00:00.00 David Welcome back to episode 96 liveverners podcast where again here with Lindsy Nicole from Tiktok in the interim we had more riveting discussions about dead things. But um, getting us back on topic Lindsay you mentioned the the story about the Hyena which is awesome to me. Do you have any other like 1 like what would be it like a great experience or memorable experience. You could talk about and then 2 like what is something you'd like to tell the world about like you know, taking care of big cats and stuff and yeah like just goat the. 00:28.39 lindsay Just any experience in general with big cats. All right Um I would say probably 1 of the coolest experiences was at the wildcat sanctuary on one of my first days there when I was getting a tour of you know all of the buildings. There were. 00:35.45 David Have fun talk talk. 00:53.17 lindsay Hundred and twenty cats there from you know, small little cats to the big cats and I walked into this 1 building called feline meadows which is where a lot of the tigers were and this one siberian tiger named Terrick would not stop. Looking at me and following me wherever I went he just would not take his eyes off of me and it was a little bit scary. Um, but it was you know obviously he was just kind of interested in. You know this new person he had never seen but the supervisor I was with was pretty surprised by his behavior and. You know was thinking. Maybe I've looked like somebody that used to be in his life before he was rescued. Um, but it was it was so cool and then when I turned around to leave the building I heard this huge boom like against the cage and ah. I I turn around and he's just on his hind legs just pressed against the fence and because he was a siberian tiger he was you know ten feet up there and I was just looking up at him. Um, and he was just staring at me and I was just. 01:53.66 David Well. 02:07.24 lindsay Was speechless and I still you know I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I witnessed that but that day on he was my favorite tiger and um the day that I left and you know my last day feeding him I couldn't even like see him because of the tears in my eyes I just fell in love with that tiger. 02:11.80 David Yeah. 02:22.29 David Right. 02:26.37 lindsay I'm planning to get him tattooed on me. But yeah. 02:29.71 David Hell yeah, that's awesome I Don't think I've seen a Siberian Tiger I've seen many bengals. Um yeah I Imagine they'd be huge. That's really cool. 02:37.12 lindsay They they don't look real at first they they don't look like real animals. They look like some sort of machine built by somebody to make a tiger look scary. They're really big. 02:46.75 David Yeah I always tell people when I give lectures or I'll talk about on Instagram sometimes too. But like if there were if I mean there is life on other planets for sure. But like if there was one that was similar to us or just in general There is probably some catlike creature there because they are just so efficient at doing what they do like night vision claws smell like ballot. It's crazy. Cats are nuts. Um, yeah man, you get the seat that that's kind of did you ever find out why he goes. 03:05.94 lindsay Um, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 03:20.72 connor I. 03:24.23 lindsay Um, not why do you like looking at Lindsay so much. Um, yeah I don't I don't really know. 03:24.49 David I Guess not into you ah be worried but like why he'd like to look at you I get I don't know. 03:28.58 archpodnet Yeah, they use 1 of those cat surveys like they do for covid right. 03:32.52 David Me. 03:34.59 connor Yeah, left hand. Do you like her right hand. Are you hungry. 03:43.97 lindsay Didn't really ever figure out why. But I you know I always told the group that I was feeding with like I'm feeding Terrik Nobody else is feeding tariff like I got really I got really attached to him. Um, and so I think a lot of it just became you know, Obviously my attachment to him. 03:52.56 David Yeah. 04:01.61 David Yeah. 04:03.33 lindsay Um, but he was just a huge lovey guy I mean I would never ever ever trust you know any of the behavior on Tiger King because at the end of the day like even though they're acting so love you with you and rubbing up against the fence and clearly wanting to be. You know pet in some aspect the thought of putting my even a finger in just you know with what has happened in the past I mean you can feel that power from them. No matter what? um so I don't I don't understand how people can even. 04:32.40 David Right. 