Peopling of the Americas

Conclusive evidence that Vikings arrived well before Columbus - Ep 242

On this week’s news episode we start with two stories about slavery. The first comes from the discovery of a 2000 year old child’s show found in an Austrian mine. The second is from Ghana and the discovery of Britain’s first slave fort in Africa. Finally, we learn about conclusive evidence of Vikings arriving in the Americas well before Columbus.





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Do Oral Histories Point to an EXTREMELY Early Arrival into the Americas? - Ep 232

On this news episode we start with a cool discovery in England and a great law that benefits everyone. Then we go to Spain and some very ancient burial practices. Finally, we look at one researcher that things oral histories, language, and genetics point to a massively early arrival of humans to the Americas.





Giant Hand Axes, Iron Age Textiles, and Ancient Oregonians - Ep 226

We’ve got three news stories for you today. First we go to England and find out just how big a “giant hand axe” is. Then we learn about textiles and jewelry from an Iron Age cremation burial. Finally, we’re honing in on the oldest human sites in North America with some new dates from a site in Oregon.





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