00:00.68 archpodnet Welcome back to a life in ruins podcast episode 1 24 it's me. It's your boy David we chat and we got some Dc. We live in the life. Ah, we also want to put a little asterisk and say so that when David was. Referring to something as myths and mythologies. He's really talking about belief systems and the way that people think about this world. We're not lumping it into lore or whatnot. But these are actual beliefs that people have and and whatnot. 00:26.36 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, just so there's a lot of things that are like used interchangeably for me throughout like doing history and anthropology work and a lot of that is changing now and it's hard to keep up with what words to use sometimes and I think Belief system is probably just the best. Use because like there are myths within mythologies and belief systems but like let's just go with belief systems because you can say christianities believe myths and mythologies. 00:58.78 archpodnet Yeah, and there's different world use and and whatnot we were just saying that there's different. What's up. Yeah, um, yeah man I Really do struggle with this like. 01:01.23 Jesus of Nayarit Um, your sucks. It's a years sucks you. 01:14.48 archpodnet Like representation the media of archeology and then I have to defend myself to everyone. My parents will be like did you hear about this new thing over here and I'm like yo yo yo yo Yo What's what's bring it back. Let's bring it back. What's can you that context is something that like is the. 01:19.89 Jesus of Nayarit Um, a. 01:24.95 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah. 01:32.20 archpodnet Nuanced stuff that we always really miss is that context what they're talking about and what the history of it and whatnot is and that's what the cool one of the coolest things about being an archeologist I've learned is that you learn about the history of what we how we've learned about things. 01:46.82 Jesus of Nayarit Oh. 01:48.86 archpodnet And you can really understand the past more if you understand how we created it or how we analyzed it and how we got to this point. 01:58.50 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, like there. Ah um, there was a weird sound that came out of me I was trying to I had a thought but then you had a really good thought and then I was like man that thought's really good. What did you say? And yeah. 02:02.68 archpodnet A. 02:09.87 archpodnet Um, welcome to the inner working of David's brain 02:14.20 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, so like I could this is the point at which I would normally be like I would just refer to the script and then ask a question that's already been asked. Do you mind repeating what you just said for me. 02:25.60 archpodnet Yeah, so it's ah it's like. For example, we learned about or I did learned about the clovis mafia allegedly, allegedly, allegedly how and how Clovis and pre-clovis sites. 02:32.39 Jesus of Nayarit Waste management. Allegedly. 02:42.49 archpodnet There is a history to them and how the scientific community created or um, treated different sites and different people. So if you understand that you kind of understand the Pre-clovis and clovis debate now because you understand that there's personalities. There's like a. There's been people who have been fighting for 1 side specifically and blah blah blah blah blah. But if you if you know the history of people archeologists studying stuff to get to a point you really understand the archeology of an area. Yeah, if that that didn't that didn't. 03:06.90 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 03:11.82 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, that makes sense. 03:18.97 archpodnet No light bulb didn't didn't trigger anything. 03:19.92 Jesus of Nayarit No, like it's It's a good statement that I like honestly can't follow up without changing to a different statement. Yeah. 03:26.33 archpodnet No okay I just trying to no, it's it's interesting like it same thing with like saruy. So I mean like if you understand that Steve Holein's been been trying to do mama stuff and. 03:41.78 Jesus of Nayarit The same kind of yeah papers forever. 03:46.10 archpodnet Forever Then you understand srudy and then you're like okay that that kind of makes sense that puts it into that context or if you if you try to think what other? what. 03:51.16 Jesus of Nayarit Um, and. 03:54.94 Jesus of Nayarit If you understand Todd's work you know he doesn't like freelovis and he'll make mathematical models to say that preclos doesn't exist. Um, yes or if you look at Bob's work he's like Preglos doesn't exist because yeah and like then when you read a paper from them. Of course they're not going to mention Prelo you know so. 04:13.93 archpodnet Yeah, or view if you like why does no one accept Montaver day. Well, there's a history like Dila hay was like laughed out of a lot of that stuff and you know yeah he was ah what. 04:14.53 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 04:23.31 Jesus of Nayarit Left out when you can take about it. Don't answer oh wait where redact that redact that redact that sorry I'm supposed to say that Chris there's some's the mono verde drama stirring up here at the University Of Wyoming so back then up bo I said that? um. Montav Verdes dead so go back. Go back. Go back? Um, one 2 3 were we saying diah hey did something. 