
Refining Archaeological Data Collection and Management - Ep 201

The February 2023 issue of Advances in Archaeological Practice highlights the efforts of people trying standardize and fix data management in archaeology. There’s a massive data problem in this field, from the collection of data to the longterm management of it. Michael Heilen and Shelby Manney organized SAA symposia and the issue linked below and are at the forefront of this effort. We bring them on to discuss what they’ve been up to in this space.






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Gamification of Education with RISC - Ep 181


We talk a lot about how to get archaeologists to learn more outside the field of archaeology in order to better understand archaeology. On this episode we talk to JD Calvelli from the University of Chicago's Center for Radical Innovation and Social Change (RISC) about gamifying the learning of data science. However, this isn't for adults; it's for 4th-6th graders! Adults are able to learn as well, though. Learn something new and do it in a fun way.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!

Connect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging

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The Problem of Archaeological Data with Dr. Peter McKeague - Ep 122

Every year archaeologists create a wealth of data through fieldwork and research that is essential to our understanding and interpretation of the past. Despite the geographic character of much of that record, we consistently fail to realise its potential. Site plans and detailed survey data are routinely locked into the pages of PDF reports. As a result plans fossilised in print cannot easily be reused alongside other datasets to improve our understanding of the past. There is often no consistency in how mapped data can be combined across projects to map the archaeological landscape. We need to wake up to opportunities digital transformation presents us as archaeologists in presenting our data to a wide audience. Dr. Peter McKeague joins us to talk about this problem.


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Disappearing Data with Keith Kintigh - Ep 92

On episode 91 of this podcast Paul and Chris talked about a recent article that discussed the "disappearing data" of archaeology. Where do data go when the project is over? Why isn't the government doing a better job of preserving the data?


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Preventing Data Loss - Episode 84

Data loss is one of the most terrifying things an archaeologist, or any scientist, fears. To have all that hard work, and sometimes un-replicable work, lost because of something that you could ultimately control is something we don't like to think about. But, we have to. Especially as archaeology goes more into the digital realm all field archaeologists have to think about how they are preserving and backing up their data not only in the field but at every step of the process. Paul and Chris talk about this problem and some possible solutions on today's episode.


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