00:00.16 kinkella Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeological podcast episode 137 and tonight of all nights. It's atlantis baby. Okay, it's time episode 137 I've been doing this since episode 94 something like this and I have never tackled Atlantis so why haven't I done this. It's because I swear I fear it a little bit. Why do I fear Atlantis it's because to trace the story of Atlantis is basically to trace the entirety of pseudoscience and the entirety of pseudo archeology. It just gets. Really big and I wanted to kind of make my notes narrow enough to make some sort of sense a sense. This story is so large I mean I'm sure I'll leave out some twist or some turn or some story that you've heard of that. I didn't cover and I am sorry for that see I just I'm already saying I'm sorry it's pathetic. But I do think I'm able here to kind of give you guys the base backstory to this whole thing and make it make some sort of sense. 01:29.91 kinkella So why am I ultimately tackling it now. Why have I gotten enough spine to do this. You know it's because life is short my friends and why do I think life is short I had a motorcycle accident like a week ago and and. I'm okay I survived I didn't break anything although I got pretty damn close and I will say my accident counted if that makes sense and if you're wondering what a motorcycle accident is like violent go with violent and that gives you some idea. It's it's fast and furious. So after that I'm like you know what what? the hell let's do Atlantis so this show is brought to you by um, motorcycle accidents around the world. So the idea of Atlantis. Starts with Plato and ah to tell the end of the story at the beginning Atlantis was made up by Plato that's it. It's a story made up by Plato no more. No less. That's the deal. It just happens to be a story that everyone wants to be true, really really badly. So Plato the the dates of Plato um, he lived from four 27 to 51 Bc. 03:03.61 kinkella And Plato was a greek philosopher right? and when you think of him. It's fine to just think of every single Greek Philosopher cliche right he's in Athens socrates as his teacher. He's sitting there being a great thinker. He's coming up with these kind of what if scenarios all the time right? He's trying to kind of delve deep in what it means to be a human being and how we think and what we think and all that kind of good stuff. Classic cliche Greek Philosopher I actually was first um. Shown plato not not in terms of Atlantis and all this but in terms of Plato's cave now I was a film major I was a double major in archeology in film and in film class sometimes we would talk about the philosophy of what the image on screen is right. So I was destroyed as were my friends in class by Plato's cave and Plato's cave goes like this plato goes okay look what if there were a bunch of prisoners inside a cave and they're all chained inside the cave and all they can see is the. Back wall of the cave like they're chained onto chairs and the chairs are focused on the back wall of the cave so they can't see out. They can't turn around. They have no idea what's behind them every day. The sun comes up and the sun shines in and there's stuff behind them that makes shadows and so their whole world. 04:37.38 kinkella Is just a world of shadows like they just see these shadows and then they give meaning to the shadows and the shadows are their entire life now. Our Plato says our job is to get beyond that he's saying that we are as those prisoners. To the higher reality. Really the things making the shadows right behind the prisoners which they know nothing about but the only way to get to that is through reason it's through science. It's through math is of course through philosophy right in order to get to that higher reality and really understand what's truly going on. So that's the allegory of Plato's cave and why do I tell you this because I have to get my own poison out and have to have you guys be destroyed by Plato's cave too. So. The idea of course being that you know film is as the shadows. What's the reality behind it. It's very much like the movie the matrix right? What's we're just a part of this larger world. But for Plato we can only maybe touch this larger world again through reason through science through math etc. So. Not only do I tell you that to destroy you um, and so we can all be together in our destruction. But I also tell you that just to give you a feeling for what Plato's like these are the kinds of things he talks about so how does atlantis fit into this right. 06:07.75 kinkella Atlantis is a story that Plato tells really in it comes up in 2 of his pamphlets I guess you got they're called dialogues right? There are these these times when he talks about certain things they come up in 2 they're called tomaeus and and critias these are 2 different ones. This doesn't even matter that much. Um, what matters is the story and realized that as Plato is telling the story of Atlantis he's trying to get at the nature of the physical world. The nature of us the nature of reason the nature of what's right? and wrong. He's a philosopher right? That's what this is. Okay, so according to Plato in these two dialogues. He explains Atlantis like this he goes okay look you guys and think of him as talking to his own students. He goes look you guys. What? if um, let's say Nine Thousand years ago otherwise known as long ago and in a place well beyond the pillars of Hercules otherwise known as far away so already he's setting it up as a story that happened long ago and far away right Nine Thousand years ago beyond the pillars of Hercules. There was a land called Atlantis and this land in many ways was the opposite of Athens so in Plato's times Athens is like the greatest spot right? and Plato just talks about basically why is it so great and in order to talk about why Athens is so great. You need the villain. 07:44.57 kinkella Right? You need the opposite side which he creates is atlantis he goes look There's this island nation of Atlantis and it was created by Poseidon he brings in the the Greek gods into this too. This is a Greek god mythological time and. Out there. It has um, a ring of 3 moats this island nation and these um the atlanteans over time they just fell away from the order that is athens they they didn't respect their gods anymore. Um, they didn't respect. You know, kind of rationality anymore. They just they they weren't good anymore. They went down the wrong path and they actually attempted nine Thousand years ago to destroy Athens but it it ultimately didn't work in Zeus. Saw what was going on and Zeus was completely unhappy and tired of these atlanteans who did not respect him did not respect the right way of doing things so ultimately Zeus Destroys Atlantis and Atlantis sinks under the waves and then. Plato basically goes on and goes ok with that setup. Let's discuss right? Let's discuss ok, what's good about atlantas was good about Athens like what let's point counterpoint it but you see in times since then. 09:18.62 kinkella Instead of us taking Plato's point and discussing what's good and bad about different um different cultures or philosophies or this kind of thing. Everyone goes wait wait wait wait wait where's that island again that play sounds awesome. And I can see Plato with the students going like oh wait. No you guys look you guys. You guys look I just made that up. This is just is order for us to discuss these philosophical ideas and they're like no no no, no, no no can you give me like a map or something to that island because that like kicks ass I want to go there and he's like ah so Plato was actually a victim of being too creative. With his setup right? So right? there we have to realize that that Atlantis is an allegory right? It's a it's a literary device to represent the opposite of ah of Athens. Right? The opposite of the ideal and you again, you need to do that in order to discuss different philosophical points right? You can't just be like this side's great isn't Athens great. Let's talk about how great Athens is of course the next question is. Compared to what it's like oh right? ah compared to this this place I just made up compared to atlantis okay Atlantis versus Athens discuss. Okay, now we have somewhere to go right? But ah, that's it's so funny. 10:50.23 kinkella You know as I talk about this I was so I was so worried about ah dealing with Atlantis but but as of this moment the setup is completely simple right? I don't think anybody listening is like what this is crazy. No, it's just basically Plato made up this allegory. In order to teach his students in the order have conversations basically in philosophy class right? But the allegory was just too good and people want the story to be real. You know there's we have modern allegories and creations all the time like um, Darth Vader is is a very important character and the other characters of star wars in my life seriously star wars was the very first movie I ever saw when I was five years old is Darth Vader real now of course not but should we go try and find. Evidence of Darth Vader you know I heard that they had his cloak in a church. You know what? I mean you see how this happens when we return the history of the story of Atlantis after Plato.