00:00.54 Jesus of Nayarit Welcome back to a life neurons podcast which is now um, a life of token podcast. Ah we are talking about now. We'll go back to archaeology after this. Ah but um I wanted to talk about the dwarves because they don't you don't get to hear any lore of the dwarves really in the lord of the rings. Um. Because they're not a focus. It's about elves and men. Um, but you get a lot more of it in the hobbit. But that's really just third age dwarves. But in the creation of the world. The vaa olay who's a Smith god we were talking about wanted to create. Beings that could like he could teach the knowledge of like smithing to and like have people to help him so he just created the dwarves and like Ari was like what whoa whoa whoa hang on like I was going to make elves real quick. Um and men so can you just not so he was about to destroy them. And then he was like the gods were like no no, no like you can keep them just like make sure they sleep until you know the elves awake. Um, so the elves awake and men awake and then dwarfs are allowed to awaken too so they're like they worship outlay which they mentioned a lot in this. The new series. Um, so like. Dwarves of the oldest creatures in Middle Earth technically which is pretty crazy. 01:15.48 archpodnet But they didn't have souls. Yeah because this the Smith God made them and they were like basically Automata It's about to get rid of them then ally is like no, we'll give I'll give them life but like the elves need to wake up first and then do they wake up before men or after men. 01:31.50 Jesus of Nayarit Dwarves I don't recall I know it's after elves. 01:35.50 archpodnet Because the elves are 100% outlays not alllas favorite um, is it all a as favorite. Yeah auvatar or aru the chosen 1 creator elves are his favorite like hands down and so yeah. 01:40.32 Jesus of Nayarit Error. Ah yeah. 01:52.13 Jesus of Nayarit Um, yeah, which which is awesome. Um, and the dwarf is like I forget where I was going with this that. Oh right, right? So when Sauron makes it convinces everyone to make the rings of power the dwarbs are like all right? Hell yeah. And they get their 7 rings. Um, and then when he tries to corrupt them all with the 1 the 1 ring like the 3 rings given to the elves which we talked about last time with Connor ah, the elves were like I don't know about that but the 9 rings were given to men. They were like oh then they got super corrupted which we see with the zeal door. Then they become the Nas school and he was like dwarfs you got you want to help like with these rings and they're like no, they just like kept the rings and like minded their own business which is why elron is like they care nothing for the troubles of men like though what dwarfs didn't hear. No, they just. 02:41.64 archpodnet They because they weren't affected. Yeah like dwarbs weren't affected by the rings at the 1 ring and the albums weren't neither like when salron makes the 1 ring to rule them all like it. They just alerts the other 3 like elron ah gladrill. 02:57.68 archpodnet And I forget who the third. 02:59.32 Jesus of Nayarit Um, um, it's El Ro's Ki Dan know ah elron kellliborn and no sorry gladriel caliborn and um I think it's gilgalad that gets a ring. 03:05.23 archpodnet Ke a brim bore. 03:15.40 archpodnet Who's the smith that made him as a kill a brim broer. Yeah okay and Sauron catches him after burning that city to the ground and tortures the fuck out of him for information on the rings. 03:17.74 Jesus of Nayarit Keller Brimborn makes them but he didn't get a ring. Yeah um I believe so. 03:25.77 Jesus of Nayarit Yes, not doesn't end well for him. 03:30.64 archpodnet That's when he sends the rings out to the dwarves to corrupt them but they're too hard to be corrupted and sends out the 9 to men and corrupts the living fuck out of men. 03:36.82 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, and he sends like I think it's ah, a nasgule or someone or like ah, an emissary to the Lonely mountain and they're like hey dwarves you want to help sauron and they're just like get out and they just like. 03:51.53 archpodnet Ah. 03:51.71 Jesus of Nayarit Like that What you hear about the dwarves from Gimley and gloin in the the council of elro is cool. 03:57.80 archpodnet Yeah, they're not even they're not yeah because they're not you know, really children of Aru like they're really I Who said their own thing. They just want to mind stuff like they're just happy being smiths. 04:13.67 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, um, and like something that's really interesting too is my dad pointed out when we saw the hobbits and the the theaters he was like it's like they have this giant mountain. They mine too much. They get too like hung up on gold and jewels and riches. And then they're forced to flee their homeland and wander middle earth for years and they have huge noses and my dad who is not jewish one turns and looks of idiot like the jews of Middle Earth and I was like holy shit token really went deep on that one. Ah I don't think that was his ah. 04:33.97 archpodnet Oh here we go. 04:41.41 archpodnet Special. So ah. 04:49.34 Jesus of Nayarit His intention but like it would make sense because the Jews are before Christians and catholics which what he would be. But anyway I just thought that was really funny never thought about it like