00:00.00 kinkella All right? Welcome back 1 last time to the pseudo archeology podcast episode one thirty five that started with the scopes monkey trial and went on towards talking about creationism and all that kind of good stuff and where are we going to end up. We're going to end up I think by talking about the movie inherit the wind. But. Ah, first I want to say 2 more things that I forgot the last segment should have said it then but I didn't why do people still even listen to this I don't know where's the professionalism. 00:37.19 kinkella Ah, wish it was here so 2 things 1 that the other argument that of course we always get against evolution is you know evolution is only a theory whenever somebody says that. All they're doing is showing their scientific ignorance and their ignorance and evolution in general right? And when somebody says it's only a theory. It's just again, they're ignorant in what the term theory means now theory every day if we're just using it in our everyday speak it. It means a guess. You know? Well I have a theory about that and I don't know I think they left around four o'clock right it's just it's just a sort of a toss off guess that's just how it's used in everyday language. There's nothing, um, nothing wrong with that but theory in science is an explanation right? It's a tried and tested. Explanation and so if you have a theory for something. It is a serious um well thought out explanation and that's what evolution is you know so far I mean Charles Darwin published in eighteen fifty nine ever since Eighteen Fifty Nine no serious counter argument to evolution. You know it's been standing an awful long time my friends so and 1 more thing before we. 02:12.32 kinkella Our final little discussion on the movie and inherit the wind. Um I taught at a religious school once about a decade ago and I was really worried about um I had to teach evolution which is like hilarious right? I'm coming in to teach evolution and I'm like oh my God are they gonna. Are they going to toss me out. Are they going to burn me at the stake. Are they going to do strange unknown to me rituals. But um in a total vote up for them I had to go to like a yeah. 02:50.82 kinkella Meeting like whenever you get hired as a new professor and I just I just taught like 2 classes there and I was it but you go to a meeting where they kind of show you the ropes of the school right? The new you're newly hired faculty they're like oh here's where the um. Faculty room is whatever here's the bookstore this ah this works is how you add students on your computer what you know they go through all the stuff. 1 thing they did again. This is a religious school which I thought was great. They specifically took a moment and they were like and you guys out there who are teaching any of the harder sciences. We want our students to know science so you need to do what you're supposed to do if you're teaching chemistry you teach them chemistry if you're teaching them biology you teach them biology right? and I thought that was so great right? That's evidence of a school. And the people who happen to believe in the religion in that area having a real solid spine. They understand they understand the bigger picture and I just I was so impressed by that right? That's a way how a religious religious school becomes very impressive to somebody who's not religious. Just follow the law and um, more than that you're thoughtful for your own students you know and you want them to learn the real stuff so I was always really impressed by that religious school I thought that was great now. Finally the movie inherited the wind. What's up with that. 04:23.50 kinkella Okay, the movie inherit the wind is specifically about the scopes monkey trial funnily they they change the names of the main characters like William Jennings Brian and Clarence Darrow write the 2 lawyers these are real people they changed their names but it's obviously about the scopes monkey trial. This movie comes out in 1960 and it's based on a play inherit the win from 1955 from like five years earlier the movies in black and white and it's just basically a courtroom drama what it is. It has Spencer Tracy in it and 1 of his kind of 1 is you know. Ah, closer to the end roles. He's older in it. Gene Kelly's in it for any of you who don't know who Gene Kelly is Mr singing in the rain himself right? known for dancing he is in a non dancing role. Um. Spencer Tracecy is going to play Clarence Darrow who's the you know the Acl you lawyer defending John scopes Gene Kelly basically plays the H L Menkin character the um, the ah writer right? Ah, the reporter who's. Who's watching this whole whole thing unfold and I swear Gene Kelly kicks ass I just got to say he does great like you're like I'm like wow man. Not only are you a supremely talented dancer but you take the dancing away you. So. 05:56.53 kinkella Still or a kickass actor. So good job gene Kelly Spencer tracy of course always does great. Um, the other most the other actors you probably won't recognize in in any real way. Um, and ah Harry Morgan who was colonel potter in mash this is of course about. Ten or fifteen years before the movie ertsar under the um tv series mash. He plays the judge and so you'll write. You'll be like hey it's colonel Potter from mash um, and he's he's the judge now it's funny when I watch this movie about once a decade. Just to kind of remember and reminisce and if you're 18 watching this movie certain aspects might be kind of too slow for you certain aspects might be kind of too cheesy for you. Just the fact is in. It's in black and white. You're gonna be like what this isn't realistic. But you guys just solid movie like I can recommend it now. It does again. It's 1960. We're talking to things like 64 years old um 07:08.13 kinkella And it suffers a little from the time there's the early on in the movie. It just it follows the case you know and it's very honest to to its source material. So it's a it's a pretty damn good. Um, follow