04:46.63 archpodnet Yeah, diahy was like kind of laughed out and was like you know people were crapping on him I mean it's probably the same thing with like the ancient Dna for dogs like you have like strong personalities who fight each other and have been dominating one part. 04:59.59 Jesus of Nayarit Um, oh yeah, yeah. 05:05.14 archpodnet Or you have like shady actually shady stealing of research which is something that I hope one day we can talk about. 05:11.23 Jesus of Nayarit That's ah yeah, that's a that's an issue. Um or you know you know not being put on papers or anything like that when you're talking about all time. So There's like that and then also um, let's see. A point I wanted to make before too is like there's covid was a very good example of this. There is consistent science that is out there on okay washing your hands Kills germs Okay hand Sanitizer Killed. We know that that's the basis of things right. And then you get someone saying maybe put bleach in your lungs or Uv light in your lungs then you get someone saying use Horse tranquilizer that you know that doesn't cure Covid It just makes the symptoms worse or less or whatever like you shit all that stuff out so people inflate that then with oh it cures Covid or people. People that believe that think it cures Covid or Prevents Covid and it gets it just it all gets like so like you know discombobulated ah in like the telephone line but like to go back to what I'm saying there are things we know we know coronaviruses exist. We know hand Sanitizer kills them on your Hands. You can't ingest hand sanitizer but you can oh hang on someone's here hold that thought. 06:25.76 archpodnet And we're back. 06:29.11 Jesus of Nayarit Okay, so ah god Rachel or Chris who was better things that was ah some about coronaviruses. Okay, so yeah, we know that like those certain things cure curan viruses or kill them and we know some things like you can't you can't cure the cold. You just take stuff for that science that we know. And then with a lot of people here in the pandemic. It's like scientists or idiots. They don't know anything because oh my god what do we have to do we test things and then we find out different things and then new information comes and we're like okay we were wrong about that. Let's continue so that happens a lot with an archeology too. And I'm sure in zoology and I'm sure I'm sure in astronomy because you see so many headlines are like asteroid coming to earth like all that kind of stuff how much and that it's coming right? forward how much of that is like in the same camp that we are that is just the media says this but astronomers are like oh my god um, so. 07:03.85 archpodnet Um, yeah. 07:11.50 archpodnet It's going for us brother. 07:23.80 Jesus of Nayarit There's a there's ah a consensus of things that we can all agree upon let's say like the hand sanitizer of Paleolithic Archeology is stone tools. We know they had stone tools and we know they use them very well and humans have been using composite tools for almost a hundred thousand two hundred thousand years why do they disappear. 07:38.33 archpodnet And you're not supposed to ingest them. 07:42.14 Jesus of Nayarit No, you're not supposed to ingest composite tools. Well I mean I guess wait hang on if we're getting into the the weeds of it tylenol if it's in a capsule with the little extended release powders in it that is a composite tool and you ingest it. 07:55.52 archpodnet Ooh technically. 07:56.78 Jesus of Nayarit Was the cape is a tool and the bio antibiotic is or the and the pain relievers a tool cheese I guess is considered the tool depends on doing with the cheese. But no I guess like you could use it. 08:06.99 archpodnet What do is it is that it's that because you eat it with sadness it goes down with it. 08:15.45 Jesus of Nayarit You can use tool to bait mice use as she used to debate mice. Therefore yeah I mean we're getting into the weeds. But anyway when someone says like and you have to defend yourself to your friends or to your family and my dad sent me a Tiktok yesterday about some Gol Beckley techie thing they found. 08:18.31 archpodnet Yeah, oh okay. 08:33.95 Jesus of Nayarit And then the next thing was like and the sphinx did you know the sphinx is probably 10000 years old with water erosion, blah blah and like my dad was like any merit to this and I was like well the sphinx thing goes on like everyone talks about that I personally think it was a nubus first before it was ah a cat face because it' if you look at the head versus the body. It is weird. Um, something fell off and they recarved it just you know hit undo but is it 10000 years old with water erosion now that's a whole other podcast topic. But the first video that was in that Tiktok video. My dad sent was just somebody taking like videos of like a pillar. Had sand then it was just saying this is a 12000 year old civilization that everything we know about prehisttor is wrong. Um, and like you can just say anything you can literally say put bleach in your lungs but by taking a picture of a pillar and saying that archeologists are idiots and like that's that's the issue to me and like. You have to kind of base it like we know so much stuff about prehis like we know like a general gist of what went on on this earth. Um, because there's only so far down you can dig like and it all is pretty consistent right? Um, so like randomly. 