04:38.39 lindsay Get inside the enclosure with them because just the thought of sticking a hand in is terrifying to me. 04:41.87 David Yeah. 04:42.60 archpodnet I yeah, there's like that video I've seen on Youtube it's dude I have no idea what the context but he's talking to the camera. He's with a big cat and there's another cat of a different species like stalking him and starts booking it and like a third cat comes out of nowhere like a middle linebacker and checks him out and. Defles the stalking cat and the dudes kind of weirded out by it. But I'm just one of those things. It's like you know crocodile hunter you watch him and he's really good about it. But there's times where he gets snuck up on it and you're like man Steve come back to us. 05:12.12 lindsay Yeah, yeah, yeah, you just love. Love. 05:15.94 connor R Ip taken too soon? Um, yeah, it seems like you can get like a healthy respect like that's something that should be necessary as part of that because they are big Murder machines I mean Efficient Murder machines at that. 05:17.68 David Yeah, yeah. 05:27.18 lindsay Um, right? Yeah yeah, they're apex predators. 05:30.65 David Um, yeah. 05:33.77 connor Um, did absolutely Um, yeah. 05:37.54 archpodnet I just think it's bonkers that you've had these experiences like I think it's just so awesome that you've been put like those are you know it's like from other from 1 group of scientists to another like we hear it from some folks like yeah being archeologists out school but you know some of those experiences you guys in bio have with like living animals and just. 05:42.54 David That's nuts. Yeah. 05:42.74 lindsay Thank you. 05:56.48 archpodnet As you mentioned like the raw power that some of these big cats have and you're around. It is just that must be just absolutely amazing. Oh please do. 05:57.72 lindsay Oh. 06:03.23 lindsay I have another one that could blow your mind. Okay, so same place it was in the winter months so it was really cold. So at night we have to bring all of the cats inside lock them inside because if they suck for some reason get stuck outside. They could freeze to death. Um. 06:05.50 David Yeah, let's go. 06:21.39 lindsay 1 of the lions geno had neurological issues so he would kind of just walk in circles and get stuck in it and it was pretty much impossible to get him out of that and it always happened outside. It was really late. We were trying to get him out of that circling trying to get him locked inside the building I was right up against the fence. And it was pitch black. It was at night and I could just hear him circling from the distance and we were just going Gio Gino genno and then it went quiet for a little bit but we kept you know going Gino Gino and next thing I know I feel his breath on my face and him he's just roaring at me. 06:55.60 archpodnet So fuck that. 06:59.41 lindsay And it was so dark out that I couldn't see him but I could feel the warmth of his breath and the roaring was just ringing my ears and my heart dropped and it was a terrifying experience just knowing if that fence wasn't there I would be dead but because it was also you know. This is what I went to school for it was also that adrenaline rush was just like I Love my Job. So. 07:21.64 David Right? damn. 07:25.74 connor Yeah, Jack. 07:25.86 archpodnet I I would have been wearing brown car heart pants the entire time I worked in that place because there's no no way. 07:33.17 connor I just I I just wonder how many like prehistoric folks in like North America or South America had like a smile it on or whatever do the same sort of thing you get the little breath and then you're just that's the last thing you feel in this world as this this animal destroys you eviscerates you. 07:44.38 lindsay Right. 07:49.19 David Yeah, it's like a rare thing to be able to talk about then. 07:49.19 lindsay Um, yeah, yeah, exactly yeah, you don't really have that experience you just that's just how you're done. 07:59.10 David Did it have like this is I always asked this when people are with animals but like did do they have a distinct smell or like was his could you smell his breath when he was roaring at you probably hay I guess but. 08:08.80 lindsay Um, um, yeah I mean there was definitely a smell but I wouldn't say it's distinct it it just it just smelled warm I don't know if that makes sense. 08:22.60 David Yeah, no, that makes sense. Okay I Just yeah, like ah a cat breath is always interesting to me but it usually kind of is like fishy because I guess that's what their foods made out of but I like can cat food in anyway. Ah, yeah. 08:32.32 lindsay Yeah, yeah. 08:36.90 connor Um, well I got 1 question are there are there tongues really crazy too because they they're like ah domestic cats roughness but like on steroids right. 