of the true. History of of the scopes monkey trial of course is not perfect. Of course they change things in order to make it more interesting and course they move things around like if you wanted to be a real stickler. You could be like this isn't quite right? like overall they make the reality a bit hotter if that makes sense like if. If you're in drama. It's always about making your scene a bit hotter and what they do here. Is they change certain historic events just to make the story more taut and a little bit more exciting like um, they're going to they have William Jennings Brian die in court right? in reality he died five days later after his trial is all over. 08:02.97 kinkella And we don't know for sure if if the trial really had anything to do with his death but of course in the movie. It's right after he's you know, kind of given a big speech. He has a big fat heart attack and dies you know and that just makes it more ah exciting now. So I'm not here to say that it's an absolute um tick by tick. Perfect ah recreation of what happened but then it would be a documentary it's not a documentary I think I think the weakest parts areured sometimes early on some of the kind of some of the religious pontification and some of the things the local um people say just. Feels a little outside of what we would consider kind of how real real people talk you know today, you're like I don't know if they would really talk like that. But I got to tell you guys if you can kind of get through the first part of it. It gets pretty damn good and there is some great just basic dramatic scene work in there. Especially near the end. Um, ah, all of them but a couple of Spencer Tracy's things a couple Gene Kelly moments a couple times especially near the end between the 2 of them just killer scenes for the sake of scenes like I swear to god you guys I was watching this thinking like if I was a drama major. And I had to do a scene with a partner I'm like man I take a couple of these closing scenes from inherit the wind they're they're just they're like taught dramatic scenes like man this is how you write a scene you know, just super watchable. So. 09:38.90 kinkella I recommend it I understand if early on you're like yeah this feels kind of cheesy. It feels kind of dated just kind of stick through it because there's some great drama happening in there. Um, you know one thing I remember about watching this I watched this with my. Dad I think it just happened to be on Tv when I was a kid but let's say I'm 12 and it wasn't like this um special date with my dad or something it just happened that we were sitting on the couch and this came on. And it was just sort of one evening it was just the 2 of us I think I don't think my mom was really watching I think my brother was doing something else who watching this movie my dad you guys was the biggest staunchest atheist of like all time. Like you think I'm an atheist. Oh no no no no no I'm I'm an open arms kum ba all let's all group hug compared to my dad my dad was just like Mr Science and I swear what's so funny is I I watched a couple scenes. From inherit the wind earlier today and again, everything's earlier because it's now like two thirty in the morning for me. Why don't I get up earlier and record on time. But anyway I'm um. 11:06.88 kinkella Watched some scenes and especially the last scene just to refresh myself and remember it because I I was like I think I watched this with my dad and I'm pretty sure the last scene goes like this and I made sure in the very last image spencer tort Tracy picks up a copy of. Um, Charles Darwin's book right? Ah and he picks up a copy of the bible. 11:37.49 kinkella So and he sort of looks thoughtfully at both origin of species and the bible then he kind of slaps them together because they're both books and they're both around the same size right? and he kind of has a look of like satisfaction. Um, both that his case went well for him and. That he is a ah religious believer who is still sort of happy to defend the teaching of evolution and what and when the books were slept together to make it look like there was some sort of evenness to it. My dad was just like. God because the idea that the bible would even be in the same you know room as origin of species. My dad was just like ah and I I love that about my dad man. Oh that was great. So funny. Ah I will say though. That there is some truth in my dad would even have to deal with it. Um, and he might even strike me down tonight you know because I'm even telling you guys this but realizing that the number 1 belief system in America is both a religious belief system and science. And what your average person in America and we think of ourselves as so religious and and and in some ways America is but in some ways it's it's relaxed because although we may have a religious mindset. Everyone knows how an Iphone Works you know what? I mean nobody thinks an Iphone works on. 13:11.35 kinkella Dragons blood and potions except when you're really mad but we understand we understand you plug it in There's a battery in there. So we're very scientific minded in the same same breath and so your average person. Yes, will believe in religion and may even believe in aspects. The most basic aspects of creationism like that that um, the world was created by god but they believe in evolution they believe that the earth is four point six billion years old they believe in dinosaurs they believe in all that kind of stuff and really for them. They just go like hey life on earth itself is um. Is Godly. You know it is it is of the supernatural. It's an amazing thing and they they believe that you know maybe the the power and influence of god came in when the first cell finally evolved onto the scene and and I think we can all be cool with that right? That's that's a way of kind of putting both of those belief systems together. I have no problem with that. My dad has a problem with that and with that I'll talk to you guys next time.