
Our Ruined Lives with Lana Ruck - Ep 16

Today’s podcast hostage is Lana...Lana...Lanaaaaaaa Ruck. Lana is a dual Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Anthropology and Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University, Bloomington. She works at Olduvai Gorge as a student researcher at the Stone Age Institute, and she is an avid science communicator through IU's science blog, ScIU (@sciublog).

Lana is a proud Texan, and got her B.A. in Anthropology at Texas Tech University and her M.A. at Florida Atlantic University. She has worked in Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Tanzania, focusing on stone tool technologies and toolmaking techniques. Lana is an interdisciplinary scientist and self-described "stone age neuroscientist."

Her research combines brain imaging techniques with experimental archaeology to explore how our uniquely-human system of technology, language, and cognition evolved. Unfortunately, Lana allowed Carlton to be one of her participants for her dissertation research, and we are very excited to spill the tea on how that disaster went.