that um moving on. 05:00.95 archpodnet Yeah I mean he Tolkien got inspiration from all over all over the world on that and it kind of in terms of anthropology like there is some like socio-cultural stuff about the hero's tale that goes into it and like some of these like major themes that we see through. Um, human narratives across the globe are evident within the lord of the rings not necessarily the hobbit but definitely lord of the rings and his his world building I mean like dude jar are talking like. Created this whole mythos for a children's book or people forget the hobbit was first and the hobbit is like a hundred page book with pictures. Yeah for his son created languages like backstory for that and then yeah he didn't write lord of the rings to a little bit after but he already had all the lore. 05:40.89 Jesus of Nayarit For his son. 05:54.61 archpodnet Ready for hobbit. 05:56.47 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, because I think he he had written like like a lot of the still Meillian before that but it was like too much to like just throw into a book so he made the hobbit to like dip his toes into this world. Um, as a children's story to his kid. Um. 06:14.57 Jesus of Nayarit And ad then the lord of the rings was like the expanded sequel to that. Ah here I was going. Oh yeah, that teacher in that class said that um when he died I think he's buried at Oxford um, and like there. 06:25.10 archpodnet Oh. 06:28.68 Jesus of Nayarit Tombstones with him and his wife say baron and luthian and his wife was like not down with that but he's like yeah, just do it anyway, if um, he also was in a group called the inklings at Oxford where they like would meet. It's just a bunch of old dudes like meeting up to drink at a tavern. 06:35.35 archpodnet Um, the. 06:47.95 Jesus of Nayarit And CSLewis was one of them too and then he wrote the chronic narnia in response to the lord of the rings. Yeah, which is a lot more overtly christian. 06:48.79 archpodnet Really huh? Yes, basically yeah, the lion is Jesus. 07:02.47 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, but the first book. Um, what is it does language the wardrobe a horse and his boy the Don tretder the first one I need to figure out first narnia book. 07:20.20 Jesus of Nayarit Um, the magician's nephew in that book. They get magic rings and hop through these pools of water in this like weird ethereal place where they can jump into different worlds and one of them is Narnia um, and like it starts with magic rings as well. So the the dudes must have had like some friendship rings with each other in this club or something. 07:37.62 archpodnet Oh. 07:39.44 Jesus of Nayarit Um, yeah, Aslan. Ah, but yeah, we should probably get back to the archeology. 07:45.92 archpodnet Yeah I mean I guess like you know we don't see any archaeologists or people passing as archaeologists or relic hunters people just mostly the books that we've read just happen upon relics of the past. But it's like when I see when they get to the ruins or not the ruins where the hell is it um in the extended editions and return to the king when Frodo Sam and goam. 08:20.80 archpodnet And are making their way from os gaia to the secret passage next to um, minus morgel they've come across like statues of former gonddorian Kings and I'm always when I see that I'm like reminded of my favorite poem in the whole white world Ozzy Mandius by ah, Percy Shelley when I see these like major epic monuments that are always like in Lord of the rings just like broken and just chillin like it brings me back to like thinking about those Nineteenth century. You know antiquarian accounts of like Egypt and Greece. Yes. 08:59.10 Jesus of Nayarit Right? Yeah and I didn't think about new menor I mean obviously it's a parallel to Atlantis being like an an island in the middle of the ocean that sinks. Um, but like the the very greek and Roman. Like vibe that new men or has in the show was pretty sweet to me I didn't didn't think about it like that as arago being Atlantean and so therefore you see all these like pseudoatlantean statues all over the place. Um, it's pretty cool. 09:24.14 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, can you imagine the Underwater archeology of Newmanore because it's still there like mostly if it's it's made out of stone like yeah. 09:33.13 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, and Bulliians just completely sank. So there's a whole Kingdom underwater. 09:39.57 archpodnet It's like ah what's what's dodger land I mean it's nowhere near the size of Dodger Land or dodgerland's nowhere near the size of of that old continent but like for those that don't know Dodgerland is the land mass that used to connect Britain with Europe and there are like. Mesolithic and neolithic settlements. There. They're just underneath the english channel. 10:02.24 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, um, yeah, fascinating stuff lot of land bridges in the world. There was one between Korea and Japan too. It's how people got to Japan and Malayia malayia or so suna and sahu. Um. 10:11.26 archpodnet Wasn't there one to Australia at one point. 