they were like before right and he goes through how they like spend more and more time in the water kind of kind of a hippopotamus kind of thing but he shows all the intermediate fossils. It's great. What a great ah sort of scientific. Um show of of evidence and data and taking this serious you know, but but also an extremely good writer. It's really well-written you guys. I. Highly recommend why evolution is true and it's it's it's the best 1 Jerry Coin also has a kickass ah blog post that he does I'll try and um, put a link to that underneath today. But so good I have such respect for that dude he's great. Would also angle you towards your friend and mind Richard Dawkins he he wrote the greatest show on earth also that came out in 2009. You're like why did these books come out both in 2009 is there a secret alien controlling us all. 12:39.92 kinkella Force these books in 2009 now that's the two Hundredth anniversary of Charles Darwin's Birth. So a lot of kind of evolution stuff. You know, good time to sell a book go for them was smart now. The greatest show on earth um I love Charles Dawkins of Charles Arkins I love Richard Doggetts I love Richard Dawkins um the greatest show on earth I all I like as well. It's it's excellent and boy if you read both of these you'll know evolution my friends but um, the greatest show on earth has more of an edge to it. It's not. Quite as good like for students because there's kind of an anti-religious edge in the greatest show on earth and that can be a bit of a turnoff now. Dawkins is such a good writer that it's fun to read. But if you have somebody who just wants to learn evolution. And they're just kind of like hey man I just want to know about this stuff I vote why evolution is true over the greatest show on earth just because it it just feels more relaxed and a bit more neutral even though it. It's not it tells you evolution in a very step-by-step manner but it doesn't have as big of a chip on its shoulder. So if you're between the 2 why evolution is true. Will win out when we return back to scope's monkey trial one more time. 14:12.83 kinkella With the movie inherit the wind.