09:31.55 archpodnet Yeah. 09:42.40 Jesus of Nayarit I um, keep bringing it back to Cloest. We can talk about genetics or any other papers too. But like there's a consensus and when something comes out of that consensus that's like let's say 98% of the iceberg and like the tip top of the iceberg is like the weird few preklobucytes. It's. Important to be scrutinous of them because like yes the iceberg does stick out of the water and it exists but like. 10:11.62 Jesus of Nayarit That's not the best metaphor because I can't think about what the end of that would be but I guess I'm saying both of it exists but like you need to be Scrutinous of the the top one because it's not the whole thing. 10:21.54 archpodnet It's it's statistics right? It's you're looking at like outliers on either end of your bell curve right? So you can't so there are outliers in the world and there are like there are things that are going to be different. They're you know Beyond the normal range of variation and that's okay. 10:28.44 Jesus of Nayarit Who yeah. 10:38.71 archpodnet That's okay to happen because humans are weird and we do weird shit and we sometimes just go off and do whatever but we have to a knowledge of those as an either anomalies or like really far outside of the normal range variation. 10:50.82 Jesus of Nayarit Um, yeah, yeah, like right like I I guess pre-clobu being the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the massive iceberg isn't there. Um, yeah, that's I Guess that's what I meant. 10:55.75 archpodnet Yeah I think that's like but it's. 11:04.16 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, yeah, um, so and I think it's really interesting being friends with you and talking with you about this stuff because the only way to really like combat this or to. 11:07.38 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 11:19.44 archpodnet Stop disinformation is to do it on the platforms like Tiktok like Instagram because that's that's how people consume their information these days I mean maybe podcasts I but don't think anyone listens to this one. So but whatever. But that's the easy quick. Way for people to get information. 11:39.96 Jesus of Nayarit I don't have a ah wavelength bar. Do you have 1 Okay, so we're good. Okay, we're still recording ah way to get information. 11:42.36 archpodnet Yeah I still see yours. 11:50.60 archpodnet So everyone gets their information in these like 30 minute tiktoks or 30 minute thirty second reels or whatever. That's how younger people are consuming their information. So it's it's crazy for me to think about and being friends with you watch you you distilled. 11:59.78 Jesus of Nayarit Ah, where. 12:10.80 archpodnet All information down into those little bits also disproving what people are thinking or like what it is wrong but also informing them at the same time. So like you Zeke Darwin um who's the the science isaac. Yeah, who's the other well the cat lady who. 12:22.22 Jesus of Nayarit Oh isaac. 12:29.93 archpodnet Almost got eaten by a yeah Lindsay Lindsay Nicole like all those people it is. It's it's fascinating me to watch you guys. Do it like how how do you do that? How do you like distill information down into something like that. 12:30.53 Jesus of Nayarit Um, poet Lindsey. 12:45.48 Jesus of Nayarit Um, isaac does really well because he gets people commenting about evolutions long wrong Jesus is the way and he he indulges that and will comment and respond that drives up his engagement really but he also makes wonderful videos. Ah Lindsay does like quick. Little things. Um and she also gets comments like that and like she was saying she gets some controversial ones as well and that drives it up mine I sometimes get some controversial ones but like today I conden I had a toie artwork which is like usually my best posts and I did a little sixty second reel which is the amount of time you're supposed to do. And I talked about the earliest dogs and like neolithic dog breeders. It has 2000 views so to answer your question I don't know because I'm really pissed at Instagram right now because like none of the mammoth videos have done well like actual science videos haven't done well at all and it's really bumming me out because now. What do I do do I just need to make click baby shit I don't know. 13:46.55 archpodnet That's ah is that and that's the landscape that we live in. That's the media Landscape is the either or either bash people or you Click Bait or but if you try to like tell a good story or tell about good archeology or