
Timelines: 210 BCE - Ep 180

In 210 BCE Qin Shi Huangdi, the self-proclaimed first emperor of China was laid to rest surrounded by a terra cotta version of his army and court. But what was going on at the same time in other places in the world? In this episode we talk about the terra cotta army in China. Then we move over to Europe/Northern Africa because the end of the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage was coming to an end at the exact same time. Finally, we take a look at the one of the first unified empires in India, the Mauryan.

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Muons and the Terracotta Army, Mesolithic Baby burial and Pseudoscience in Jordan - Ep 150

This week we discuss three very different archaeological news stories! First, archaeologists in China plan to use Muons to “see” inside the unopened and presumably un-looted tomb of China’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang. His tomb is protected by the famed Terracotta Army, but has remained unopened due to preservation concerns. The second article is about a European Mesolithic baby burial, and the great care with which she was buried. Finally, we head over to Jordan to learn about recent research that was twisted to “prove” the story of the city of Sodom in the Bible, and how this is dangerous pseudoscience that damages the archaeology of the area.





Decapitated burials, lava tubes filled with bones, and an ancient mint - Ep 134

In this week’s episode of The Archaeology Show, we take a look at 3 recent archaeology news articles. First, a Roman graveyard containing an unusually high number of decapitated burials, indicating they may have been executed criminals. Second, lava tubes in Saudi Arabia with thousands of bones deposited by hyenas representing many different animals, including humans. Finally, we discuss spade shaped coins made in a 2500 year old Chinese mint.





Ancient Beer, Stolen Stonehenge Stones, and an Ancient Chinese City - Ep 113

Welcome to another archaeology news episode! We have three stories to discuss this week. We start with what’s basically an ancient beer factory in Egypt. Then we travel to Stonehenge in England to talk about the origin of the inside circle of stones called the Bluestones. Finally, we look at an ancient Chinese City that archaeologists have spent many years excavation.

We discuss these articles from the perspective of an archaeologist to show how a skeptical and scientific perspective can clear up what journalists think is important about recent discoveries.



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Woodstock Archaeology and Paleolithic Life - Ep 74

It’s another recording from the former radio show at KNVC in Carson City Nevada. We talk about some recent articles in the news of archaeology.

