00:00.00 kinkella Hello and welcome to the pseudo archeology podcast episode 120 I am your host Dr Andrew Kinkela And tonight we explore the rosicrucian egyptian museum in San Jose California 00:24.45 kinkella Okay, so you know before we get into the rosicrucian museum I got to say I was looking at my ah Youtube channel the other day and I'm still getting. Some negative comments about my Graham Hancock situation like six months later not too many you know 1 or 2 a week or something and you know what's so funny. Is there like the same complaints about how. If I make fun of Graham Hancock it just it ruins my standing as a real archaeologist because I have a sense of humor and I got to say you guys I get that comment every week and I just wonder. For people who comment on Youtube or comment anywhere. You know Twitter whatever it is. It's like dude. Do you check the other comments before you comment because I do that all the time and actually I got to say I don't even comment very much at all almost never and I will also say I always comment only positive stuff. But I always check. Yeah I'm always like super worried about ah doing like a second comment you know or or like making a joke that's already been made I don't want to do that I want to be original but these guys man they're not checking the comments check the comments. 01:55.45 kinkella Before you comment yourself I'm just saying I mean I'm not saying but I'm saying you know what I'm saying anyway because of these angry online people I thought ah I would do something this week that was. You know, chill that people just can get along and talk about in a relaxed manner. Let's do religion and we're going to look at a religion that says it's not a religion which is kind of true. But it's kind of not true. We're talking about rosicrucianism. But before we talk about the religion itself. What this podcast is really about is my personal experience with the rosicrucian egyptian museum. Right? This is in San Jose and this is in the south bay ah in in California right? Not too terribly far away from San Francisco as I've probably touched on once or twice hither and thither. Ah I grew up in the East Bay in a town called San Leanro it's right below Oakland and for students in the East Bay area in the sixth grade. There was always a trip to the rosicrucian egyptian museum right? It was just. 03:25.39 kinkella Chiseled in stone I believe the pharaoh's chiseled in stone thou shalt go to the rosicruian egyptian museum to see our stuff and I think that a lot of us throughout America really we have these kind of things these these sort of. The thing that everyone does in sixth grade or eighth grade or fourth grade. Whatever in your hometown. There's like a museum you go to or a trip that everyone goes on right? It's this thing and it's almost like this rite of passage to you know? Oh yeah. The seventh graders they already did this. They said it was awesome. Whatever it may be right? So for me this takes place in probably late 1983 I don't know I'm eleven years old um I'm in the sixth grade. And I'm looking forward to this right? and I do think as I get into this this might actually be my very oldest story of all you know I'm saying I mean there was the one on the mystery spot that I did like I don't know eight months ago or a year ago at this point. And I think I was like maybe 13 or 14 at that point so this is really old. This is this is what we're we're looking my friends we are looking at this year the fortieth anniversary of my trip to the rosicrucian egyptian museum. 04:59.39 kinkella Now as I talked about in the um mystery spot podcast me and my friends are exactly like the cast of stranger things. The kids in stranger things right? that show just showcases. My generation and what we were doing in Middle America when we were like 12 you know so just picture those kids those kids and their fellow students right? So how this unrolls is ah I'm in the sixth grade and. We're getting ready for the trip and this is like a big trip. It's a bus trip right? and it's probably going to take like an hour from san leanro to San Jose and that's like a big bus trip when you're like 11 you know you're like yeah you're looking forward. You're just looking forward to like getting out of there. You know what? I mean just like like man your hometown's boring and you just want to like do something cool. You know I was always into seeing like the science centers locally. We were really lucky in terms of that like Berkeley wasn't that far away. Berkeley's only like. I don't know 20 minutes from my house or something like that going to or in San Francisco San Francisco was also kind of a it wasn't a place you go to every day people who are not from the Bay Area you think we go to San Francisco all the time we don't if you're from the East Bay but the exploratorium. 