08:46.82 lindsay Yeah, yeah, so they just it just looks like a giant domestic Cat's tongue. Um, they constantly groom themselves too and that's really loud just because of how big their tongue is in those bristles. Yeah. 09:00.85 David Um, ah like like the fur is loud like the licking sounds loud. 09:06.66 lindsay Um, the licking sound is loud. Yeah. 09:10.97 David Ah, interesting. Um, yeah things you never think you hear. Um. 09:12.28 connor Yeah, for sure. Ah so transitioning from that. Um, obviously you are a Tiktok personality. That's why we invited you on and how we how we know about you. So. 09:16.90 lindsay So. 09:31.98 connor What are kind of some positive and negative things that you see as being part of a Tiktok community and being a creator and. 09:39.77 lindsay Yeah, totally I mean finding this community of people who are super interested in animals and sometimes know a lot more about a subject than I do and end up teaching me something is really amazing. Um, just. You know, seeing that fascination in people seeing I'm so glad you did a video on this or you just made this make so much sense to me is definitely my favorite part about it is just helping people learn in a way that works for them. The negatives I would say are just. Types of hate that can come from people expecting to be just another anonymous comment in the comment section and the reality is there's tons of those but I could open my app at any time that could that could be the first comment that I see in my notifications. Um. 10:25.96 David Right. 10:38.80 lindsay When I first started making videos on Tiktok I was never expecting them to get as big as they are now I was just expecting to you know, get a thousand views max on videos and the first time that one of my videos went viral right? when it started hitting like 600 k even before then I started noticing that those hate comments started pouring in just because they expect to get lost in you know everything else going on and I wasn't really prepared for it and it it hurts and I started thinking like I can't stop this this video just keeps getting bigger and bigger I want it to stop. 11:15.43 David Right. 11:17.76 lindsay Um, but you know as time has gone on and I've I've gotten kind of used to it I've gotten thick skin. It doesn't bug me anymore. But I wasn't expecting to deal with this because I was never expecting to get this big so it was an adjustment but the good definitely outweighs the Bad. So. 11:37.21 David Good. Um, yeah, that is something I didn't anticipate either and like some of the like I Guess. Is it more like for you is it like anti-evolution stuff or is it hate like against you personally like ad Hominin or just like yeah. 11:56.34 lindsay It's both I mean a lot of it is on the evolution videos. Some of it is because I'm a woman. Um they they don't trust what I'm saying because I'm a woman um a lot of it too is because I'm gay and so I actually just saw a comment today that said oh. 12:02.28 David Right? It's kind of always getting it. 12:09.70 David Oh. 12:13.61 lindsay Looks like you are having a great time and then I remember that you're a Lesbian and you're going to hell that's like Okay, yeah, yeah. 12:16.90 David Oh my god okay yeah I wasn't gonna ask if that was specifically why but I will I wondered um, that's something I've run into with creators too. It's like there's a definite like our friend ella put a video on Tiktok and she got. Like absolutely just ripped apart for just making a point and it's like a bummer because like it's a vastly different experience for a man and a woman on social media and that really pisses me off. 12:40.85 lindsay The yeah. 12:41.30 archpodnet Yeah, and it was like it was replying to a pseudo archeologist too. It wasn't even like she was just saying this is wrong. This is why this is my background and she got absolutely eviscerated in the comments and she ended up deleting it like I'm not doing this. 12:54.61 lindsay Ah, that's a bummer. 12:56.20 David Yeah. 12:58.86 archpodnet But I mean like what keeps you going like what was what was that first inspiration to do the tiktoks like what compelled you to do it and like what keeps you going and. 13:07.11 lindsay So I joined Tiktok in July of 2020 so about a month after I graduated um I was so bummed that not only I you know I graduated during the pandemic but I also was about to stop this amazing. Process of learning and I had all this information I didn't have a job yet to project that information to anybody else. The people I was quarantined with I think were a little bit sick of it and they told me to get on Tiktok and start making videos because I had all this information so that was why I did it. Um, why I keep doing it is I mean like I said when people tell me that I explain something in a way that finally made sense to them. That is my favorite thing ever. I love that like I've been able to somewhat create this community. You know in the comment sections of people. Connecting in different ways about different topics and just educating just getting people aware of different you know topics especially evolution because a lot of the comments on there. The positive comments are I wasn't taught this in school or I am not being taught this in school and so thank you for. You know, providing this for me and I love that. So. 14:26.72 David Yeah, awesome. That's we had I mean his news isaac but we had Zeke Darwin on the other day too like he teaches in rural kansas not rural but he's got the west. Yeah. 14:37.81 archpodnet Next to Westboro Baptist Church yeah 14:39.46 lindsay Um, yeah. 14:42.87 David And like as a teacher during the day and then on Tiktok. It's just the evolution comments. They're crazy I haven't gotten so many like evolution is wrong I get like a few that's always gonna be like what are you gonna do but like I I agree like I haven't really talked to somebody with that same experience where like when somebody says I never thought of it that way. 14:51.40 lindsay Right. 