00:00.00 archpodnet Hello and welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 107 and we have been discussing the maya apocalypse 2012 and you know you guys as one who experience this. From the tons of people just asking me in in real curiosity which I don't mind you know I I love talking about this kind of stuff and what it really mean and I do have to say. I mean 98 people out of a hundred who asked me about 2012. They were just curious about the reality of the situation they knew it wasn't the end of the world or any that Bs but they were curious about the background. So I told them versions of what I've said in this podcast so far. But when I think about it I find the 2012 Apocalyp ah, the let me say that again when I think about it I find the 2012 apocalypse thing really interesting. In terms of the world of pseudo archeology because check it out here's 1 fake pseudo archeology idea that was 100 % proved wrong. 01:26.40 archpodnet We made it through 2012 nothing happened right? We can prove it 100% and these are rare right? think about it I can't think of up top. My head. Any others that we've talked about here so far that are like this because stuff like atlantis you know the pick your poison Atlantis is never really 100% proven wrong like we know there's no such thing as Atlantis and it's just a bunch of b s but you can always go. Maybe it's under there. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong place. You know you can you can do that you can always do this or maybe it is thing you know playing on magical thinking. You can't with the maya 2012 apocalypse it did not happen. It's not open ended. Like so many of these this is an open and shut case. It's done. It's over didn't happen. They were wrong, right? But think about how many people said it would right? The ancient aliens crowd every pseudo archeologist out there. All that stuff I listed at the top of the podcast. They were. All spouting stuff about oh the super volcanoes are going to explode and the earth is going to tilt off his axis when planet x comes by right? Graham Hancock was a part of this crap. They all did this crap but you know where's the retraction. 02:59.53 archpodnet where's where's the admission of fault. You know where's the where's the apology now I'm not here to demand an apology you know in this world of of over apologizing I'm not into that but I want just an admission. Of fault I want to be like hey we thought that the twenty twelve thing was going to happen and it didn't and we were wrong. Do you ever hear that we are the guilty party. No, you never hear it. They never say that they. Got it wrong right? They just moved straight on to their next abomination. That's what the pseudo archeology crowd does right? This whole thing is so symbolic of what we have to put up with with this stuff right. I mean think about it on the other's side right? when the shoese's on the other foot. What if what if I'm wrong. You know me as an archeologist suud archeology crowd. They pay nothing. They just let it go move on for me. As an archeologist I have to be right here. Wait let me add it up. Let me add it up. Ah oh yeah, every time I have to be right? all the times. What? what? What about when I'm wrong and sometimes I am wrong right. 04:32.17 archpodnet And I I'm honest about it and I'm like oh I got that one a little bit wrong and I have to change my story and the reason why I changed my story is because New evidence comes up right? That's how good science works sometimes stuff comes up and you're like oh we were a little wrong here. This is this is what we think now because New evidence came. If I just am a tick wrong The Pseudo archeology crowd goes see what do you know? you? so called Professor Oh My God right? Even though I act in good faith and go oh we found this new data and this is different. They never let it go. Right? They just get to get off scot free while I pay the price every time and I want to let that sink in for a minute you see how unequal it is. How the archeology side plays in good faith and the Pseudo archeology side doesn't and it also shows you to get sort of more deeper and philosophical into this whole Pseudo archeology thing. It shows you why When. An archeologist or any kind of scientist has a quote unquote debate with a Pseudo archeologist. You see how the scientific person has lost before they started because the science person has everything to lose. 06:07.50 archpodnet And the Pseudo archeology person has nothing to lose you know they can just again, go on to their next abomination at any time because like I said like I said earlier you know the Pseudo archeology world is a gigantic chasm of. Ignorance. That's filled with magical thinking subject to change at any time I don't get to have that I have to go based on Science I have to go based on good sense and if it sounds like I'm I'm. Let me do that again and if it sounds like I'm complaining. It's because I am but at the end of all this truth facts and good sense ring Clear. We're still here. My friends. 2012 didn't happen the maya never said it would and welcome to baktun 13 and I'll talk to you guys next time.