00:00.00 archpodnet Welcome to episode 1 on 4 of a life insurances podcast where wein investigate the careers of those living life and ruins I am your host Carlton Gover and I had I like co-host Carter jotted at David Howe for tonight's episode. 00:01.14 Cornpop Um. 00:19.64 archpodnet We don't have a guest. It's just just the 3 of us I don't know why they're laughing so hard and we're we're going to. Ah, we're gonna take take this time this episode ah to kind of catch up because for those that don't know. We frontloaded a lot of episodes around the time of our hundredth episode live show with simon and what what day did we record that was like mid -march like march t twelveth thirteenth 00:49.30 Cornpop First off I was laughing because you just you just like normally come in with such energy this side. You were just npred it and I just wasn't ready. 00:59.86 Connor Um, is like the exact opposite of every opening we've ever had which is great. 01:00.90 archpodnet Yes, yeah chair I mean. 01:04.41 Cornpop And you guys are at least 2 pixels each for me so I was just I couldn't see your face. 01:09.22 archpodnet Just set the tone. But yes, it's been since March thirteenth so we haven't we haven't recorded an episode in a month and now we have to because we owe them an episode in six days and so we're here Monday night on 01:15.70 Connor Thirteenth. Wow. 01:18.50 Cornpop Fuck that's been a month 01:24.59 Connor Welcome Welcome to a life and ruins podcast where they're either super prepared or completely unprepared. 01:25.80 Cornpop It's what it is. 01:27.35 archpodnet April eleventh 01:31.55 archpodnet And they were the latter tonight not indricate so dude can I can I say 1 thing like who who signs this up like our. 01:32.14 Cornpop Am I time out am I echoing for you guys? Cool um. 01:40.51 Connor You still sound like shit though. 01:51.70 archpodnet But life neurons email for all this spam. 01:54.78 Cornpop Dude, it must have been one of those like otter things or like the the hoot suite or whatever because guys I know it doesn't seem like I do much for the podcast but I am Jesus on the cross for getting rid of those spam emails I get them every day they drive me insane. 02:08.78 archpodnet David it's almost Easter like this episode's gonna come out a day after easter you can't talk about Jesus being out of cross. 02:10.72 Cornpop And I just it doesn't matter he died for our sins possibly maybe so he I'm going for that Jesus on the cross look going low carb you know, but here we go I got the every day those come up. 02:12.70 Connor And yeah palm sunday was like just yesterday was palm sunday. 02:19.15 archpodnet Oh my God It is pops out there. 02:28.35 Cornpop And I'm like Unsubscribe unsubscribe and they just keep coming. It's like the siege of Gondor every day in my inbox and then you guys are like hey can you do the show notes and I'm like yeah hang on. Let me unsubscribe from this then I forget what we're doing because it just ruins my day. 02:43.80 Connor It. It's got to be the website that we purchased through whatever whatever would we buy? Yeah I think that that I think that classifies as something that's going to give you all the spam. It's got to be. 02:43.52 archpodnet It's It's a problem. 02:50.70 Cornpop Yeah. 02:50.76 archpodnet http://website.com ah 02:58.27 archpodnet I Mean it's a good deal. We just reuped on the website we need to it probably needs and a face lift. But I don't we don't none of us have the time. 03:03.26 Cornpop Get ourselves nose job Yo Um, that sounds weirdly sexual whereas Nose job doesn't. 03:09.10 Connor I Need a face job. 03:19.25 Connor 2 checks out. 03:19.97 Cornpop I Can't see you guys laughing because it's just pixels. So I'm gonna Okay, yeah, it's we're kind of where I thought. Okay. 03:24.38 archpodnet I'm I'm not laughing I'm not just in stunt I'm just in awkward silence. Um, our audience is like oh god okay, so but even though we haven't been recording this past month. Um, we do have a lineup coming up. Ah. And hopefully we can get front loaded up until over the summer times but until then we haven't been ah I guess on our on our laurels David you've been going I mean you? Ah, what's happened with the bus. Let's start there. We've had some. Bus movement some bus business. 04:02.83 Cornpop Um, bus stuff. Um, busted out here. We go all right? You guys want the longer the short I guess we got 45 minutes so for those of you who don't know. 04:06.73 Connor Busted out. 04:19.97 Cornpop Also just upfront guys if you this is a first episode. You're listening to you're making a mistake go ahead and go through our back catalog then figure us out if you're new to the podcast. We often do like these little catch up episodes Carlton you eaten with chopsticks in those pixels. My man. All right? dude ripping it? Okay so you guys are seriously three pixels. It's like fucking address. ah anyway ah yeah so I bought a bus a long time ago in like September and I was gonna convert it. But I had to go to the shop because the engine just was terrible and I was like all right might as well fix it up so it doesn't die on me while I'm in it. Um, that took five months no took three months and then I got it back and then I've been slowly stripping it out. But um, the neighborhood got or gave. Like a little note saying hey you can't park the bus in the street because it doesn't look up to code and I was like all right? So I have to put at my friend's house huh. 05:19.60 Connor And well to contextualize it you live in like your parents live in kind of a nice middle upper class neighborhood where there's like not I'm just goingnna. Okay, okay, okay, new Well check. 