Attending an Archaeological Conference - Episode 33

Where DO archaeologists present there work? Conferences. Often, prior to an article publication, book, or other format an idea or research is presented at a professional conference. Sometimes, this is the ONLY place a site is talked about. How can you go to a conference? Do you need to be an archaeologist? Once you're there, how do you dress and act? All this and more on today's episode.


Field Schools, Not Just for Students - Episode 32

Interested in learning about archaeology or working at a fantastic site? Then a field school might be just the thing! Whether you want an extended working vacation, are starting your career, or are trying to figure out whether you chose the right major, an archaeology field school could be the answer. April and Chris talk about what to expect out of a field school, who can go, where they happen, and how much they cost.



On Museums with Chris and Paul - Episode 31

On today's episode, Chris and Paul sit on the National Mall in the middle of the United State's most prestigious museums. They talk about the current state of museums, what they like and don't like, and offer up some suggestions for the museum of the future.


The APN and Public Archaeology - Episode 30

It's a solo show today! I talk about the upcoming Arch365 season, other shows on the APN, and our membership system. I also talk about public archaeology and podcasts as digital preservation. This is the topic of my, Chris Webster's, paper at the 2017 AAA conference in Washington D.C.


Images of the Ice Age with Paul Bahn - Episode 29

Archaeologist and author Dr. Paul Bahn joins us on this episode to talk about the latest edition of his book, "Images of the Ice Age" from Oxford University Press. The book covers the history of rock art and rock art discovery mostly in Western Europe. This fascinating discussion will leave you thirsting for more rock art, and, wondering about the controversies mentioned at the end of the show!

Discount Code for Oxford University Press: AAFLYG6

