00:00.00 archpodnet Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 107 and I am your host Dr Andrew Kingkela tonight we deal with twenty twelve the maya apocalypse. Ten years later after we were all destroyed so here we are 201123 years after 2012 we made it congratulations. Everyone. And actually wait wait wait wait I'm going to start all of this over. 00:46.26 archpodnet So here. We are 10 years after 2012 in early Twenty Twenty three I am recording this on January the second Monday of 2023 that will be important. In just a little bit so 10 years on it's funny. Um as a mayanist myself I got so many questions on this in 2011 and leading into twenty twelve I mean this was probably one of the top 3 things. That people would ask me in terms of archeology and so I thought we would take a moment and kind of delve into it because last time I destroyed you all with well with the stupidest thing I could think of which was maya astronauts. So I thought for today we could well we could we could go on a path of healing my friends back to some sort of some sort of balance. Okay I'm I'm here for you so twenty twelve the idea with this is that. According to Maya Prophecy that the world would end on December Twenty first Twenty twelve and that's because the Maya Calendar foretold that the world would end. It was a cataclysmic apocalyptic. 02:20.24 archpodnet And date. There would be no more after this December Twenty first 2012 date. How do we know this well through the highly intelligent focused and scientific ideas of things such as alignments numerology. And astrology. You know some of my favorites. Ah so why did this come in the first place. Ah it is true that there is an important moment in the Maya Calendar on December Twenty first Twenty twelve and I'll tell you what that is in a moment but did the maya mean that the world would end then say it with me. No, it was just a cyclical end. And when a cycle ends guess what happens the next day a new cycle begins but that's not enough for our pseudo archeology friends. They were telling us that according to their alignments numerology astrology and. Other similar deep dives into. 03:41.16 archpodnet Research that on this day there would be things like super volcanoes they would explode. There would be geomagnetic reversals. There was a planet x out there. Do you guys remember that the planet x thing. Planet x would swoop by or crash into us depending there would be odd gravity fluctuations I mean man it was every single pseudo archeology thing. There was like aliens would come. It was all of them. It really was a kitchen sink approach to this. It was basically because people didn't understand how the maya calendar worked and wouldn't listen to people like me who knew how it worked and could easily tell you they just dug a hole of ignorance for themselves. And then filled it in with magicals making and how often in Pseudo Archeology is that exactly what happens there's this hole of ignorance and a lot of times. The ignorance is chosen. You know what? I mean a lot of times people know better but they don't want to know better. So. Instead of filling that hole of ignorance with actual knowledge. They fill it with magical thinking and did the world end December Twenty first 2012 well I'm going to give you this one now. No, it didn't it. It kept going now. 05:12.19 archpodnet There was a little joke I had for myself on December Twenty first Twenty twelve and that's this there were 2 different correlations between the Maya Calendar and our calendar that's sort of how the 2 calendars go together. Most mayanists thought that December Twenty first 2012 was the actual date of this ending of the cycle but a few of us thought it was actually two days later December Twenty Third and so I thought wouldn't it be funny if once December Twenty first rolls on everyone relaxes and go shoo. Well. Thank god the world didn't end but then 48 hours later right? Oh it was December Twenty Third ah ah oh damn, the stupid end of the world. So what do we mean by by cycles. The the Maya Calendar and the calendar is really complicated and we'll do a bit of a deep dive into it in the next segment but the Maya Calendar operates on cycles and the maya numbering system is a base. 20 numbering system. So it's cycles of 20 so you have numbers like 1 2400 and then the next one of course would be 8000, but the highest cycle in the calendar that the maya go up to is 400 years 06:40.59 archpodnet So what you had at the end of December Twenty First Twenty twelve was the end of the Twelfth four hundred year cycle in the Maya Calendar and then December Twenty second 2012 would be the beginning of the thirteenth four hundred year cycle. Pretty cool. You know, really really interesting now did the maya actually predict that the world would end at the end of cycle 12 no, they never wrote that down. Never ever not ever anywhere right. Would it have been an important date for the maya wasn't it it an important date for the modern maya. Sure it was It's a big time for celebration. It's this end date. It's it's a big change in the calendar. It's exactly the same as y two k right? It's exactly the same as that was for us. Ah, December thirty first 90 99 becomes January first two thousand you have a big change in the thousands place a 1 becomes a 2 right? The same thing for the maya in the 400 year cycle the 12 becomes a 13 right? There's only a handful of people on earth who get to experience that and many of us listening to this now are lucky enough to have experience both I experienced the y two k thing and I experienced the twenty twelve thing good for us for being born at the time. 08:14.50 archpodnet When a huge date range was about to end and change when we come back the real history of the Maya Calendar and the deal with 2012