05:28.40 Cornpop I wasn't gonna drop that I live with my parents currently, but for bringing it out of the bag. Yes, that is the that is the case. Ah you could. 05:38.24 Connor Me back up and ask you. 05:42.57 Connor So but where you're living currently is in kind of a upper middle class area. So it's kind of you don't see buses that look all right, but you just don't see that on the streets where you're living currently right. 05:57.56 Cornpop Yeah, you don't see the buses on the streets here in these streets. Um, so we got a little not a fine but just like a thing saying like hey don't park your bus here. So I brought it to a friend's house because all my other friends that were like hey yeah you can park it at my house were they like no you can't park it in my house I was great. Glad I invested in this. So another friend who lives like 40 minutes away was like yeah sure because I live 40 minutes away in the boon docks and I was like okay, um, parked it at his place and I've been slowly stripping it out ready to convert it. However, a friend then showed me. On Facebook a friend from college that I hadn't met once before. So I knew him had just converted a bus that was the exact model and the exact thing I wanted to do on the inside of it so I was just like okay I'm just gonna get this so I sold my jeep and sold that or I'm in the process of selling that bus. And bought this one and it's completely converted. There's some updates I'm trying to add to it still the roof is currently leaking because I put in a fan I thought I sealed it as best as possible but I did not um, and yeah this past weekend I drove it to our Kansas. To go to a bushcraft meetup. Um, met some people from alone. Yeah sure. 07:12.65 Connor Yeah I got a question I got a question about your original bus. Could you give us some of the the riveting stories of you removing the rivets. 07:23.46 Cornpop Yeah, um oh I see and say I don't That's not that riveting got it got it. 07:27.27 Connor Just it's not ah so you were you went to our Kansas for for. 07:36.46 Cornpop Sorry you guys are like so frozen I can't tell like if it's frozen or like you're waiting for me to speak. Um, yeah so I went to Arkansas for this this bushcraft meetup. Um, and there's some people from alone. 07:44.24 Connor Okay, our Kansas put. 07:55.70 Cornpop People from naked and afraid and here's the thing when you meet somebody from naked and afraid and she's a woman I didn't want to go up to her and say hey you're that lady from naked and afraid because that it means the first time you saw her she was naked and just an awkward thing to say sure. 08:06.27 archpodnet But blurred out like they don't have you know you know the venus figurines have more have more you know detail than bodies on naked and afraid. 08:11.59 Cornpop But like I'm a white male in 2022 I'm not trying to go to jail. 08:18.81 Cornpop Sure though there was 1 dude who had like an above average one and you could tell that they blurred it out a lot more than the other ones and I was like that's pretty funny. Yeah and he um I will say um I'm not gonna say. 08:27.17 archpodnet Good for him was it like a budweiser tall boy just hanging there. 08:38.80 Cornpop Ah, use your imagination anyway, the ah so I was we were talking and here's the thing though I didn't one I don't know what to tell people I am now because I am an archeologist like registered but I don't like currently excavate or teach. Do what I used to do so when they ask what do I do I'm like um I then somebody usually like jumps in and fills it in for me and then they were like he's an archeologist and like all these people like oh shit, you're that dude and I was like yeah and I was like that could be good or that can be bad. And I think mostly it was not great because all these guys are like primitive skills dude and then like here's me like ah when the 3 of us talk to those people. It's like we have degrees and they don't so there's ah immediately that thing of like they know more than us because they've been doing it where we just have like the science staying oh my god what do they think of me. Um, but it was fun like I was out of my comfort zone and a guy named Rick Spicer invited me I ended up like making friends. It was cool. Um, and they were picking my brain about stuff and I was like guys I cannot make like a fire by hand like I have before but like they'll put me on