00:00.00 archpodnet Hey, everybody welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 110 and today we've been discussing the water erosion hypothesis for the sphinx. The idea that the sphinx is secretly 10000 years old or more and. Modern archeology has been fools by dating it to around forty five hundred years old old to match with the rest of the stuff on the giza plateau. So let's let's take a little step to the side and tell the true story of the Sphinx. So. Like I said the sphinx was made sort of in the same area ah on Giza as as the great pyramid you can see them together I'm sure in your mind's eye. You can see those famous images where you see the sphinx and right behind it are the 3 famous. Pyramids on on the giza plateau and again all the quaing for those bricks for those pyramids were done right around where the sphinx is today. That's why the sphinx is kind of in a hole right? is is like cored out all the stone around it and they left that little crappy limestone blob and again they put a a. Ah, head and some pauses so which pyramid specifically is the sphinx related to the sphinx is related to the pyramid of kafre now kafre is the middle one in Giza you have a grandfather a father and a son. 01:30.19 archpodnet The grandfather's pyramid is the great pyramid. That's the tallest one. That's the pyramid of Khufu right? Sometimes it looks a little smaller actually in the photos because of the angle you're taking it from if you're taking a photo of Giza and the sphinx is kind of front row center. Sphinx is is related to caffres not khufus so the great pyramid looks a little further away because it's kind of over to the side but it is the tallest one. That's the biggest one is the pyramid of Khufu Kfu son is care ca phrase is the second biggest one. It's pretty close but it's not as big as dad's. Um, cafre is the one that the sphinx is related to the face on the sphinx is the face of caffre it makes sense the face of the sphinx is the face of the guy that's inside the pyramid right? behind it right? And then. Kare Son menkare gets the littler pyramid on the side right? and by Littler. It's still huge by the standards of everything else I believe the small one is taller than two hundred feet ah which is which is amazing. The the pyramids they they do deserve their spot on 1 of the 7 original wonders of the world I mean they really are that great this even coming from a mayanist I I have enough honesty within me to admit, yes, indeed the. 03:04.73 archpodnet Pyramids of the gisza plateau are indeed fantastic. So how do we know right? that that the sphinx is related to the second pyramid kafras it's because the pyramids in Egypt. They're actually part of pyramid complexes meaning that. Every single pyramid that they don't just stand alone by themselves if you look at an aerial photo of the area of the giza plateau the area is like divided up where each pyramid has a bunch of outbuildings that go with it right? so. Again, they're not just alone. it's like it's like a complex That's why they call it pyramid complexes. So the sphinx is one of the outbuildings in the pyramid complex of kafre and what were these outbuildings for there's there's other there's shrines and this kind of thing. They're smaller. You can see it in the photos right? You can see the smaller pyramids for other royal family members right? that are related to the pharaoh. Um, when the pharaoh's body is brought down the nile you know, obviously after he dies. There are of course a bunch of rituals done on the way. It's like you have rituals when you put them on the boat. The rituals as the boat goes down the nile the rituals as the boat stops at Giza and then rituals as you bring the body to certain locations where these shrines are. 04:34.85 archpodnet Until the body is of course finally entombed in the pyramid and again these pyramids are funerary monuments right? They really are a monument to 1 person built in one long construction event. You know, very different than the maya stuff actually. The maya ones are few funerary monuments too. But they are built in kind of pieces over time and that they're added on to and so you can have many several family members in the same one. So this is a singular building and then the sphinx is just this really interesting outbuilding that goes with. Um, the kaffre pyramid complex now in terms of dating coffre rules from around oh twenty Five Fifty Eight to twenty five thirty Two bc or so that's smack in the middle of the old kingdom and that is the fourth dynasty. I think we could say that the fourth dynasty is probably the most famous one of the old kingdom the old kingdom tends to number between um, what is it I think it's is it 3 and 6 I'm pretty sure it's 3 and 6 um and. 05:49.22 archpodnet What we have to know in egyptology is this sort of pyramid building thing. It's very different in the new kingdom which which comes 1000 years later right? The time of King Tut and that kind of thing is much much later. You know the time of King Tut is in the arena of like 1300 Bc this is 1000 years plus before king tut pretty pretty old even for the time of king tut these were ancient so old Kingdom Fourth dynasty right around 2500 Bc now because the sphinx is so. Unique and Giza is such an incredible sight later. Ah Egyptian royalty tried to tie the sphinx to their reign and what I mean by that is much much later in the eighteenth Dynasty so this is New Kingdom 18 dynasty is the time of King Tut um another pharaoh tutmos the fourth put up what's called the dream stella in front of the Sphinx. So if you've seen photos of the sphinx. Sphinx is kind of a light tan color. There's this darker stone. That's like right in between the paws you know and it is a Stella right? that stellas look like large tombstones but that's not what they are. They're large carved monuments and they carved their carves and they talk about what this. 07:16.73 archpodnet Great pharaoh. Did you know it's very much propaganda. It's always like that and in this case, what? ah tutmost is the fourth is doing is he's relating himself to his ancestors of a thousand years ago right and he's going hey you see these guys. I'm related to these guys so you need to do what I say because I'm powerful like these guys I am them so I'm great I mean we still do that to this day right? We do it ah rulers do it through relationships rulers do it through architecture. Like that you know I mean how many colleges out there have Roman and Greek Columns you know what I mean it's like ah because they want to look like Plato was hanging out at you see l a yeah know it's like whatever man but they do that for a reason because. We as humans go oh columns oh. It must be pretty smart. You know oh they must be pretty important I mean look at the white house columns right? So it's nothing new. We're going to build things to make ourselves look more powerful and so you end up. With this this interesting dream st thing of of a much much later ruler trying to attach himself to the great sphinx and a interesting sidebar on the dream stlar the dreams Stella itself. The actual stone is a door lentil that he took out of. 08:50.95 archpodnet The pyramid of kafre and what a door lentil is it's it's the cross piece above the door. So if you look at a door right now. Um, and it's it's that straight piece of wood right? above it. So in this case, it's a huge piece of stone that he ripped out put in front and that's like a double whammy. Yeah I just carved. On a piece of the pyramid itself and then I put it out in front of the sphinx to show you how great I am and I can do that because I'm related to these people and I'm great so you have these fantastic stories that go with the sphinx right? We don't need some. Stupid water erosion thing and it's so sad think about how much time has been spent spent just I'll say that again just think about how much time has been spent on the dopey water erosion hypothesis when we could spend more time just talking about the dream stella the dream. Tell a kicks ass right? Um, oh another thing that comes up about the sphinx I just want to talk in terms of reality you hear this story that Napoleon's armies shot the nose off the sphinx that is not true now it does look like the sphinx is nose was. Broken off intentionally but it was much before that it was like a thousand years ago so it it happened oh sometime in the you know first kind of several centuries a d sometime. Let's say between like 3 or 400 a d and maybe a thousand a d so it happened a long long time ago. 10:27.71 archpodnet We'll also say that how we see the sphinx today. All the sand has been cleared out right when when the sort of famous early explorers. Got there two hundred years ago you know or more they could walk basically up to the head because the body of the sphinx would have been covered. Bunch of sand there because remember it's a low point that area had been used as a quarry to Cory the stone out so when you have sandstorms and whatever that's sand will sit there so it was easier to reach the nose to break it off ah fifteen hundred years ago 11:05.20 archpodnet So where does that bring us with this great sphinx this amazing thing that egyptians built forty five hundred years ago not ten thousand years ago but real people did it forty five hundred years ago where does that bring us that brings us of course to the last bit of this podcast which we'll talk about when we return.