10:19.23 Jesus of Nayarit I Think we're like those areas but ah yeah, that's how people walked there. Um, and then bring you I don't think so. 10:24.33 archpodnet We haven't found Amelia Earhart yet have we. 10:32.73 archpodnet Search continues. But anyways, um yeah I mean like you don't if you only watch the movies you you really don't. 10:39.41 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 10:45.51 archpodnet You're not exposed to like the breadth of history that is made that is in this fictional world and it's like like I appreciate the movies. But I mean I appreciate most you know adaptations better. Having read the books but in particular with Lord of the rings like. 10:48.99 Jesus of Nayarit Right? So much. Yeah. 11:04.12 archpodnet All the background shit that happened in the first and second ages just make it because's they just drop like single lines you know and if you don't know anything like that's a weird comment to make. But if you know the background like oh they're kind of giving hints to this thing or it's a reference to this. 11:06.40 Jesus of Nayarit O. 11:21.90 archpodnet 1 line or 1 event in this one bug. 11:24.00 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, and a lot of like the changes that Jackson made in the trilogy to um I forget the name. The lady is named Walsh something or person name last name's walsh. Um, she um Fran Walsh she and tolkit and Jackson like borrowed stuff from the expanded world of Middle Earth to like change a few things which like superfans knew but like in the movies like we wouldn't have like if you just watched the movies as kid like you didn't know. But. 11:50.71 archpodnet Yeah. 11:55.71 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah I do like that like sense of like deep antiquity because like Ammon hen like I always wanted to know what was going on there and like I had to read the books to figure that out. Um, super cool stuff and like did you play the war in the north I loved that game. Um. 12:03.30 archpodnet Now. 12:08.66 archpodnet I did Dec was so good I see ads for it all the time on Facebook and I did that once and I actually got battle earth that way but you just like Paypal this company like thirty bucks and they'll send you a download code. 12:14.74 Jesus of Nayarit You're an elphador. 12:28.58 archpodnet And you can play it on like modern. You can get the whole suite. Yeah dude. 12:31.13 Jesus of Nayarit What like the one with the dwarf the elf and the ranger and in the northern kingdom what I thought it was only for Xbox um, anyway, yeah, and that one like you're fighting in the north and you're fighting like at um, ah. 12:35.82 archpodnet Yeah, dude. Yeah. 12:49.30 Jesus of Nayarit Crap there's another dwarven stronghold up there that gets taken over by orcs um, oo mount something gun to bed. Um, and there's like a whole war going on there which obviously carzan alluded to earlier with like Dale and and la lauran and merkwood. Um. But you had said something oh right? The dystopian nature of it like that's kind of why? Um, like when you bring that up. Ah the dennior son of ihtheion is just kind of like done like he's the the steward waiting for agorn to return. Um, and like they're just facing like their imminent doom from essentially zombies is like what the works are um and like yeah like it's just like a ah moot point and like ah. Like the or the urihai and the orcs go from like village to village in Rohan like taking over the the hill tribes and stuff. Yeah, it is like a very apocalyptic time I didn't think about it like that. 13:58.30 archpodnet Yeah, it's just not a good time to be anybody in in this. Um, this whole thing it could be made worse. It could have been made much worse if the war of the 5 art 5 armies had gone sauron's way because then they've already had a launching point from area bo. 14:15.97 archpodnet Like there's just so many if anyone messes up, you're kind of kind of screwed and there's like a whole half. There's probably a little bit of 2 thirds of the continent that we don't see that's at war with saluron. 14:19.63 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah. 14:30.81 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 14:31.55 archpodnet Doing their own thing and that's elves and dwarfs. It's not like they were lazier didn't care like they literally are just doing with their own invasions all across Middle Earth from the north and from the east and it's like sucks to suck but they've been dealing with it for since cell shield door didn't cast the ring into the. 14:50.55 Jesus of Nayarit Um, yeah, um, fucking men dude ah in terms of like man. 14:51.50 archpodnet Into the into the mountain. 15:00.80 archpodnet And then everything changed when smigel and his buddy were fishing one day and found the ring. 15:06.53 Jesus of Nayarit I Saw I me the other day that was like when she's like and something happened that the ring did not intend. It was picked back by the most unlikely of creature another hobbit like never like thought about that. It's like goums also of it. Um, yeah, and I guess like the ring too like we had. We had this discussion in class is it an allegory for nuclear weapons. No because he already had started writing the book before World War Two I thought about it. Um, and like is it just it's just power right? and like. 15:42.59 archpodnet That. 15:45.29 Jesus of Nayarit What happens to golem is essentially like he's a drug addict and he's like so he's like hooked on this and it it turns him into like a strung out crackhead. Um, which there would