the spot to do it. But. I'll stop talking after this um I drove the bus out I got to sleep in it that was awesome and like everybody was camping out and it was like ° out and I just like walked into my bus and just slept in my bed and I was like well this is weird. Um, but the thing itself was called the bushwhack. And Rick Spicer who runs pack rat bushcraft in Fayetteville Arkansas. It's like a local ah rii type thing. It's actually pretty incredible. They do this thing called the Bush whack and he teaches like wilderness survival classes and he like teaches them how to make primitive fires how to make. Ah, shoot arrows how to make atlads how to build shelters orienter like medical stuff. Um, super cool. So what this is is a challenge and there's like 30 teams ah teams of 3 and they have to go to these different points in the woods and like um, you know like there's a they have to orient. Orienter to like this one. So I find the direction go towards it like whatever paces and there's a station there where they have to do archery or they have to like do field medicine on somebody. There's a zip line they had to like make a stretcher and carry someone down this gigantic hill in the ozarks and then at the end they all come back to the main amphitheater at the park. Like in the national forest and they have to make like a primitive fire and like they get points throughout the day and if they make the primitive fire with a hand spindle It's more points than a bow drill and more points in a flint steel and it was like intense like it was like more intense than watching baseball or football to me like watching these guys like. 11:27.64 Cornpop Try to make a hand they were like if you' ever seen somebody make a primitive fire. We're using your 2 hands and like rubbing the stick down like they ah like the 1 person was doing it and it like worked for them but the other person had like wetter wood. So like the three of them had to like in tandem like swap out. Like so cranking down on this like spindle and it was like really intense to watch um like I don't know how else to say it. Ah and it was cool and like they made the fire I'll stop talking but it it was super cool but I was there to like. Give pointers and like judge as a competition and I was like guys I don't know anything about this. So um, yeah, where I think I was but. 12:09.37 Connor So does it I I feel like when you see like on a loan or anything like that when they when they're doing that like actually creating the fire through the spindle and whatnot you're getting just like a small little glimpse of it where they're either like trying it or they're like actually getting it started. But there's like a long process in between where you just like are cranking down on this and having a really crappy time and and switching off and things like that. 12:29.37 Cornpop Yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly and like this one team got it done real quick because you you could have more points if you found 1 in the woods and did it or if you brought one. It was less points. So this one guy had brought one. He made the fire like instantly. But these 3 dudes had found like ah a wet piece of wood because it had just rained in the woods and were trying to make a fire and like it smoked and they got it down but I saw the guy's hand like bleeding from like the blisters on it and I was like this is intense and like Rick whips these dudes in the shape. It was like the marine gore like. How they were doing it and I thought to be kids like in high school but they were like adults with kids and like this 1 guy was trying to make the fire and um, his daughter kept coming up and she was like daddy like let's go home and he was like galloway like was I trying to make the fire. Um, anyway, yeah, so that's what I've been doing and the bus is almost done. However, I will say as Carlton asked earlier before the show with the current state of gas prices in the country right now I chose the absolute worst time to have quit my job and to buy a bus that has eleven miles of the gallon possibly 10. 13:42.13 Connor What kind of ah what kind of gas does that run off of. 13:44.00 Cornpop And is diesel diesel so it is ah either 4 four eighty for a gallon or five twenty a gallon depending on which of the gas stations you went to and I had to drive a thousand miles um it was not fun. 13:57.58 archpodnet Ah, so. 14:02.14 Cornpop And I was like all right I have some savings I can do this and then I was like I'll go to Wyoming I'll go to California visit my cousin like I'll stay out here now I cannot because I went to the ozarks for 12 hours and left fuck. Um so I need to start making a lot more money or I might have to go get a job because like. I did not anticipate that um, but um, I'm making do and like you know I work technically have 2 jobs right now and then mine. So ah, we'll see. 14:31.72 Connor But that's a that's a big step getting the bus getting a bus. It's a big step in the in the process because I know that watching you go through and and modify the current bus. It looked like it just was like a super tough process and. 14:35.65 Cornpop Yeah. 14:48.47 Connor Time intensive and all that kind of stuff. 