15:02.26 David Holy shit and like yeah like just evolution isn't taught very well in schools if it is taught so like people just have no idea and then like they just think it's like that linear from a monkey to a person that's just like not the case and the slightest. But. 15:10.31 lindsay Right. 15:17.40 lindsay Right? And it's taught in a way that just removes the magic of it I think just I think I was I was taught the perfect way in college by the professors I had I was just constantly thinking about you know, extinct animals and different. 15:20.53 David Um. 15:34.68 lindsay Species that used to exist and how things have changed over time and I think generally especially in high school and stuff evolution is just you know, got to make the flashcards got to get the vocab down like gotta get everything right on the test and then just let it go as is everything in high school. Um. 15:44.82 David Ah. 15:53.10 lindsay But just being taught the right way just makes you think about the world differently and ecosystems and you know species diversity differently and it's an incredible thing to kind of open your mind up to. 15:59.41 David Right. 16:07.46 David Yeah, um, Carlton and Connor can speak to this too. But in grad school and like arc theory or cultural theory like you're taught like you have different lenses that you put on to like look at different you know to view science different ways and like. An evolutionary way of looking at things is a certain like once you understand that like the whole world makes a lot of sense like it's it's like the animal kingdom specifically and like bugs and yeah, it just bums me out that poeho just don't not that they don't get it or that they don't. 16:36.18 lindsay Right. 16:43.19 David Want to know about it. But that people don't get it like how cool it is. Yeah. 16:44.80 lindsay Yeah, angry. 16:46.69 connor Yeah, even if we take man or humans out of the the story like that story is still super super interesting. You know I think it's like just just the story of how things go from you know dinosaurs to and and. 16:55.90 lindsay Yeah. 17:05.20 connor And even even closer to us like I know some of your videos on like ah recent megafauna and South America stuff it's just really, it's really interesting and it's it's sad that it's become this buzzword this negative topic that no one wants to teach because like you said it is. It's absolutely fascinating. 17:20.97 lindsay Um, yeah. 17:23.22 David Um I guess as we wrap up here. What I don't want to ask you like 4 questions but I'll put it this way if there's something you'd like to tell the world either about like what? what do you want to do with your Tiktok something about big cat searchs anything like that like what would you just like to say. 17:39.30 lindsay Oh Man I Guess I would say just respects the power that animals have that ecosystems have that you know this whole entire planet has in you know the process of natural selection. And understands that there's a much bigger purpose than you and you are part of a very big purpose. 18:14.10 David That's a really good way to put it I think yeah, it's been awesome. 18:15.97 lindsay Thank you. 18:16.00 archpodnet That's a great way to end it. Yeah, thank you lindsy so before before we close out the show. Um, what are a couple sources. These could be books articles videost etc that you would recommend for anyone interested in zoology or the topics that we talked about tonight. 18:25.72 lindsay Yeah, um I am actually only just starting to read Charles Darwin origin as species. Um, so I'm recommending that just as a baseline of you know if you're just learning about it. Why not read the ideas of really the first person that published ideas of it. 18:44.22 David Share. 18:45.63 lindsay Um, I would also recommend my octopus teacher on Netflix it's pretty educational but I think it also just really has that magic of respecting ecosystems and understanding the the bigger you know mechanism of this. The way that ah the main guy talks about his experience. You know, interacting with this octopus is just incredible. So I would recommend that as well. 19:14.96 archpodnet And that documentary thing like screwed me up for like at least a week it was that was deep that was definitely better than the puff. The puffer fish thing definitely not the same. Ah. 19:17.33 David My friends that made him cry. Yeah I got to watch it. 19:18.82 lindsay Ah, yeah, yeah, yes. Um, definitely not the same. 19:29.85 David Um, ah so you're on ah Tiktok as Lindsey Nicole right or actually I'll just let you um, where can people find you I'll do it that way and like spell it out I guess. 