00:01.63 kinkella Hello and welcome back to the suudor archaeology podcast episode 138 and we have been discussing the lost continent of mo and my final thoughts. Um, there's just. You know you think about it for yourselves. You guys like what would you say at this point you know it's so thin. Um, and there's just not much you know I I can see how this can be a dark hole of doom and gloom when people start to argue about it because there's no argument. It's so obviously just a dopey dumb empty thin story right? Sometimes it's even called a hoax I wouldn't give it that much credit. It's not a hoax It's just a dumb story like nobody goes wait I bought some plane tickets to move and what? ah. Damn it. You know you don't do that? Um, and and you know because of that it just deserves to be laughed at and and not taken seriously on the flip side just like if somebody makes a video game about meo or makes a fictional story of meo or makes like a sci-fi movie about meo. I think that's awesome. You know I think that can be like really fun I got no problem with that same with Atlantis you know it's intrinsically just like silly fun. You know, um, there are some other terms that come up if you guys look. 01:30.46 kinkella Look up moo you must so might have also heard of Lauria and sometimes I think churchwold and his writings even kind of put the 2 together la lameria the idea of Lauria was a um, an ancient lost continent. This idea came up in the 1860 s 01:49.69 kinkella The idea was it sunk into the indian ocean and the reason why this lost continent again, you know, just fill it in with the same story but it's called lamiria because it's the lost island where lemurs are from. Except it's totally not because we know where lemurs are from lemurs are from madagascar Madagascar is an island. It's not lost and it's right off the coast of Africa. Um, if you're curious about lemurs I recommend a movie. Called Madagascar right? And in in series is that the animated Madagascar not bad, you know with with the idea of lemurs and the and that kind of stuff so that's that's. That's one. It's from the 1860 s they you know they didn't have a handle 18 64 Darwin's book on evolution comes out in the eighteen fifty nine it only came out 5 years earlier right? They still don't have a good hook on where exactly primates are from and the organization we've we've gone so far past that it's like there's. Why can't we just all agree on something as silly as lamuria and be like oh yeah, that was you know there's a mistake from the 1860 s like that's understandable. Um, but no the pseudo archeology crowd. Never lets any of their bullshit. Go right? And that's one of their great problems is how to. 03:16.19 kinkella Slap all this together and that's where the hilarity ensues on the flip side science does move forward and the the the foolish idea of the lost continent of moo you can't. Argue against it until you get modern plate tectonics and continental drift which weren't roundly supported by the scientific community until the 18 are sorry until the 1950 s isn't that crazy the idea. That that there's like C 4 floor spreading that the continents move on the earth over time. There were a couple people in the geology world who argued against plate tectonics for a long time. They really pushed hard in the 1930 s into the 1940 s by the 1950 s finally and it is one of those things a famous scientific story where the guy who came up with plate tectonics and again every eight year old who looks at a world map goes hey South America and Africa fit together. You know, ah that was denied. Until the 1950 s now that is the people who argued against that they did argue a bit too long. They were a bit too. Um like stalwart in their beliefs. They wouldn't let go their beliefs that were obviously wrong but look. 04:42.90 kinkella Science moves forward right? Nobody in science argues against plate tectonics these days. Nobody argues against continental drift because there's good research, good data and it's easily provable right. And that's great. That's what makes science so great on the flip side stuff like Moo and Lameria are obvious examples of what makes pseudo archeology so stupid right? people just hold on and double down on this miasma. And whenever you can say miasma it's a good day. This miasma of beliefs and half truths and cherry picked half data. You know to make this bastardized twisted odd lie. Um, which is also pretty fun to talk about. But still, you know it's just sad and of course in all this in in all the Las con and of mo situation. You also have you got to throw in the like you know racist aspect of it too which is like of course. So. If you were if you remember back the um churchw worlds church words idea of mo was that the the movieians um they believed in the Sungod raw. 06:11.86 kinkella Right? And and that's just a rip off of Egypt where there is really a sun god named ah called raw but ah church word was like oh yeah, well the easter easter island its true name is rapa newi rapa newi see so the islanders are the original moving and. And I don't even know if they're supposed to be called movies. But I think it's pretty good. Um, the movieianss name that island after the sun raponei right? which is ludicrous but then he's you know he's just sort of again bastardizing the. The true rapid nuians culture. He's like look look look look but see current polynesians out there. Be there they on Hawaii fiji you know, rapa newi pick your poison current. Um polynesians. No no, no, they're not related to the. True movies to the true, clean and pure and civilized movies. No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no the current polynesians look guys. They're just savages. Okay I mean I have my standards right? So that's what church ward is saying. There's always that why did he even have to say that you know like why couldn't you just. Be happy with his bullshit most story. No, he's got to also give that little racist like addition there you know and underneath it all. Unfortunately. 07:37.92 kinkella And so much of pseudo archeology. You have that little racist racist clochet where this idea of civilization with a capital c it it it may have it. It started way before them and moved on to other places and what's left in all these other places of the world except for like you know. Egypt and Europe is just a bunch of backwards second class citizens and it's just you're not making any friends with that dude. 08:09.22 kinkella But yeah, even even with all that mo this cancer of mo is still with us today. My friends like the radiation therapy continues not to work 100% if you guys remember maybe in the last twenty thirty years any of you are fans of various Tv shows you know on this stuff like there's one where off the coast of Japan. They found some straight looking stones. You know it's just like the stones of Atlantis. In Bermuda same idea, but they're like ah this is evidence of mo ah you know and of course with again with modern geology. The pacific ocean is just a is it a huge ah ocean plate and the pacific islands are of course volcanic. Which is awesome in its own way because you have an island like the big island of Hawaii with Moneloa and Monakea which are the tallest mountains on earth they just had to their volcanoes and they had to make it from the ocean floor. This is you know true geology is really interesting and awesome and of course the various cultures in Polynesia. Are varied and deep and interesting and awesome. You know you have the polynesians like man I always vote them as the best navigators on earth you know with their double hold canoes. Ah so much cool stuff. You know, but you got to. 09:36.00 kinkella Dirty it with this cancer. But I don't want to leave on a loan out. Do you I doubt so we can just let's just shake Moo off just shake just Shut. You know shake it off like some fleas and. Think about something completely different. Go outside Dude Springs coming the sun's Out. You haven't had a motorcycle accident hopefully and life is good. Enjoy yourselves My friends and I'll see you guys next time.