00:01.55 kinkella Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 136 and we are talking about Augustus Lay plan Jean and when we last left they were in the Yucatan um, taking some really great photos. Really great photos of. Some of the sites they're working at such as Chi Chi needs and o small but I had teased that they had also taken some trips to Belize now me being a Belize archeologist and have traveled to Belize you know, like 18 times or something like that. I'm like dude I got I got to learn a little more about this I got to see about the Lalon Jones in Belize and I saw I googled you guessed it le clo jean belize and a couple of their photos came up right? from the time they're dated is 1889 now who knows if that was the year they were taken the year that they were published. You know. But it's it's a fair ball. It's right in there I looked at him closely and you guys can find this is a couple online. There's one that is definitely on the coast of Belize. It could be that it could be like ambergurous key 1 of the main islands or it could just be um, the coast of Belize cities hard to. You know it's very hard to say it's just a coastal um like palm tree scene right? but the one that really caught my eye. They also took one that's just labeled Belize River and it's where. 01:29.61 kinkella I think it's I think it's where the swing bridge is now which is a famous landmark and believes I think it's a bridge that was there before the swing bridge. The swing bridge is called the swing bridge because it opens it turns in the center it turns sideways so bigger boats can go through but right next to it. I'm pretty sure it's it was the water taxi building and the reason why it sort of took my breath away is the water taxi building is where one of the stories I told with my friend cam back in episode one nineteen right. Where he wanted me to go the island so bad and he ended up having to go on a taxi himself that was at the water taxi station and I'm pretty sure the image has the water taxi station in it. You know I could be a little wrong because many of those buildings look the same but good god it's if it's a different building and they probably have all burned down 20 times too. But if you're curious about what. The water taxi station look like where cam and I had our sort of silly showdown about where I I told him I had to get back to my work on the project and he wanted to go to the islands. Um, that eighteen eighty nine photo shows. What? the? ah. 02:57.90 kinkella The water taxi station looks like just really a building on the water with some boats in front. You know so it really I believe the scientific term is it. It gave me pause my friends. Um it was a it was a cool moment I'm like oh my god. I think it was Alice who took the photo I'm like Alice lalan jean took a photo of something that ah over a hundred years later I would have an experience at so it's cool when this stuff kind of comes comes together now after they do their work amongst the maya which is several years and like I keep saying great photos. They finally end up for the last part of le plungeon's life in New York right into the 1880 s and kind of beyond and this is when le plungeon is now writing books about his experiences and of course it's such a bomber because he's just. Shoving in basically a pre-recorded story into stuff he finds right? He talks about what's interesting is he talks about how the maya are actually the um original culture so he actually votes for the maya as the very first and his idea is that the is that civilization. Began in the Maya world and then it bled out to Atlantis and then it hopscotch from atlantis over to Egypt so in his mind the maya were first right and he talks about how there's also he sees Freemason symbols and the maya stuff which is of course ludicrous and has nothing to do with reality. 04:31.13 kinkella Um, and he published these right? he he he and his wife also make up like a story I think while they're down there. You know they're they're in the jungle and I know what this like you're there for months you're bored. It's hot outside every day you're getting over malaria and you just start to think a little bit of funky thoughts and so they make this whole story up about queen moo and prince chock moul and how they were rulers of this place I mean it's just fantasy right? They're just making this stuff up. But they're attaching it to stuff as they find it and of course since they're into this story. They're like oh look I I found this new mural. It's obviously Queen mo right? You know what? I mean they're sort of feeding themselves off of whatever they find they could find anything. Um, they as time goes on. They take these characters and again le pleasureon writes more books. 1 of them is queen moo and the egyptian sphinx right? He writes it in 1896 and again it just shows you these are just flights of fancy now if they were. If they were movie scripts today. They could be awesome, right? They could be like the mummy you know these could be killer stories but they are not factual is enough that there's no reality in this and that's the problem and actually they were they were ah a good. 06:06.53 kinkella 2 decades too late on this, you know by the time they're writing up these flights of fancy stories in the eighteen eighty s it's just too late and actually the scientific community of the time ridiculed them at the time but le plunge on just stuck to his guns about this stuff for the rest of his life. It's kind of set. It's really too bad. Um, and he was really yeah of course mainstream science was never behind a mainstream archeology just always thought he was a total croc. Um, but while most thought he was crazy. You know who he influenced. 06:45.53 kinkella Ignaius donelly oh you see what? um you see horrible ideas. Never die. It's like somebody picks them up. You know it's like if you're a doctor who fan you think the master's dead and then someone else picks up the ring. You know what I mean never dies. So it's the same It's like hilarious nation is donley remember him you know the Us senator ah who writes about Egypt in 1881 see it's it's I sorry writes about Atlantis right? 1881 it's like oh my god so. 07:24.16 kinkella So so Pseudo Archeology World picks him up and then and then continues with him and I do I do feel that um Augustus late plunge on is treated a little poorly in. 07:42.93 kinkella Archeology because we can all agree his ideas are terrible right? They're just straight up just foolish fantasy but his data is good right? And by data I mean his photos. Like his photos are great. His data collection is really good and um, that's always okay in the archeology world if you collect good data. No matter what it is if you collect good data good for you that is the cornerstone of archeology. It was his hint interpretations that were terrible. You know oh this is freemasons in Atlantis of course it's not but what's great is if you collect the data then we can use their data to date like his photos are indispensable now because he's taking photos of stuff that either no longer exists or has rotted away. So. That's cool. It's so much better than what it usually is the other way around which is no data and terrible ideas right? like Graham Hancock has neither right? just a total charlatan so um, Augustus late plunge on is not Augustus lateone John is much better than Graham Hancock you know he did real work and he was really trying and there's excuses for him. There's there's no excuse for him to stick to his guns as much as he did he he was way too headstrong. Um, you know he he should have listened to criticism and he could have he could have come around but he. 09:16.71 kinkella Didn't and you know in in the end with him I kind of like I kind of have the like a backwards respect you know for him and his wife and the photos that they took and just he. Such an interesting dude I mean think of the stuff he did He was in a shipwreck he was in the gold rush he was in the cast War. He learned how to take photos and photos or a brand new thing. He traveled the world I mean did that's interesting guy. Um, but he commits one major. 10:04.60 kinkella Sin right? And the sin is what I've come to find is is it the cornerstone of all pseudo archeology this is really at my friends. It's that this need to tell a prefabricated story. That's the whole thing look at. Every prac practitioner of Pseudo Archeology they're out to tell a false story right? That's and they have like this need to tell this false story. In this case, le plungeone wanted to tell the story of the maya where the first civilization and then. They went went from there to Atlantis to Egypt right? That's obviously false There's no facts supporting that whatsoever. Atlantis is a myth and Egypt is older than the maya but he wouldn't back down he he's done what every single pseudo archeologist does. Just stuck with his stupid story right? and just never wavered and I think it's super interesting that line between where facts are just left and it's all belief right? And that's. All this pseudo archeology world is. It's just belief. It's belief in a false story and then taking facts in the world and just shoving them in That's all it is but unfortunately a lot of people. 11:37.22 kinkella Like the fake story in the first place but I know you're not 1 of them and with that I'll talk to you guys next time.