00:00.85 archpodnet All right? Welcome back to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 98 Kin Kella visits the thing and when we last left off I had just walked in to this building and or series of buildings. That houses the mysterious thing now at this point in our story I'm starting to walk through this crammed huge room with a bunch of odd curiosities in this. I'm starting to look at them right? and there's just it's hard to summarize what's in there because obviously it's stuff that somebody who's lived in the desert for a very long time has collected. They're a collector right? and so they have lots of certain things and these things may be like pieces of old covered wagons right? They may even be driftwood that's used in art projects. You see how wild the swing is right there and everything else in between everything else in between driftwood and wagon parts you know and I know you're like how do you get driftwood in the desert you buy it. So. Start to go through here but you see how there's this odd pull to look at this stuff. You're like who it it gets into the psychology of the person who collected it so I will also say as I start to walk through this and I'm looking at these Rusty. Wagon wheels and this like driftwood art I get a really odd feeling that somebody's watching me like I know that there's at least None other person in that building I'm hearing so. Gurying and like maybe a door or a closet or a drawer being closed kind of far off and I'm trying to be cool, but it's late at night I'm in there totally by myself on an off ramp I got off. Totally by myself and I have to say it's starting to creep me out. It's so much like an x files episode I mean you might as well be playing the x files theme song. 02:49.29 archpodnet As I'm walking through here but I'm trying to be cool I'm like dude don't don't let that get to you? Yeah there's somebody here what they're just some sort of desert person. You know they're just making money on this It's cool. So I put that in the back of my mind and I keep meandering. Following the giant yellow footsteps on the ground ah beyond the various pieces of Rusty metal things are things are described with odd signs like can this be real and then that sign will be in front of like. A driftwood art object and you're like a kind of I don't if somebody really likes weird driftwood objects. It's real. Um as you walk through there's going to be a bunch of old like wild west stuff too right? So there's like saddles. There's ah. And think some None shooters various guns. You're going to see kind of Rusty Gums guns and everything you guys everything in there is a rusty and Dusty Rusty and dusty you know like like nobody been dust in this in a very very very long time. So the whole thing has that feeling of low light and must and so I'm cruising through looking at the wild. What stuff I'm like ok then they have kind of a decent amount of cars to like really in poor shape. 1930 s cars I believe there was like a old fire engine in there like a 1930 s fire engine again to my fading memory is all kind of Rusty this is you know it wasn't even really red anymore just been in the desert a long time. You know, just a desert person collecting this. But then you turn the corner and there's like and I believe it's a none rolls Royce in like vaguely okay shape and then the sign is like. Was this used by Adolf Hitler and there's a mannequin of Adolf Hitler with the 1937 rolls Royce and I forget I think he's sitting in the back or he's getting out or something but it's like I'm supposed to be excited that this. Car may have been used to drive hitler around and on top of it of it all for car nerds. Rolls Royce is a british company Hitler driving a british car in world war two it just so odd right? You're like okay. 05:27.78 archpodnet Hitler in a rolls Roys so I keep going right? passing the passing the rolls Roys Hitler look at it some more saddles some more driftwood art some more just Rusty metal stuff. Desert stuff for those you who work in the desert right? for those of us who've done a desert archeology. You know you've come across this stuff in archeology out in those kind of places you just find metal stuff will just be out there for a long time right? rusting but kind of slowly because it's a dry environment so stuff tends to preserve. Metal stuff tends to preserve pretty long in archeology. Sometimes we're reduced to recording like dump sites of old cans and stuff just because they last so long and in a desert environment so somebody has collected all this and and made some sort of museum of curiosities. So I keep going I keep hearing the scurrying. Yeah I keep hearing the vague door close and the out out in the air. But I go get my money's worth man. So I keep going you know pass some old. Gold pans used for gold panning some miscellaneous fossils and you know there's going to be some miscellaneous arrowheads in there you know couple pot shirtds people have picked up over the years is always you? Always we see that this but there's going to be um. Like rattlesnake skins right? The you know this desert stuff finally cruise through all this a followed the yellow footprints and I'm coming up on the thing. Okay, here's the thing. So in the back all the way through a turn the final corner and the big yellow footprints end at this like concrete block coffin like a coffin made out concrete blocks with like. Glass on top so you can look in right and so in the dim light much like Howard Carter finding King Tut for the none time I walk and I look in there. What is the thing. Thing is a dead body and that's pretty weird in the desert at night by yourself with Hitler and his rolls Royce you look in. 08:18.38 archpodnet And it's this like body how they get in the desert right? Really dried up kind of wrapped with kind of mummy wrappings and there's a little. Child mummy with it too. So it's an adult and child that you know you think a mother and child oddly rap just odd right? and I'm looking at it I'm like what is this is gotta be fake. what is what is this but I look at. Ribs so to picture this. it's all it's all desiccated it's all wrapped up like the face is all wrapped up. It's almost egyptian esque but wrapped up but like sunken in you know and dried out but on the mom. The chest kind of the upper left hand side I think is open and you see the ribs protruding and I looked at the ribs and I'm like yes fake by look closely at the ribs and I'm like wait those ribs that's real bone. As a budding archeologist at the time I'm like I know real bone. that's that's real that's real what what is this looking and it's just weird right? I'm really I'm trying to be who but that. x-files scurrying vaguely dead body Hitler thing. Well I'm enough of a man to admit, it's kind of getting to me so I turn around and I start. To walk out right? I'm like I'm walking along the big huge yellow footprints backwards you know and I'm cruising to but I'm trying to be cool, right? I'm trying to like keep my cool and I'm like cruising by and I'm cruising by all the rusty stuff. And I'm cruising by the funky signs that are like was it aliens right? They had those 2 got to have those, you're out in the desert right? There's the area 51 ain't so far away. Um, and I walk out and I have to say the last couple steps to the door. The hebi jeebis did kind of get to me a little and I did have a bit of a spring in my step as I walked at a quick pace out of there got to my car got in my car turned on the gas and laughed and on the road in the darkness. 11:01.95 archpodnet As my engines going but right I thought what the hell was that and I'll answer that in a minute.