14:49.00 archpodnet Yeah, because you're working on it like very regularly like we would we would hit shoot up and you be like I'm working on the bus I'm working on the bus and then one day you're like so I bought a new bus like it's like what I. 14:49.32 Cornpop Yeah man. Yeah, like daily. 15:02.76 Cornpop Um, yeah man it was like fun because you had I'd like was a lot of bus life people on Youtube that like teach you how to do it and like here's what I do but then there's other people where it's just like more a mechanical channel and they're like here's how you do it and everyone's got different ways of taking out rivets and my dad was like just do this and it was like. Quickest fastest way that didn't involve buying a $200 tool. Um, and that was fun and then like yeah take an out lets ah just using an angle grinder is like so fun. Ah, but yeah, the diesel man it is not I guess that's the benefit of van life because it's. More compact and less gas but like the school bus like guys literally everybody at the meetup was like dude let me see the rig and they came in like this is amazing. You did such a good job and before I could say I didn't do it. They were like dude like this would I was like I know right? like pretty sweet but um. Every gas station I went to somebody stopped and was like yo can I see that and I was like and this 1 lady was like my pastor would love this can I take some pictures and I was like all right, you're not going to steal and or rate me so you can go in here and she like went in and like took pictures I even went into the gas station because I had to pee and I was like I'll be right back. Trusted this lady with my life and came back. She's just little old lady like she wasn't going anywhere and then came out and she was still in there just like oogling at the wood and I was like yeah it was like six months of work you know like. Anyway, that's enough of me I'm back home now just took a Klonopin I'm ready and I'm I'm full of Jack Link's beef jerky and laquas I'm ready to party. 16:37.33 archpodnet Good night. Well I mean. 16:38.49 Connor This is also like ah we're gonna pay David to put a sponsorship on side of his bus. He will people love that shit right? everywhere you went. They were like eating that shit up right? yeah. 16:48.10 Cornpop Yeah, oh oh like the just the bus itself. Yeah Cory Hawk got on top of it and he was like hey man sorry youre like we're just ants crawling on your bus and I was like wait. There's ants on my bus and he was like no like like where ants crawl your bus. 16:56.54 Connor Yeah. 17:07.32 Cornpop I was like oh shit. Um, yeah, but like everybody who goes So if I put something on the side like you know kit Catt or um, what's the other. What's like what's the social media company The best the new one like Parlor I'll put parlor on the side. Um. 17:23.99 Connor Trump steaks. 17:24.78 Cornpop What's the one that they just made that like makes your phone explode. What is it? Chub's thanks the best steak she'll ever get um something Anyway, I think we got to wrap this session up here that is my stuff if you guys have more questions we can answer them if you guys have questions. 17:28.17 archpodnet What are you talking about. 17:43.84 Cornpop And the audience you can shoot me a message or shoot the podcast a message on the Instagram or shoot us an email I'll answer them and if you're a person who has listened to this for the first time and you're like what the hell is this podcast. Go ahead and send us an email because it will make our day to read it. 17:55.69 Connor Think it's I think the episode you want to listen to is what 27 is that the one with yeah, start out on 27 that's with Dr Robert Kelly where we're we're like real adults like start start out on episode 27 go back continue on with us. 17:56.43 archpodnet Yes. 18:01.45 Cornpop To Suggest What listen do it diff. It's. Yeah, but. 18:09.55 archpodnet I Drank so much wine during that episode. Um and before we end this segment. Um, if you're listening on the all shows feed stop stop just stop doing it that we go. It doesn't help us like help help us. 18:12.98 Cornpop Which one is that and 10 18:25.96 archpodnet Go find our show a life in rose podcast and and subscribe and listen there because we don't we don't get anything. It doesn't help us get advertisers sponsors you know Chris and Rachel god bless them Rachel who edits our podcast like you know, just please please please please subscribe 18:42.92 Cornpop Hold up hold up hold up if I'm going to I'll get to give the audience 2 seconds to guess this before you guys do. But if I were to quote floop is a madman help us save us what movie is I am I quoting you. 18:43.27 archpodnet But that we'll be right back with segment 2 of episode 1 Oh four spy kids and we'll be right back with segment 2 of live and roads podcast.