have been coked out people. Um, after the and drugged out people after World War one which he would have known about but like. 15:52.19 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 16:03.39 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, it's just like it's sad what happens to golem but that's really the only allegory for it because no no one really has been goamed before maybe Michael Jackson but like 16:14.44 archpodnet Yeah, didn't j rl toki like he he he was at the battle of the som in world war 1 right? Yeah, he yeah he was he was see you as a british soldier like 1 of the most like horrific battles of world war one like the battle of the some. Yeah he. 16:19.17 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, he saw some shit. 16:31.85 archpodnet 1 of my favorite epic rap battles of history is JRRTolkien versus george r r martin. 16:36.28 Jesus of Nayarit George Archy Martinton yeah yeah I think that's one of his top ones. Dude um it was good. Oh right? And that class we did learn that gandalph is an allegory for Odin because he comes back from the dead. Um, and. His name's gandal storm crow. Whatever he's got a million different names mi randier Gandalf. Um. 17:00.68 archpodnet Wasn't mith friendier just mean El friend. 17:05.60 Jesus of Nayarit I Can't remember that's what the men call him mi randeer but he has his ah oh O Laine O laine is his actual name. Let me look at up O Laine Yeah, one of them might mean an el friend. 17:06.97 archpodnet Yeah, but I think that? yeah. 17:22.73 Jesus of Nayarit Um. 17:23.80 archpodnet Yeah I think it's mithran deal dear is elf friend. That's his elvish name just elf friend fury fucking original. You know you think these people live for thousands of years and be more clever with their names of people. 17:39.32 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, um, anyway I guess that's it for the archeology of Middle Earth but if you guys I'll make a post about this on Instagram and like how about when you're listening to this episode comment on that post like. What you find interesting about Middle Earth in terms of archeology or things that we might have missed or if me and Carlton are wrong about something. Let us know. 17:56.24 archpodnet Yeah, yeah I think we're more accurate about this fictional history than we were about the American Revolution history. But yeah I know there wasn't much archeology but it's like just fun to kind of come on and and just nerd out about. 18:02.48 Jesus of Nayarit Like English table. Yeah, which is really funny British story. 18:13.99 archpodnet Current topics. Yeah, but you know but these are the things we think about when we're watching these things is like the antiquity these places and like you know I look at Newman or like man. 18:14.91 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, yeah. 18:27.85 archpodnet That's like 200 years of like underwater archeological excavations to figure like a quarter of what the hell happened there? Yeah, but on on that note, um, we will leave links to the books down below in the episode description. 18:32.45 Jesus of Nayarit Yeah, be pretty wild. 18:46.60 archpodnet Um, yeah, if you're still listening to our show on the all shows feed Please Stop. We Really appreciate you you doing that? However, ah, please subscribe and download to our individual show. It helps us grow our audience and we can use those metrics to advertisers and sponsors to show like hey we're worth it. Um, because when you guys do the all shows feed We. We can't use that in any meaningful Way. So if you like our show please subscribe and and listen to us individually for its podcast. 19:16.25 Jesus of Nayarit And ask me about ah a joke all right? Ah guys please be sure to rate review the podcast if you found this one a little odd and you don't want to rate and review it I understand but I know a lot of you. 19:19.14 archpodnet Well you you have to say please be sure to write and review the podcast. 19:31.99 Jesus of Nayarit Do really like the podcast I've been told that all summer and like I know who you are you might have an alias on Itunes and I don't know if you've given me ah ah like a thing but if you are given us if you have not given us a review like that literally helps our metrics and it helps Apple like. Push the podcast up so that we could get more listeners and viewers which will give you more stuff to hear. Um, yeah so yeah, write and read the podcast follow us on socials. Um, and yeah. 20:03.81 archpodnet Yeah, because right now we only have 99 reviews on Itunes. Um, we get like over 5000 downloads a month so you all need you guys did do some more rating but. 20:21.37 archpodnet Yep anyways and with that we oh oh sorry David ah do you have a joke for us today. 20:27.75 Jesus of Nayarit Um, I do have a joke for you today. This one is lord of the ringsy and possibly not okay, um, what do you call a mexican that has been corrupted by the 1 ring. 20:33.83 archpodnet Oh boy. David I don't think we can do that joke. 20:44.27 Jesus of Nayarit Sniguel. 20:46.19 archpodnet Okay, okay, it. Okay. 20:49.55 Jesus of Nayarit It's not bad. Um I got another one. Okay, um, let's see ah why was gandalf always smoking a pipe. 21:02.23 archpodnet Y. 21:04.33 Jesus of Nayarit Because it was a bad hobbit. 21:07.57 archpodnet Okay, okay, all right sounds good and with that we are out.