
Paleoanthropology Series Part 1 - Ep 208

We talk a lot about human origins, so we thought this would be a good time time to do an overview of paleoanthropology, and the human evolutionary tree. In this first episode of the series we start with some of the oldest human ancestors including Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Ardipithecus ramidus.





PROMO: Domestication and Human Brain Size with Stefan Milo - A Life in Ruins 105

The Archaeology Podcast Network is taking a bit of a break for October, 2022. In the mean time, we’re introducing you to some of the other fantastic shows that we produce. Here’s the “A Life in Ruins” Podcast with one of their more popular episodes. Enjoy!

On this episode of A Life In Ruins Podcast, we have our good friend and frequent collaborator Stefan Milo on the podcast. Stefan is in the process of researching for a video on human brain size, and we talk about what he has found. Researchers have noted a decrease in brain size in humans within the last 30,000 years. We take a deep dive into how brain size has changed throughout the evolution of the genus Homo and potential reasons for the decrease in brain size. We talk about the possibility of human self-domestication and the theories surrounding it.


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Laotian Jars, Oldest African Human Burial, and Saudi Arabian Stone Rectangles - Ep 122

This week we discuss three interesting archaeology stories in the news. First, new dating techniques are used to date Laos' field of jars. Then, we discuss the oldest known homo sapien burial found in Africa. Finally, excavations of mustatils in Saudi Arabia shed some light on what these structures were used for.



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