19:35.49 lindsay Um, yeah. Yeah, you can find me on Tiktok at Lindsey Nicole L I N D S A Y and I k o l e and on Instagram with the same spelling but it's Lindsy. Underscore Nicole 19:54.90 David Okay, awesome I think we're friends on Instagram too. Yeah, cool. 19:57.36 lindsay Um, yeah, we are I do I made a deep sea coloring book. Um, it has 20 different deep sea specimens with tons of space to create a whole environment around them as well as. 19:57.73 connor Very cool did I Also see that you have a coloring book out. Okay. 20:05.16 David Buying it. 20:17.27 lindsay Handwritten informational messages about each species where you find them cool different qualities about them all wrapped up in a coloring book. 20:25.17 connor Cool and you will be able to find those that that link to that stuff to all her um her Tiktok her Instagram in the show notes so we will have that there. Um, once again, thank you so much for joining us. Um and because. 20:25.49 David Ah. 20:42.64 connor We are a life in ruins. We usually ask the question would you still choose to live a life in ruins. But I got and this time I actually prepared ahead of time to ask a question that's more relevant to you because our producer told me last time that I sound like a train wreck. So Lindsay so if. Given a chance again. Would you still choose to live a life studying big cats and making besties with Cyber Union tigers 21:04.64 lindsay Yes, absolutely. 21:07.82 archpodnet And excellent. Well everyone we just interviewed Lindsay Nicole you can find her on Tiktok and Instagram at Lindsay Nicole on Tiktok and at Lindsay Underscore Nicole on Instagram you can find all those in the show notes down below. 21:08.20 David Awesome. 21:21.96 David I just Amazon onec click and pull spot her coloring book as you were talking. So I think you guys should too I'll put a picture or put them on Instagram guys. Also yeah, no problem I say this every time to the audience some of you actually got into our Dms and are're not my Dms and said. 21:25.69 lindsay As of.. Thank you. 21:41.95 David That you did write and review the podcast you guys are true Kings The 3 of you that did it? Um, and I think there was a queen in there too. Ah either way, great people is what I'm trying to say we don't need to put any genders on it but ah keep doing that reate and review the podcast. It'd be great for us. Um. Just please do it and I will send you a sticker if you do it that seems ah to incentivize people. 22:03.30 archpodnet And to the folks that did leave reviews on Itunes. We have no way to figure out your address. Can you please email us at life and ruins podcast at http://gmail.com so we can fulfill David's spur the moment guarantee of receiving stickers. 22:08.47 David It. 22:15.17 David I don't want to buy stamps guys but I'll I'll send ah Lindsay. It's been great. This is actually one of my favorite episodes I think so um, yeah, no problem. 22:16.99 lindsay Um. 22:17.27 connor Um. 22:22.20 archpodnet This is great and and with that we are out. 22:22.49 lindsay Um, my God I'm honored. Thank you so much for having me. 22:30.72 David Sorry I always go off the handle without. 22:32.17 lindsay Is. 22:32.92 archpodnet So there's so now it's time for yeah, how do we introduce because so we do. There's like an easter egg at the end of the episode after the credits where Connor gives a shitty joke and what what did it? Chris said we need to introduce it better. 22:32.92 connor How how how do you want. 22:42.48 lindsay Ah. 22:45.70 connor Yeah, just so like it would be almost be funny if you like Connor do you have a crappy joke. Yeah or something like that. 22:52.10 archpodnet Okay I got I got it? Well, it's that time everyone for Connor's closer joke Connor what do you have for us today. 22:53.29 David Yeah. 23:05.45 connor So I wrote this myself so it's going to be terrible but it is biology related and archeology related. So so an archaeologist is walking in a field and trips over a mound of dirt unfortunately falls and breaks his neck. He passes away. Ah Rp very sad. It doesn't normally happen in the field. It's just a joke. Let me let me have it his coworkers want justice and ultimately find the animal that created the mound and arrested what did they charge the animal with. 23:41.28 David But. 23:44.40 archpodnet Ah, oh Jesus Conor thank you and a that we are out like I didn't know where we were going at that. 23:45.20 connor Involuntary manslaughter. 23:48.50 lindsay Um. 23:52.60 David That was complicated. 23:57.55 connor Um. 23:57.59 David Ah.