science. You're like hey. 14:01.59 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, that or somebody is like reporting my account because that happens to like it'll just knock you down so you don't send stupid shit up over the internet but I don't know maybe it's just like the time of the like people are going back to school. It's getting slow I don't know but to answer your question to. Condense it all down. It took me like an hour to make that real because to make sure what I was saying was right and like you've seen me do it in person like I do it like 5 or 6 times usually all in 1 take um and I'll take the one that's like not the funniest but also not the most serious and I'll like find 1 in the middle that like works and then like that's like my style. And then I'll post it. Sometimes it gets 2000000 views sometimes it gets 4 and like recently it's been getting 2000 on average whereas my usual is like a hundred to 200000. 14:48.00 archpodnet And this is like you have like what 40000 followers at this point are. 14:54.22 Jesus of Nayarit Ah, let's just say fifty Thousand Instagram and 150 on Tik Tock and 50000 yeah well Lindsay's got like two point three mill 14:58.76 archpodnet That's wild. 15:03.66 archpodnet Her ah her series about the his history of life was fascinating. She nailed that. 15:08.60 Jesus of Nayarit Another thing she does well she does she she really nails. It is her videos are like just like Donnie's are consistent. You know it's her because she has a look her head's on an angle and she's like what when she's like it's talking she wears the beanie. It's consistent. Donny's got all the furs in the background mine are all over the place I don't want to do consistent because my life is inconsistent but maybe I need to do that to get more more views I don't know um, but the point is like if I'm not having fun with it. There's no point in doing it. So. 15:34.19 archpodnet Rent. Yeah, random random thing. Did you see Donny's latest Tiktok where he made like a arrow mocka wattle. It's it is fascinating. So yeah, he just has like an arrow. 15:41.90 Jesus of Nayarit Ah. 15:46.56 Jesus of Nayarit Now. 15:53.46 archpodnet And then he takes little bits of flakes and then puts them on either side of it like double. Yeah yeah, yeah I was like that's brilliant like I didn't even that would also be really really cool. 15:57.21 Jesus of Nayarit Oh Oh like ah like an inuit one that aztecs use those 2 um I thought you met like a mocka waddle with arrowhead sticking out of it. We're on very different planes. But yeah. But yeah, Ah, Polynesians use like bats like that too. But with Shark teeth sticking out of them and shells and stuff. Um, when you don't have metally you find some ways to kill people. Ah. 16:19.20 archpodnet Or and when you have like don't have a lot of material you you find ways to use the material that that is left over. 16:27.37 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, very true. Um, when I was I hung out with I don't know if we talked about this I hung out with Donny a couple of days ago went down to his place in the Denver area is what I'm supposed to say um and. Saw his house like and he's it's just like an archeologists house. Dude there's like lithics everywhere ones that he's made one that like people have given him um and like he has the big like he's got furs everywhere and arrows that he's made and then he has the stories in stone poster know's what I'm talking about people lith poster. 16:55.93 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, it's it with that's the big one with ah all the the points and eccentrics and whatnot. 16:59.68 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, and he told me all he has to do this year is finish his book like he's being paid to do that so he just kind of chills all day and flit naps and makes his videos and he was like what I really want to finish this year is to nap the entire story and stone poster to the flake scars like to it like to the size and like just make the actual and I was like. Damn dude and he showed me some that he made and I was like whoa like like yeah that it's an art form man. 17:23.45 archpodnet Because they have they like those big like crescent ones like in the top corner. Don't they have like the big crescent ones with like the halfd like that's that's nots I Really want to buy that I need that poster. 17:31.24 Jesus of Nayarit Yes, there are ones and more there's 2 versions of the poster. But yeah, there's threes storie me too. It's if you don't know what we're talking about. It's called segments of the story in stone I think um I just looked it up today. Me one second I sent it to Jacob. It is the best from story and stone and it's a big like almost black and white looking poster but it's all blue instead of black. Um, so blue and white was what. 18:03.59 archpodnet Cool. Yeah I should get I should get that tattooed on my back all of it. Oh. 18:06.55 Jesus of Nayarit Words I should have used are all of it heavy been metal dude or it be lithic all right? Ah, we will be right back and then total leather good. All right say lighter.