06:32.00 kinkella Was there in San Francisco I remember going to Uc Berkeley to like the Lawrence Hall of science any locals in that world. Basically these are all like sciencey cool hands on museum places right? So this one the Rosa Cruian museum I'm like dude this place has mummies. You know and I'm so looking forward to that because that just seems so romantic. You know I'm like yeah, there's gonna be artifacts mummies this is like real. You know these are real egyptian mommies from Egypt. This is cool, cool thing and I will say at that time I didn't think I was going to be an archeologist that time or hey that kind of stuff I was just into this stuff seems cool so we get on the bus. It's a long bus trip. Um, and. I noticed even on the bus trip over that the class the sixth grade class was really showing their best behavior the teacher that year Mrs Jones she was just the coolest man she was one of my favorite teachers of all time and she. Really had a handle on us. She told us it was serious and we took her seriously, we're like we're gonna be cool on this trip. So everyone was cool on the bus right? over we get there I got to say the grounds of the rosak crucian Egyptian Museum really really nice um I'm gonna 08:05.75 kinkella Post a link or 2 about the rosicrucian museum and it's an easy Google to rosicrucian egyptian museum their grounds just walking around there. You know as in terms of as a place to just sit and eat lunch really really nice it's got that vibe of like sprawling. Gardens you know that kind of thing and the building itself is like this retro egyptian looking building you know so we go in I'm super excited. Come on ooh. It looks like an Egyptian Temple you know go in there and once I entered that's when things started to go poorly. The people who ran it just seemed like they didn't like us you know. Like this is from the guards at the doorway to the docents. Whatever they just all looked at us like you know we're holding our noses while you're here, but we just really don't like it that you're here like there was that that like tension. You know in the air where it was like these kids are here again, right? and we were being so cool man we were quiet I remember that? Yeah, if you guys think back to when you were kids you know when your class was being cool or when they were being totally rowdy and out of control. 09:40.20 kinkella You know you know as a kid you know for sure and I knew I was like why these people hate us so bad we are being totally cool that you can't get a more chill sixth grade class than this sixth grade class right here. So we start looking at like the artifacts and stuff and it's. Artifacts are neat and there's even like this um, kind of fake mockup of an egyptian tomb and you kind of go in so it has that like coming into the tomb vibe and there were at least at the time a handful of mummies. You know that you could see I believe there was. Maybe 1 or 2 they were unwrapped and there were there were sarcophagi and they were mummified animals and this kind of thing so it was the artifacts themselves were very cool but the vibe I got to say you guys it was creepy as hell. Now in a world like that. There's good creepy and bad creepy. Good creepy is like the mummies you know you're like whoa. That's a real mummy. You know that's that can have its own creepy factor but it but that creepiness. Can transform into like wow that's so old and you know that oh man, that's from half a world away isn't that interesting bag creepy is like these people are disingenuous and they don't like us you know and again i. 11:10.38 kinkella I have nothing against you know the this belief system in general I'm just reporting the natives of what these people were like um I remember some of the kids just asking about the religion in general like rosicrucianism in general and. They gave us that how dare you ask that look like oh so unwashed and dirty I can't believe you would ask that you know to totally fair questions from sixth graders. Um, and they they held on to the secrecy vibe i. Always hate that wherever I'm in the world I mean don't you you know when it's like well we can tell you this much but we can't tell you everything because a secret and I remember there was some area that was blocked off. It's like oh yes, this is just for this is just for you know the in crowd. Like what? Ah so we just cruise 1 Oh and I remember they were wearing like weird stuff too like I believe that the like the guards and the doses stuff I believe they were really well dresssed like too well dressed. You know where you're like dude lose the suit. But then they also had like a fez on you guys know those hats like those like skinny hats. Um, if you guys are a fan of doctor who the Matt Smith Doctor who would wear fez sometimes just those they look like an upside down ice bucket I think they were wearing those. 12:45.27 kinkella Again, this is I'm literally thinking forty years ago you know it so so you picture these guys unsmiling shiny suit fezz on acting like they don't like you you shouldn't be here and they have secrets. They're not going to tell you. Just what a mix for a great party so we went through saw the artifacts that's cool. Got back on the bus got all the way back to school and I remember the next day I went up to my teacher I went up to Mrs Jones and she was so cool with us. And I asked her just just by myself. You know we had like a moment alone I'm like Mrs Jones you know they really seem to not like us like that seemed weird was was that our fault and she in a very flat like teacher voice was like now Andrew. Wasn't your fault and that made me feel so good because I'm like the grown up agreed the grownup thought it was weird too. So I haven't thought of that in a really long time. But again as you guys know I look around online. Whatever so often for for. Stuff to talk about on this show and I saw something about the rosicrucians in Egypt and I was like you know what? I'm going to dive into this because I remember my crappy story about having to deal with these guys like forty years ago leaving really disappointed as ah, an 11 year old kid who really wanted to learn about Egypt. So. 14:21.71 kinkella I looked in a little bit into the belief system itself and when we come back? What is rosicrucianism anyway.