An Under-the-Weather Special - Ep 203

Anna is sick this week, so we've been unable to record new episodes. But rather than leave you hanging, we're releasing a lightly trimmed version of the latest episode of Old News. We've got human bone jewelry, the first Black Baptist church in colonial America, alleged art crimes, some seriously inclement weather, and more!

Old News is one of our monthly bonus episodes that comes with the Absolute Dirtbag tier over at, so head over there if you want to support the show and get access to FOUR YEARS' WORTH of bonus content.

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The Dirt Goes Site-Seeing - Ep 202

This week, Anna and Amber debut a new (occasional) series: Site-Seeing! There are so many archaeological sites out there, and some of them tend to overshadow others. In order to learn about and showcase some lesser-known sites, your hosts will each present a brief exploration of a site previously unknown to either of them. This time, we feature Djenné, an ancient city in what is today Mali, and Ban Chiang, in what is today Thailand.

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The Past Smells - Ep 201

Summer Blockbuster 3: Avatar - Ep 200

To wrap up our inaugural Summer Blockbuster series, Amber leads us on a mission to Pandora with Avatar (2009). Rather than exploration of the culture of the indigenous Na’vi population (or maybe in addition to), we’ll examine some of the philosophical underpinnings of the franchise and discuss the book that completely changed Amber's intellectual trajectory.

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Summer Blockbusters: Apocalypto - Ep 199