Random Encounter Episode II - Ep146

Our special guest rolls a die and we pick a brief topic to discuss. Always steeped in roll-playing tradition, this game takes a cyberpunk setting.



Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


It's Unethical to NOT Go Digital - Episode 145

Going digital is, in Chris’ opinion, a morale and ethical imperative. We are the stewards of other people’s history and it’s our job to ensure their data are secure for as long as it takes. This quote regarding the destruction of the Brazil Museum in September of 2018 says it all:

Folks, there’s nothing left from the Linguistics division. We lost all the indigenous languages collection: the recordings since 1958, the chants in all the languages for which there are no native speakers alive anymore, the Curt Niemuendaju archives: papers, photos, negatives, the original ethnic-historic-linguistic map localizing all the ethnic groups in Brazil, the only record that we had from 1945. The ethnological and archeological references of all ethnic groups in Brazil since the 16th century… An irreparable loss of our historic memory. It just hurts so much to see all in ashes.
— Cinda Gonda

Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


Team Black - Getting a Job in Archaeology - Episode 144

It's a bit of a different show today. Chris talks about Team Black and what it's hoping to do for archaeology. From resources to webinars, there is a lot over there. The last half of this shorter episode is an example of a Team Black Webinar on getting a job in archaeology.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


Hotels on the Weekend and Fire Season - Episode 143

Sonia and Chris start the episode by discussing something we saw on Facebook - which is something no one should do! Anyway, should archaeologists get per diem on the weekends on long term projects? We have our opinions. We spend the rest of the episode talking about the rough fire season in the western U.S. and how to deal with smoke and fire's effects on archaeology.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


Competition Amongst Archaeologists - Episode 142

From academic positions to field positions to contracts archaeologists find themselves in a race to the bottom competing with each other in an already strapped industry. Why does this happen and how can we fix it? We toss out some of our ideas on this episode.

Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet
